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09-25-2009, 01:06 PM
After the engines are ruined, the cars are auctioned off to dismantlers.

Did you know you have to pay tax on the $4,500 the government "gave" you if you participated in the program? Due in April. FOBAMA.

Attachment shows some of the traded in cars. Big Word File.

09-25-2009, 03:25 PM
I was reading this story about some of the cars that were traded for the $4500.


Some enthusiasts would have paid many thousands of dollars for the rare 1987 Buick GNX destroyed under the program; only 547 were built. The nation’s supply of used Chevrolet Corvettes was thinned by 131, including 34 convertibles, and the program also liberated 22 Americans from the burden of owning a Peugeot.

09-25-2009, 03:28 PM
So somebody tell me again how the Gubmit increases economic value?

Rob Liebbe
09-26-2009, 08:30 AM
It is becoming evident to me that radical terrorists/muslims/pond scum have figured out that the way to destroy America is not by overt measures such as bombings, hijackings, etc. They figured out after the overt operations of 9/11 that America will falter on economic and political fronts. They created fear and an economic downturn that has weakened our manufacturing sector through reduced profits. One such example is the ludicrous 0% financing debacle undertaken by the auto manufacturers after 9/11 to help spur the economy. Financing is, actually was, a huge profit maker for the auto companies. Once they began the game of 0% "chicken", none of the big three would flinch and they all crashed. The ripple effect had been far-reaching.

Next, the destroyers figured out that they could implant one of their own into our politcal structure. Barack Hussein Obama - how could we be soooooo stupid. Wait, he charmed us (well not me) like a snake oil salesman and sold us a load of crap. They say that Osama Bin Laden is very charismatic as well. That is one of their tactics in recruiting. That said, the American public is generally stupid, lazy, greedy and gullable and fell for it hook line and sinker. Once in place, Obama and his "change" political recruitees from the Clinton era have managed to wreak havoc with the finances of this country and further weaken us. Cash for Clunkers sent 2/3 of the money to foreign auto manufacturers. Great plan there chief.

The UN meetings this week further scared the shit out of me when several of the destroyer nations embraced Obama and called him their "son". Islam on Capitol Hill was scheduled yesterday with an expected 50,000 Muslims holding prayer on the US Capital lawns while a another ceremony, the God an Country Rally, was denied US Government support in the form of an Air Force flyover for the first time in 42 years.

I am not usually a paranoid person, and have been the normal head in the sand American in the past. But I am on alert now. I fear for the survival of our country and our way of life.

---Did I type that out loud?----If you don't agree then that's ok---If you don't like America, then leave.

See you at the track.

Edited by RL - 7:45 pm, Sept. 26, 2009

09-26-2009, 11:43 AM
Liebbe-wan, wise he is.

09-26-2009, 07:55 PM
I can shoot shit in rapid succession in no less than 6 different calibers... Bring on the shit storm of taking our country back! I will be at the front line scratching names off my list to return us to the republic our country's creators started.

Todd Covini
09-26-2009, 10:45 PM
After just bailing out the US automakers and making us all part owners in GM and Mopar, it just seems un-American to not limit the C4C program to US automakers only.

Where did that get derailed? Wouldn't that be the logical start??

09-26-2009, 10:52 PM
Was it done to get junk poluters off the road or to help OUR car compaines? I thought it should have been the latter if at all.

I posted a long responce to Rob's post but I don't see it. Maybe I screwed up the post or some Lib removed it?


09-27-2009, 09:26 AM
Was it done to get junk poluters off the road or to help OUR car compaines? I thought it should have been the latter is at all.

I posted a long responce to Rob's post but I don't see it. Maybe I screwed up the post or some Lib removed it?

Any program the government starts nowadays turns into either some hairbrained eco stunt or some bow-to-the-UN backslide. I came to the US to get away from the BS eco-socialist crap - Oh, and so I could hook up with a cute chick from the midwest ;)

Rob Liebbe
09-27-2009, 03:25 PM
Was it done to get junk poluters off the road or to help OUR car compaines? I thought it should have been the latter if at all.

I posted a long responce to Rob's post but I don't see it. Maybe I screwed up the post or some Lib removed it?


I'd like to see your response Jerry.

09-27-2009, 05:22 PM
Was it done to get junk poluters off the road or to help OUR car compaines? I thought it should have been the latter if at all.

I posted a long responce to Rob's post but I don't see it. Maybe I screwed up the post or some Lib removed it?


I'd like to see your response Jerry.

My response would be the same as our founding fathers. What do you think they would say about where this country is?