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09-25-2009, 07:47 PM
With a new job often comes a new FREE phone. With the new FREE phone comes a new contact number. i will have my old number (old as in 6 months old) forwarded to the new number. please use the new number if at all possible.


09-25-2009, 09:33 PM
With a new job often comes a new FREE phone.

Free phones with new Jobs are great aren't they!? I hadn't had a new job in almost 10 years (although our company went through about 7 M&As over that time) and found I did not want to use the new phone at first - but FREE took over ;)

Although I read recently that the gov't is looking at ways to tax us on that as income!
Free phones with new Jobs are gonna suck aren't they?!!

09-25-2009, 09:50 PM
Well..we're always hiring. We get plenty of free stuff.

Free clothes, free food, free bed.

...and sometimes free travel. :shock:

David Love AI27
09-25-2009, 10:14 PM
Well..we're always hiring. We get plenty of free stuff.

Free clothes, free food, free bed.

...and sometimes free travel. :shock:

Take 48 year olds? SERIOUSLY...

09-25-2009, 10:31 PM
Well..we're always hiring. We get plenty of free stuff.

Free clothes, free food, free bed.

...and sometimes free travel. :shock:

Take 48 year olds? SERIOUSLY...
They turned me down 20 years ago...so did the Canadian military! I guess I just suck..maybe France would take me!
In Canada there is a legislated maximum duty-ready count during peace time (which Canada still says we are at...War on Terror? Nope we are all just one happy world) and I was going in at a level too high so they turned me down. Took a 17 year old cadet though :shock:
I was || that close to being a combat controller in the US military...but apparently Congress changed some arcane law having to do with needing to be naturalized in such and such a length of time which conflicted with some arbitrary INS (homeland now) rule that said the opposite.. Ask my wife about this one...she tells all the funny bits! I am still too bitter to tell it funny

09-25-2009, 11:31 PM
Well..we're always hiring. We get plenty of free stuff.

Free clothes, free food, free bed.

...and sometimes free travel. :shock:

Take 48 year olds? SERIOUSLY...

These days, they just might. :wink:

I've got a 40 year old working for me that has less than 2 years in service (used to be a sheriff).

09-26-2009, 04:10 AM
Well..we're always hiring. We get plenty of free stuff.

Free clothes, free food, free bed.

...and sometimes free travel. :shock:

been there, done that 10 years ago for 10 years. i didnt get a free phone, laptop or company car.