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Rob Liebbe
10-14-2009, 08:01 PM
This is still alive - barely...I'll get back to you soon.

Misty - call me when you get over the Ford GT high.

10-14-2009, 11:21 PM
I'm still in, let me know the details. I have about 1 weekends worth of tires that I need to destroy at some point.

10-15-2009, 07:39 AM

10-15-2009, 08:36 AM
Will call later

Rob Liebbe
10-15-2009, 09:00 PM
OK - Misty has called in and she would love to help us with Rookie Day/Weekend. Although I got very generous offer from two different tracks/venues, I just don't feel that we would be able to have a high enough car count to make it reasonably priced for the individuals.

So, what I propose is that we invade Misty's TWS track day event the weekend of Dec 12-13. Depending on the numbers we get to attend, Misty has agreed to either mix us in with another group or possibly give us our own run group. "Rookies" or any others wanting to learn about what we do as CMC/AI would be paired up with a "Veteran" for in-car instruction, lead-follow on the track, side-by-side drills, possibly some classroom discussion, Todd Covini's Evolution of a Pass demo (he doesn't know that he's being volunteered yet), bench discussion and just general question and answer sessions while we are not on track.

Cost would be the regular track entrance fee of $295 for the weekend for the "Rookies/Students".

What I need now is a list of who is interested in attending as a "Rookie/Student" and who is interested as a "Veteran".

The whole idea here is to help the newcomers with any questions or issues they may want help with: improve track comfort level, improve car prep, improve event prep, improve event knowledge, licensing, etc. I think we had an official mentor program 5 or 6 years ago, but quite honestly, everyone who has been around is more than willing to help the newer folks at any time during the events or on the forum and the official mentor program seemed to dissolve away out of lack of necessity. This will be an opportuninty for that help to be more focused than during a regular race weekend.

Respond here please so I can build the list.

10-15-2009, 09:07 PM
chassis tuning

10-15-2009, 09:16 PM
Rookie - All help needed!
I wasn't planning to do any more events until next year (trying to save cash for basically all new safety gear) but I would be on board for this, especially since it is in my backyard. It keeps the costs down for me as much as any track day could.

10-15-2009, 09:22 PM
vet; whatever is needed.

How about $250 for the weekend for AI/CMC rookies and future rookies?

10-15-2009, 09:23 PM
I'm in as a ole' rookie. It would be great help for myself and appreciate everyone's interest in bringing new (I didn't say young) racers along.

10-15-2009, 09:39 PM
How about $250 for the weekend for AI/CMC rookies and future rookies?

Misty r00lz!

Me = Rookie :D

I need a Zaino lesson from Wirtz 8)
CMC Wax-On Wax-Off

Todd Covini
10-15-2009, 10:01 PM
Veteran available.

Have Toy Cars will travel for EVO-A-P.
Speaking of Toy Cars, just got new Hankooks for the Focus and have 3 seats available and 8 bald BFG KDW's to burn up for on-track group "instruction".

New instructional game for the rookies....try to pass the FOCUS! :lol:

10-15-2009, 10:15 PM
Might have two Neons and an Audi that we can use for on track instruction, as well.

10-15-2009, 10:17 PM
I'd like to help out with this. Sounds like a good plan.

10-15-2009, 10:32 PM
Not available - I'll be @ PRI.

10-15-2009, 11:12 PM
I should be able to make it as a rookie/student.

10-16-2009, 01:07 AM
Not available - I'll be @ PRI.

How does one get invited to that? I need to take advantage of recent successes.

Vet...I can instruct on shitty car prep and beer drinking!

10-16-2009, 06:35 AM
Veteran in the following important areas:

101 - Image posting on the forums

All the tips and tricks you need to post images in threads without getting this:

Last edited by Todd Covini on Tue Oct 13, 2009 9:13 pm; edited 1 time in total

102 - Image posting on the forums

Tools needed that makes the posted image relevant or can at least be linked without any lame explanations

101 - Rules change submittal

The ins and outs (mostly outs) of submitting requests for rules clarification or changes

102 - Rules change submittal: When a simple "no" isn't good enough.

Dealing with the demeaning humilitation inflicted when the rules makers deny your requests

103 - Rules change submittal: Your request - denied; asked by someone else - approved

Dealing with the anger and frustration of requesting a rules clarification or change and having it categorically denied and seeing it approved when the same request is offered by some one with a red, kool-aid enhanced mustache.

101 - Keeping Forum threads on topic


10-16-2009, 09:03 AM
I most likely will not be able to do this, but if I can it will just for instructional purposes and with no car.

Rob Liebbe
10-16-2009, 09:55 AM
Mitch, you are recruited as Curriculum Director (and Grand Poobah).

Todd Covini
10-16-2009, 10:45 AM
I have an idea for a Grand Poobah uniform. :wink:

Rob Liebbe
10-16-2009, 10:57 AM
I have an idea for a Grand Poobah uniform. :wink:

Greeeaaaat! :roll:

David Love AI27
10-16-2009, 11:14 AM
Student (Check ECR results for verification)

Can I request Jason as my instructor?

I can Instruct in the following:

101 How to rebuild a race car at the track

I can bring the 27 car and do engine and tranny swap


101 Using track garage as a paint booth

David Love AI27
10-16-2009, 11:17 AM
Veteran in the following important areas:

101 - Image posting on the forums

All the tips and tricks you need to post images in threads without getting this:

Last edited by Todd Covini on Tue Oct 13, 2009 9:13 pm; edited 1 time in total

102 - Image posting on the forums

Tools needed that makes the posted image relevant or can at least be linked without any lame explanations

101 - Rules change submittal

The ins and outs (mostly outs) of submitting requests for rules clarification or changes

102 - Rules change submittal: When a simple "no" isn't good enough.

Dealing with the demeaning humilitation inflicted when the rules makers deny your requests

103 - Rules change submittal: Your request - denied; asked by someone else - approved

Dealing with the anger and frustration of requesting a rules clarification or change and having it categorically denied and seeing it approved when the same request is offered by some one with a red, kool-aid enhanced mustache.

101 - Keeping Forum threads on topic


103 - Image posting on the forums

Do's and don't for Avatars

11-11-2009, 10:23 AM
Bump. Y'all still up for this?

Event is open for registration. Go to http://www.clubregistration.net/. Create a profile and search for Texas World Speedway. Event date is December 12 & 13.

Have an event in 2 weeks, as well, if anyone wants seat time.

11-11-2009, 11:23 AM
Bump. Y'all still up for this?

Event is open for registration. Go to http://www.clubregistration.net/. Create a profile and search for Texas World Speedway. Event date is December 12 & 13.

Have an event in 2 weeks, as well, if anyone wants seat time.

I could probably be persuaded to show as a veteran.

11-11-2009, 11:33 AM
I guess you guys wouldn't want to teach a poor ol' ex-Mustang guy eh?

- KB, who really could use some passing tips/tricks :)

11-11-2009, 01:11 PM
Bump. Y'all still up for this?

Got retasked; man I wish I could - I need skillz.

ps- which is good for James because he let Gary get those banquet tix so I'll just have to beat him on HP and red-mist.

11-11-2009, 10:00 PM
I'm in if this makes. Some of you know me from TWS, a white '07 Mustang most recently in TTC.

I just need a little incentive to start cutting up the car (http://www.aicmctexas.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=3069&highlight=).

Rob Liebbe
11-11-2009, 10:06 PM
The Rookie Day is still on. I was waiting until about a month to go to start finalizing plans. I will get back with y'all before the weekend is over.

11-12-2009, 09:38 AM
screw you liebbe.

11-12-2009, 02:36 PM
public apology will be forthcoming

Rob Liebbe
11-12-2009, 02:50 PM
screw you liebbe.

What a jerk.


11-12-2009, 09:36 PM
My Mustang doesn't have a cage. Is that OK? I'm assuming that the side-by-side and passing practice will be at 80% but thought that I better confirm it with the CMC guys and Misty.

Rob Liebbe
11-14-2009, 03:29 PM
Back on this event....

The date is December 12/13 at TWS. Misty is going to work us into or around her groups. We will basically team our rookies with our own instructors and will be having bench discussions about racing, prep, parts lists, etc. as well as on-track help with lines, lead-follow, braking, passing, running door to door, etc. Beer drinking Saturday night. Driving will not be at full race pace, Saturday night drinking will be full throttle. Non-cage cars are welcome, all cars must pass TWS tech rules. Passenger seats and seatbelts or harnesses in rookie cars would be a big help.

The list of rookies expressing interest so far...

Wade Zimmer (CMC2 - blue Mustang)
Randy English (CMC2? - maroon/white Camaro)
Nick V (CMC1 - white 3rd gen Camaro)
Eddie Rock (new Mustang?)
Kbrewmr2 (time trial director - AI/CMC future convert)
HoustonNW - Wayne (2007 Mustang TT car)
Jason Love (3rd gen Camaro CMC1)

I have not heard from Chuck Penny or Gary Roberts

Veterans who have said they would help out...

Liebbe (Fox Mustang CMC1)
Michael Mosty (Fox Mustang CMC2)
Glenn Landrum (4th gen Camaro CMC? - CMC Regional Director)
Misty Cain (Head Track Goddess)
Todd Covini (no car - AI National Director)
Jeff Wirtz (3rd gen Camaro - Current CMC1 Champion)
Matt White (New Edge AI Mustang - all around bad boy)
James Proctor (4th gen Camaro - Current CMC Champion)
David Love (?)

I need final yes or no from everyone.

The rookies need to decide if they are going to make this or not. If so, please register with Misty at TWS http://www.clubregistration.net/. I believe there is special pricing for this group of $250 for the weekend instead of the normal $295. Thanks Misty!!! Veterans will register differently with me and Misty.

Once you have registered, I will work with you to pair with a veteran who will then work with you for the weekend.

The purpose for the weekend is to help our current rookies and help others realize that AI/CMC Texas is where they want to race.

I'm looking forward to this event, hope to hear from everyone soon. I can be reached on my cell at 281-413-1948 if you have any questions.

Rob Liebbe

11-14-2009, 03:42 PM
I'll register next week (after payday) - thanks so much for allowing me in! 8) Looking forward to learning more about and getting more comfortable with passes

11-14-2009, 09:50 PM
I am definitely in. Would like to be with a Fox guru if any of the veterans will own up to such a distinction. The car is supposed to be ready, or as ready as it ever will be, so I just need help not doing anything stupid!

(PS: my passenger seat is about 15" wide. Sorry in advance! Mosty fits though!)

11-14-2009, 10:39 PM
Sign me up for the Rookie Group!

I can't have a passenger in the racecar (unless you can hang on to a petty bar REAL tight)... but the street car will work if need be.

11-14-2009, 10:50 PM
I'm in and will be there with bells on. awesome and thanks to all the vets for wanting to spend time with us rooks.

11-15-2009, 01:08 AM
I'm in also.

I still have a stock interior with 3-point seatbelts and CG-Locks on both sides so you don't slide around too much!

I've been time trialing on Nitto Extreme 555RII's. Maybe I should have some CMC/CMC2 legal tires for the rookie day. Does anyone have some RA1's for sale?


David Love AI27
11-15-2009, 04:29 AM
Sign me up for the Rookie Group!

I can't have a passenger in the racecar (unless you can hang on to a petty bar REAL tight)... but the street car will work if need be.

Rookie?!? A wolf in sheep's clothing...

11-15-2009, 09:58 AM
I am definitely in. Would like to be with a Fox guru if any of the veterans will own up to such a distinction. The car is supposed to be ready, or as ready as it ever will be, so I just need help not doing anything stupid!

(PS: my passenger seat is about 15" wide. Sorry in advance! Mosty fits though!)
Wade, I'll be sure to bring a cushion so I can see over the dash.

11-15-2009, 12:20 PM
Hahah good plan!

11-15-2009, 12:53 PM
Tentivly planning on Saturday only. Don't mind paying full cost for one day. Should know 100% next week after plans at work are finalized.

Al Fernandez
11-15-2009, 12:59 PM
Awesome guys. I'll be up there, though from the list there are plenty of better drivers to coerce into showing you how to go fast. Its going to be a fun time.

Sat. night plans?

11-15-2009, 04:46 PM
I'm planning to be there. Don't know if I will be in the race car or the Lightning.


11-15-2009, 11:40 PM
Rob, thanks for setting this event up.

My work schedule is not looking good. I am still working on clearing my schedule for this event.


11-15-2009, 11:47 PM
I'm planning on being there. I will just let you guys decide if I should be a rookie or vet. I feel like I'm gonna get a lot just by being on the track in the middle of the group with everyone. With or without someone in the car with me.

11-16-2009, 08:55 PM

11-16-2009, 09:12 PM
If I can get a new set of hides for the MazdaSpeed 3 - will try to make one day (most likely Sunday).

11-16-2009, 09:56 PM
Would love to do this -either me, Kyri or us both- but not sure we can make it that weekend. Gonna be at least this weekend before we can decide for sure.

11-16-2009, 09:59 PM
I plan on being there and having a passenger seat in my car for rides.

Rob, have you got some sort of "classroom" plan so we can kind of prep for what we are going to school these rookies on? If it's gonna be around a cooler of beer and a grill full of brats....you KNOW I'm in!!!!

Rob Liebbe
11-19-2009, 09:41 PM
Failure to listen to veteran instructions will have to answer to The Wirtzenator. :roll:


11-20-2009, 11:10 AM

no passenger seat unfortunatley, petty bar style cage with ballast, cool shirt, etc in the way. I guess I could ratchet strap Covini in the car if we had to :lol: :wink: I'll have my Traqmate going as a substitute for in-car instruction though :)

looking forward to it, let me know how much Shiner I need to bring for Sat. Night :shock:

11-20-2009, 02:03 PM
Still trying to plan around work for this outing. Hopefully will know soon!!


12-01-2009, 09:38 AM

Rookies, if you have not signed up, please do so.

Vets, if you plan on attending, please tell me or Rob.

12-01-2009, 10:11 AM
i plan on attending, but likely w/out the car.

12-01-2009, 10:20 AM
Also, if you need a hotel room, Manor House does a cheap special for TWS participants. I also have lots of floor space at my house. Lemme know if you need it.

12-01-2009, 10:28 AM
I am not going to be able to make it.

12-01-2009, 10:30 AM
I plan on attending and will be there with much more PAH!! wer.

12-01-2009, 10:44 AM
Registered. Picked up the 'ole 15" Kirky from storage to throw back in the passenger side! SUCK IT IN BOYS!

12-01-2009, 10:45 AM
Also, if you need a hotel room, Manor House does a cheap special for TWS participants. I also have lots of floor space at my house. Lemme know if you need it.

Dibbs on my usual spot. ;)

Hoping to have the axles back in my car and checking brake pad inventory tonight. Most likely headed down late thursday night. If I don't have my car ready, dibbs on the 5spd Neon! That fugger is fun!!!

12-01-2009, 11:08 AM
Jay and I are planning to make it. With all the rain we did not get much track time in the new car at ECR. Still on 888's though.


David Love AI27
12-01-2009, 11:18 AM
Jason signed up and should be in the Rookie group... Hopefully, I won't crack another set of rotors at MSR this weekend, so he will have a car to drive.

I know that there is some hard feelings about my comments over the last few weeks, so I will stay out of the way and crew for Jason. I will be available, if needed.

12-01-2009, 11:26 AM
Also, if you need a hotel room, Manor House does a cheap special for TWS participants. I also have lots of floor space at my house. Lemme know if you need it.

Dibbs on my usual spot. ;)

Hoping to have the axles back in my car and checking brake pad inventory tonight. Most likely headed down late thursday night. If I don't have my car ready, dibbs on the 5spd Neon! That fugger is fun!!!

that Neon with some decent tires on it might pair up nicely with my car - bring it out! 8)

Rob Liebbe
12-01-2009, 03:43 PM
OK - I'm compiling the final list of attendees and veterans. I'm also starting to think about what we need or want to cover in "class" and on track. I think the best way is for everyone to pm me with your final yes or no on attendance - although it is somewhat up to date on this thread, pm me what you would like to see covered or achieved on the weekend. I will put together a bullet point list and then we will go from there.

Thanks for the reminder Misty.

12-01-2009, 05:08 PM
Also, if you need a hotel room, Manor House does a cheap special for TWS participants. I also have lots of floor space at my house. Lemme know if you need it.

Dibbs on my usual spot. ;)

You might have to fight someone for it. Apparently, it's in demand. :twisted:

12-01-2009, 05:48 PM
Also, if you need a hotel room, Manor House does a cheap special for TWS participants. I also have lots of floor space at my house. Lemme know if you need it.

Dibbs on my usual spot. ;)

You might have to fight someone for it. Apparently, it's in demand. :twisted:

That had to HURT.


12-01-2009, 05:55 PM
Also, if you need a hotel room, Manor House does a cheap special for TWS participants. I also have lots of floor space at my house. Lemme know if you need it.

Dibbs on my usual spot. ;)

You might have to fight someone for it. Apparently, it's in demand. :twisted:

That had to HURT.


inside joke and it's just sort if fun fucking with u guys.... Anyone for karoake?!

Rob Liebbe
12-01-2009, 07:01 PM
inside joke and it's just sort if fun fucking with u guys.... Anyone for karoake?!

If MFW tries to karoake "These Boots Are Made For Walkin'" or Todd tries anything Elvis - I'm shooting both of them.

12-05-2009, 12:19 PM
So Rob...got any ideas on what we are going to be covering or working on out on track?

How about plans for Saturday night dinner somewhere? Rudy's BBQ?

Todd Covini
12-05-2009, 12:30 PM
YEAH!!! Who's in charge of this shin-dig?
Event schedule?
Skills / proficiencys covered?
Driver assignments?
Attendance list?

Let me know how we can help.
(My toy EOAP racecars are packed away in moving boxes though.)

Rob Liebbe
12-05-2009, 09:50 PM
I'm supposed to be working on this....it was my bright idea.

Dinner is not my responsibility, but Rudy's sounds like a good idea.

This is what I have so far. The event will work into Misty's schedule. I envision that we will be at the TWS driver's meetings in the mornings, we will be assigned a run group (may or may not be our own - that's up to Misty - I expect about 12-13 cars on track from our group at a time), in between runs we will have informal group meetings to talk about various topics (partially listed below).

Track activities are not to be run as races. I believe that we will be able to practice passing and side by side training at a reduced/safe pace. I will finalize this with Misty and her track crew. Hopefully our reputation is good with them. However, they have the authority and we will abide by their requirements. I will also reserve the right to discipline as required. Be on your best behavior there NO TROPHIES, not even medallions.

Each of the Rookies will be assigned a Vet who will work with them both on and off the track to answer questions and help with on track exercises/practice. I envision an informal approach to the weekend.

As for attendees, we ended up with almost equal Rooks and Vets, below are the assignments. Some are requests, and the others I tried to match vehicle type and class when possible.

Rookie / Assigned Vet
Nick Valentin / David Love
Wade Zimmer / Michael Mosty
Randy English / Al Fernandez
Eddie Rock y / Matt White
Kbrew / Glenn
HoustonNW / Jeremy Gunter
Sam Crumpacker / David Donovan
Gary Roberts / Covini
Jason Love Wirtz/Liebbe

The topics below are what have been requested by the Rooks and also suggested by the Vets. They are listed in no particular order.

Racing line v open track line
slower cars and faster cars
initiating passes
how to be defensive
racing line vs. HPDE line
introduction to passing/being passed
proper racing "behavior" and attitude
car maintenance schedule
what to look for (wheel bearings, ball joints, etc)
The Start
Think 2 turns ahead
Study the guy in front, not in your mirror
Never give up
Weaknesses/common breakages on various cars
Parts to bring to the track
Tools to bring to the track
Stuff to bring to the track
Race weekend schedule
Different Track info

I will be calling some of the vets to get help with covering these.

If you are coming to tune/test/get seat time in your car, it might be best to sign up in one of Misty's regular groups. However you are absolutley welcome to run in the AI/CMC group.

Todd, I will bring some cars for your demo, they won't be as cool as yours though.

Sorry I haven't been completely on top of this, work has been pretty crazy lately.

I hope that the Rooks get the info and instruction they need or want, and I think we are all going to have a good time.

Feel free to call me at 281-413-1948 with any comments or questions or errors in the attendee list.

updated 12/6 2:55 pm

12-05-2009, 09:57 PM
I'm supposed to be working on this....it was my bright idea.

Dinner is not my responsibility, but Rudy's sounds like a good idea.

This is what I have so far. The event will work into Misty's schedule. I envision that we will be at the TWS driver's meetings in the mornings, we will be assigned a run group (may or may not be our own - that's up to Misty - I expect about 12-13 cars on track from our group at a time), in between runs we will have informal group meetings to talk about various topics (partially listed below).

Track activities are not to be run as races. I believe that we will be able to practice passing and side by side training at a reduced/safe pace. I will finalize this with Misty and her track crew. Hopefully our reputation is good with them. However, they have the authority and we will abide by their requirements. I will also reserve the right to discipline as required. Be on your best behavior there NO TROPHIES, not even medallions.

Each of the Rookies will be assigned a Vet who will work with them both on and off the track to answer questions and help with on track exercises/practice. I envision an informal approach to the weekend.

As for attendees, we ended up with almost equal Rooks and Vets, below are the assignments. Some are requests, and the others I tried to match vehicle type and class when possible.

Rookie / Assigned Vet
Nick Valentin / David Love
Wade Zimmer / Michael Mosty
Randy English / Al Fernandez
Eddie Rock y / Matt White
Kbrew / Glenn
HoustonNW / Misty
Sam Crumpacker / David Donovan
Gary Roberts / Covini
Jason Love Wirtz/Liebbe
Jay Jordan / Liebbe (if needed)

The topics below are what have been requested by the Rooks and also suggested by the Vets. They are listed in no particular order.

Racing line v open track line
slower cars and faster cars
initiating passes
how to be defensive
racing line vs. HPDE line
introduction to passing/being passed
proper racing "behavior" and attitude
car maintenance schedule
what to look for (wheel bearings, ball joints, etc)
The Start
Think 2 turns ahead
Study the guy in front, not in your mirror
Never give up
Weaknesses/common breakages on various cars
Parts to bring to the track
Tools to bring to the track
Stuff to bring to the track
Race weekend schedule
Different Track info

I will be calling some of the vets to get help with covering these.

If you are coming to tune/test/get seat time in your car, it might be best to sign up in one of Misty's regular groups. However you are absolutley welcome to run in the AI/CMC group.

Todd, I will bring some cars for your demo, they won't be as cool as yours though.

Sorry I haven't been completely on top of this, work has been pretty crazy lately.

I hope that the Rooks get the info and instruction they need or want, and I think we are all going to have a good time.

Feel free to call me at 281-413-1948 with any comments or questions or errors in the attendee list.

Jay can't make it but I need all the help I can get so put me down for his spot. I have ask Wayne to attend as I can use his help also.


12-05-2009, 10:02 PM
chassis tuning

did this get lost in the shuffle?

12-05-2009, 10:08 PM
This is a two day event?


Rob Liebbe
12-05-2009, 10:15 PM
chassis tuning

did this get lost in the shuffle?

Nope - you're last post on Dec 1 stated that you would be attending but most likely without a car. I assigned you as a vet with a rookie - basically as an instructor. Let me know if you are not available for this.

Jerry, this is a two day event. I will edit the previous post to remove Jay. He's a puss anyway. 8)

Todd Covini
12-05-2009, 10:18 PM
Great start Rob and I'm sure that panel of Veterans will be stepping on each other to provide more and more info to the rookies.

If you can structure the day so that we cover agenda items chronologically that would help...maybe even assign a lead person to cover that topic, and let the others chime in. (With this group, if there isn't a lead person designated it can be tough to compete for air time. :-)

Al, Glenn or I can also summarize the key action items as a NASA member as well as key activities (flow) on any given AI/CMC race weekend. (expectations for driver meetings, paddock, grid, warm up laps, race start, race finish, impound, volunteerism, etc. etc. :lol:

I see an inaugural AI/CMC tradition in the works!!! This an awesome way for the greenest of green rookies to ask questions and get familiarized in a no-pressure safe environment!

Thanks Rob & Misty for putting it on!

-=- T

12-05-2009, 10:27 PM
my post was more about the topic, not me. sorry.
i would also like to add "How to Properly Submit NASA/Toyo Paperwork to a NASA AI/CMC Official".

David Love AI27
12-05-2009, 10:33 PM
i would also like to add "How to Properly Submit NASA/Toyo Paperwork to a NASA AI/CMC Official".

Where do I sign up for that course?

Rob Liebbe
12-05-2009, 10:38 PM
my post was more about the topic, not me. sorry.
i would also like to add "How to Properly Submit NASA/Toyo Paperwork to a NASA AI/CMC Official".

Gotcha. I'll add chassis tuning to the list and volunteer you as the instructor for that session.

Rob Liebbe
12-05-2009, 10:39 PM
i would also like to add "How to Properly Submit NASA/Toyo Paperwork to a NASA AI/CMC Official".

Where do I sign up for that course?

It's a 12 step program.

Oh yeah I'll add that to the list as well - Glenn's instructing it.

David Love AI27
12-05-2009, 10:47 PM
i would also like to add "How to Properly Submit NASA/Toyo Paperwork to a NASA AI/CMC Official".

Where do I sign up for that course?

It's a 12 step program.

Oh yeah I'll add that to the list as well - Glenn's instructing it.

Step 3. Make a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of LAW... I mean.. GOD

12-05-2009, 10:58 PM
Step 3. Make a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of LAW... I mean.. GOD

Hey ... how'd I get drug into this?

12-05-2009, 11:03 PM
Thanks for pulling this together Rob. Looks like it is going to be a fun weekend.

I know this is a long shot, but any of the TurdGen guys have a seat that could mount to the stock location for the passenger side of my car, let me know. I think I still have a spare set of belts to use.

Rob Liebbe
12-05-2009, 11:03 PM
Step 3. Make a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of LAW... I mean.. GOD

Hey ... how'd I get drug into this?

LAW or GOD - which complex do you have Mitch?

David Love AI27
12-05-2009, 11:04 PM
Step 3. Make a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of LAW... I mean.. GOD

Hey ... how'd I get drug into this?

you may be "out of sight", but never "out of mind" :wink:

Todd Covini
12-05-2009, 11:10 PM
Guys...stop calling me GOD....I told you, I prefer "Todd".

Regarding Mitch...

I left my baby and it feel so bad
Guess my race is run
She's the best girl that I ever had
I fought the LAW and the law won.

Rob Liebbe
12-05-2009, 11:15 PM
Judging by the string of recent posts, Glenn, Mitch, David Love, Todd, Wirtz, Jerry Jordan and myself have nothing better to do on a Saturday night than lurk on this forum. :roll:

Oh, and it is now officially 15 minutes past my bed time. :cry:

David Love AI27
12-05-2009, 11:18 PM
Thanks for pulling this together Rob. Looks like it is going to be a fun weekend.

I know this is a long shot, but any of the TurdGen guys have a seat that could mount to the stock location for the passenger side of my car, let me know. I think I still have a spare set of belts to use.

I have stock tracks and a seat, I'll put something together for you.

David Love AI27
12-05-2009, 11:21 PM
Judging by the string of recent posts, Glenn, Mitch, David Love, Todd, Wirtz, Jerry Jordan and myself have nothing better to do on a Saturday night than lurk on this forum. :roll:

Oh, and it is now officially 15 minutes past my bed time. :cry:

UT and Nebraska... defensive game

Todd Covini
12-05-2009, 11:21 PM
Judging by the string of recent posts, Glenn, Mitch, David Love, Todd, Wirtz, Jerry Jordan and myself have nothing better to do on a Saturday night than lurk on this forum. :roll:

Oh, and it is now officially 15 minutes past my bed time. :cry:

There are no bedtimes on Saturday nite....it's not a school nite!
"More Merlot, pleaze."

12-05-2009, 11:22 PM
Judging by the string of recent posts, Glenn, Mitch, David Love, Todd, Wirtz, Jerry Jordan and myself have nothing better to do on a Saturday night than lurk on this forum. :roll:

Oh, and it is now officially 15 minutes past my bed time. :cry:

Watching UT lose. :D

12-05-2009, 11:30 PM
Judging by the string of recent posts, Glenn, Mitch, David Love, Todd, Wirtz, Jerry Jordan and myself have nothing better to do on a Saturday night than lurk on this forum. :roll:

Oh, and it is now officially 15 minutes past my bed time. :cry:

Watching UT lose. :D

They tried to lose.

David Love AI27
12-05-2009, 11:35 PM
Judging by the string of recent posts, Glenn, Mitch, David Love, Todd, Wirtz, Jerry Jordan and myself have nothing better to do on a Saturday night than lurk on this forum. :roll:

Oh, and it is now officially 15 minutes past my bed time. :cry:

Watching UT lose. :D

They tried to lose.

ROFLMAO.... wild finish

12-05-2009, 11:39 PM
worked all day. 8am to 8pm. surfed the net while driving to Austin and back.
was in Little Rock Thrusday/Friday.

David Love AI27
12-05-2009, 11:39 PM
Those Rookies need to be at the AutoX in CS, 7:00am... I'll bring donuts..

12-05-2009, 11:48 PM
you forgot Gunter on the Rookie list....or I wasted 6 hours fixing his car today....

Misty also says vets need to register as instructors www.clubregistration.net search tracks, TWS yadda yadda....sign up ASAP porfavor.

12-05-2009, 11:49 PM
you forgot Gunter on the Rookie list....or I wasted 6 hours fixing his car today....

Misty also says vets need to register as instructors www.clubregistration.net search tracks, TWS yadda yadda....sign up ASAP porfavor.

is that for Vet's who are bringing cars or just all Vet's?

12-05-2009, 11:53 PM
you forgot Gunter on the Rookie list....or I wasted 6 hours fixing his car today....

Misty also says vets need to register as instructors www.clubregistration.net search tracks, TWS yadda yadda....sign up ASAP porfavor.

is that for Vet's who are bringing cars or just all Vet's?

Please register for official lists... car or not.

Todd Covini
12-06-2009, 12:01 AM
you forgot Gunter on the Rookie list....or I wasted 6 hours fixing his car today....

Misty also says vets need to register as instructors www.clubregistration.net search tracks, TWS yadda yadda....sign up ASAP porfavor.

Signed up but didn't get to choose the AI/CMC group and now says I'm pending. Must be a Misty/Matt thang... :-)

Pls make sure I'm where I need to be and don't need anything further.

David Love AI27
12-06-2009, 12:12 AM

12-06-2009, 09:26 AM
my post was more about the topic, not me. sorry.
i would also like to add "How to Properly Submit NASA/Toyo Paperwork to a NASA AI/CMC Official".

Did I screw mine up?


12-06-2009, 11:05 AM
sort of. but there are many folks who do it. its a problem.

12-06-2009, 12:00 PM
Signed up but didn't get to choose the AI/CMC group and now says I'm pending. Must be a Misty/Matt thang... :-)

Pls make sure I'm where I need to be and don't need anything further.

You will need the 2010 AI rules in hand for entry at the track....gate rep has explicit instructions to toss you if you don't!!! :twisted:

Rob Liebbe
12-06-2009, 03:58 PM
updated my post on p. 5 to add Jeremy Gunter as an instructor/vet.

12-06-2009, 06:48 PM
CW or CCW this next weekend?

12-06-2009, 07:31 PM
it said in the registration info. i cant remember.

12-06-2009, 08:29 PM
TWS Motorsports Performance Driving School - December 12 & 13, 2009 with Texas World Speedway
12/12/09 - 12/13/09
Location Texas World Speedway

Event Description Two day driver education event. Track direction will be 2.9 CW. Price is $195 for one day and $295 for two days. Garages are $25 per day.
We will start at 8am and end at 5pm for this event. Driver's meeting will be at 7:45am. Look for emails with more information after you are registered.

Rob Liebbe
12-06-2009, 08:47 PM
I need e-mail addresses from the following folks please. PM or email to liebbe@ceimail.com. Thanks.

David Love
Michael Mosty
Al Fernandez
Matt White
David Donovan

David Love AI27
12-06-2009, 09:18 PM
I need e-mail addresses from the following folks please. PM or email to liebbe@ceimail.com. Thanks.

David Love
Michael Mosty
Al Fernandez
Matt White
David Donovan


12-06-2009, 10:12 PM
The topics below are what have been requested by the Rooks and also suggested by the Vets:

* introduction to passing/being passed
* proper racing "behavior" and attitude
car maintenance schedule/what to look for
* The Start
Think 2 turns ahead
Study the guy in front, not in your mirror
Weaknesses/common breakages on various cars
Parts/Tools/Stuff to bring to the track
Chassis Setup/Tuning

I'm hoping you guys will post up any written material that comes out of this. I narrowed the list to what my "top 10" would be and highlighted the couple/few that I would be focusing on initially were I there.

I'm only missing it because of a prior engagement - I would LOVE to be there. Really sounds like it will be a VERY valuable event.

I know it's track time and all for you too but, thank to the Vets for continuing to help bring the new folks along.

Rob Liebbe
12-06-2009, 11:12 PM
Sorry you won't be there. I'll put "The virtue of gasoline vs diesel" on the list.

David Love AI27
12-06-2009, 11:35 PM
I'm hoping you guys will post up any written material that comes out of this. I narrowed the list to what my "top 10" would be and highlighted the couple/few that I would be focusing on initially were I there.

I'm only missing it because of a prior engagement - I would LOVE to be there. Really sounds like it will be a VERY valuable event.

I know it's track time and all for you too but, thank to the Vets for continuing to help bring the new folks along.

Jason and I would be happy to spend a weekend with you at TWS... lemme know...

12-07-2009, 07:57 AM
The topics below are what have been requested by the Rooks and also suggested by the Vets:

* introduction to passing/being passed
* proper racing "behavior" and attitude
car maintenance schedule/what to look for
* The Start
Think 2 turns ahead
Study the guy in front, not in your mirror
Weaknesses/common breakages on various cars
Parts/Tools/Stuff to bring to the track
Chassis Setup/Tuning

Just one day? I would pick two ... maybe three and stay focused.

When Covini breaks out his toy cars, we spend 30-45 minutes talking about who has "the line"... just the line!

Don't get ambitious, be realistic. Make what you discuss stick.

Also, make sure the guy in the right seat and the guy standing in front of the class are on the same page. That was my biggest beef with NASA was I was teaching one thing in the DE1/2 classes and the in-car instructors were telling them something else.

Now ... what would be cool was if each of you (us) rooks and vets, took one of those topics and held a tailgate session throughout the year. Everyone walks away from a "Todd Talk" nodding their heads with better understanding.

12-07-2009, 08:08 AM
2 days.

12-07-2009, 12:16 PM
Have decided to leave car at home...found a cracked torque arm and the brakes just don't feel right...no need to have a big problem and cause carnage.

However, I will probably be driving Misty's 5spd neon so if you can't keep up or get passed by it....lesson #18 will be how to improve your Golf swing! ;)

12-07-2009, 01:10 PM
When Covini breaks out his toy cars, we spend 30-45 minutes talking about who has "the line"... just the line!
Don't get ambitious, be realistic.
Make what you discuss stick.

Agree with you about the tailgates, Mitch.

Open minds and feedback good.

David Love AI27
12-07-2009, 01:32 PM
Open minds and feedback good.

here's a subject for you , Rob:

Open minds and feedback vs closed minds and bitching..

no reply required.. I ALREADY KNOW what part I play in this problem

12-07-2009, 02:17 PM
wow, you guys are really selling me hard on AI/CMC pairing me with THE Glen Landrum :shock: :D

If I can't learn to race better from that guy I think I might have to take up golf instead

12-07-2009, 02:25 PM
If I can't learn to race better from that guy I think I might have to take up golf instead

Some of Doc Robertson tequila helps too.

12-07-2009, 02:50 PM
wow, you guys are really selling me hard on AI/CMC pairing me with THE Glen Landrum :shock: :D

If I can't learn to race better from that guy I think I might have to take up golf instead

I was actually thinking that YOU pissed someone off to draw "THE Glenn Landrum"....hope his helmet fits in that MR2! LOL! ;)

12-07-2009, 02:55 PM
oh the pain......
please, no more......

Ken, hope I can help.

Rob Liebbe
12-07-2009, 03:07 PM
MR2??? We'll have to use the jaws of life to get Glenn out, he's very tall ya know. :lol:

12-07-2009, 03:22 PM
MR2??? We'll have to use the jaws of life to get Glenn out, he's very tall ya know. :lol:

Tall like a bobble-head doll!!!! LOL!!!

12-07-2009, 04:07 PM
I don't have a passenger seat and one will not fit - petty bar, ballast, and cool shirt in the way. Maybe its best the biggest/tallest guy does get paired with me :lol:

I'll have video + traqmate going as a substitute though - but I think the most help will come with having some people to practice what is preached in the classroom :)

12-07-2009, 04:28 PM
we can pile into the G8 if we need to turn a few laps together.

Rob Liebbe
12-07-2009, 05:04 PM
This weekend is shaping up just fine for the 1st ever Rookie Day.

I want to make sure that everyone is signed up with TWS and that they are the ruling authority. So make sure you have all of their requirements fullfilled - registration, vehicle tech, protective gear, etc.).

Misty and TWS have been gracious enough to give us our own run group, let her know how much you appreciate it.

I am in the final stages of preparing the on and off track schedule, topics and drills. Thanks to all who made suggestions, offered to help, and to the vets who are going to be recruited to give presentations/lead discussion (they don't all know about this yet).

I have arranged for nice weather
Your welcome. :)

I will be forwarding information to everyone either tonight or tomorrow. I look forward to seeing you all this weekend.

12-07-2009, 05:53 PM
Rob, we attended a rookie weekend together way back in 2005. We really havent had once since. I want to thank you for taking the lead w/ this and doing such a good job thus far.
Thanks in advance. For the next week, "You Da Man!"

Rob Liebbe
12-07-2009, 09:14 PM
Rob, we attended a rookie weekend together way back in 2005. We really havent had once since. I want to thank you for taking the lead w/ this and doing such a good job thus far.
Thanks in advance. For the next week, "You Da Man!"

Oh - yeah - I remember that. :cry:

Rob Liebbe
12-07-2009, 09:17 PM
To the Rookie or Vet who requested that we cover "Different Track info", please pm me and let me know what you meant or wanted to gather/learn. I took it one way, but it has been suggested that it may mean something else. Please let me know so it can be covered properly. Sorry, I couldn't find the post or e-mail and can't remember who sent it - no offense. 8)

Todd Covini
12-07-2009, 10:36 PM
we can pile into the G8 if we need to turn a few laps together.

SVT Focus vs Puntiac G8!!! WooHoo!

Glenn do rides in the G8 get a complimentary "I wanna be a Rockstar" DVD?

-=- Todd

PS - Speaking of DVD's, many thanks to Donovan Racing I'll bring 2009 Texas AI/CMC Season Recaps for any rookies who did not receive them.

(Matt...the rules will be out by then, so fret not.)

12-08-2009, 08:49 AM
we can pile into the G8 if we need to turn a few laps together.

SVT Focus vs Puntiac G8!!! WooHoo!

I want in on this. I'm pulling the race car with the 03 Lightning. I want a match race between the SVT Focus, the G8, and the SVT Lightning.


12-08-2009, 09:01 AM
(Matt...the rules will be out by then, so fret not.)

Why would I fret? You're the one that will be locked out! :lol:

Rob Liebbe
12-08-2009, 09:18 AM
we can pile into the G8 if we need to turn a few laps together.

SVT Focus vs Puntiac G8!!! WooHoo!

I want in on this. I'm pulling the race car with the 03 Lightning. I want a match race between the SVT Focus, the G8, and the SVT Lightning.


Don't make me bring the Crown Vic and kick all your asses!

Al Fernandez
12-08-2009, 09:25 AM
You guys are all doomed 'cause I'm bringing my S197. muahahahaha

Guys, I dont know if you realize this, but we're going to have 18 drivers attending this Rookie Day weekend. 18!! Thats damn near normal race weekend roster. Absolutely tremendous.

12-08-2009, 09:44 AM
Fantastic! Looks like a great weekend.

I will do my best to get there to meet and greet everyone but the car is not together just yet.

Look forward to see everyone.

Bill Griffin
GriffTech Motorsports

Rob Liebbe
12-08-2009, 09:55 AM
Rookies and Vets,

I have made no plans or discussions with Misty about garage spaces and I don't know who has signed up for any. I wasn't planning on getting one this weekend. Misty has made arrangements for us to use the media room for our meetings, so I didn't think it was necessary to coordinate garage spaces. However, if at all possible, can you group those of use who reqistered for garage spaces together? If not, I understand.

More information to the entire group regarding schedule and content soon.

12-08-2009, 10:00 AM
we can pile into the G8 if we need to turn a few laps together.

SVT Focus vs Puntiac G8!!! WooHoo!

I want in on this. I'm pulling the race car with the 03 Lightning. I want a match race between the SVT Focus, the G8, and the SVT Lightning.


Don't make me bring the Crown Vic and kick all your asses!
I'll bring the T/A and burn you all to the ground!! :twisted:
Wait, maybe that is me that would burn.....ok, the T/A will NOT make the trip. :oops:

Rob Liebbe
12-08-2009, 10:36 PM
Rookie Day Info is Here!!!!!!!

After months (ok a few days) of constant (at night) hard work, I can finally release the plan for Rookie Day.

As you know, this is not really a school, or a licensing day, or a race day. This is simply a way for the vets to give back to the rookies after ignoring them for a couple of years. This is not a NASATX event, it is friends helping out friends and a good excuse for a little non-competitive, low pressure fun on the track. We may all learn a thing or two as well.

I'd like to thank those who have helped me so far, those I recruited to help this weekend without asking them, those who volunteered to do anything needed, and especially Texas World Speedway and Misty Cain for their outstanding support. I would also like to thank Harris Hill Raceway for their intial offer to host this event.

This weekend's goal is to help the rookies with discussions and track activites related to racing as opposed to HPDE events. I've assumed that everyone knows how to drive a race track and are at least somewhat familiar with TWS. We won't necessarily be covering the driving basics, but rather trying to relay experience and help develop skills and knowledge for those who are moving into wheel to wheel racing.

We will structure the days similar to a driving school with topic discussions followed by on track practice. The discussions will be presented by the veterans and are not meant to be exhaustive, but thought starters with a good amount of information tacked on. Each discussion will have time for questions and comments.

On track activites are not races. We will be running at a good pace, but have to be mindful that this event is a TWS Perfomance Track Day and not a NASA race weekend. Certain restrictions apply, and TWS is the authority. I have already discussed our intentions and we have an understanding that we can do passing and side by side work if we do it in a safe manner. Misty will keep us in line.

I have attached an Adobe file which includes attendees and their Rookie/Veteran assignments, a rough schedule of meetings and track sessions and a discussion list with bullet points. This is a good starting point and it is somewhat agressive in the volume of material to cover. Therefore, I will be trying to keep things moving during our meetings and will be as rude as I need to be to do so. But, feel free to talk about almost anything at anytime with any of the veterans throughout the weekend. I will bring printed handouts of this file or you can bring your own.

I look forward to this weekend - I'll be there late Friday evening - see you there.

Rob Liebbe

ps - I have not seen the TWS schedule for this weekend, but please note that all participants must register, tech any car going out on track, and do all the things TWS requires for their events. We will have our own run group. The first Rookie Day meeting will be immediately following the TWS Driver's meeting in the Media Room next to the Pro Shop. All of our meeting will be held in the Media Room directly after each of our driving sessions.

12-08-2009, 10:50 PM
Rob - That looks fantastic....very well done.

What time is the TWS driver's meeting Sat Morning?


Bill Griffin
GriffTech Motorsports

12-08-2009, 11:18 PM
Does someone want to film the classes for those that cannot be there and for future rookies?


Rob Liebbe
12-09-2009, 08:50 AM
Rob - That looks fantastic....very well done.

What time is the TWS driver's meeting Sat Morning?


Bill Griffin
GriffTech Motorsports

TWS Driver's meeting is at 7:45 am on Saturday. Get there early to register, unload, buy me a donut, etc.


12-09-2009, 09:06 AM
Rob... I think this is awesome stuff.... and I wished I could have participated. Nice work.

Rob Liebbe
12-09-2009, 09:31 AM
Rob... I think this is awesome stuff.... and I wished I could have participated. Nice work.

Sorry you can't make it. See you in January.

12-09-2009, 01:09 PM

I am thinking of attending. What else can you do for me?

12-09-2009, 01:16 PM

Sounds like a great event, sorry I cannot make it. Thanks for all your work for the group.


Rob Liebbe
12-09-2009, 02:27 PM

I am thinking of attending. What else can you do for me?

Chris Who?

12-09-2009, 04:28 PM

12-09-2009, 05:56 PM
guys.... i have to bail. see my "hotel" thread for an explanation. sorry for the short notice. hope you all have a good time and learn alot - rookies and vets alike.

Rob Liebbe
12-09-2009, 06:01 PM
That Sux. I sent you an e-mail as well. See you in January.

Rob Liebbe
12-09-2009, 06:43 PM
Here is an update to the assignments and discussions/schedule to reflect Glenn's bail.

I don't see why Glenn can't run on Saturday, leave a little early, work 7pm to 1am, drive back to TWS and run on Sunday as well. What a wimp. 8) We'll talk about you behind your back, Glenn.

Kbrew has a new instructor, and some rearranging of vet discussion topics. See the attached file.

12-09-2009, 06:46 PM
i can do that, its the also leaving home at 4:30am Monday for a week in NY that is too much.

12-09-2009, 11:47 PM
Rob, nice work. If I had an engine I would be there. FMR

Al Fernandez
12-10-2009, 09:24 AM
If I had an engine
I would drive it in the morning
I would drive it in the evening
all over this laaaaand

12-10-2009, 10:21 AM
i'm considering coming down Friday and leaving Sat around 2-3pm. no Sunday for sure.

12-10-2009, 10:36 AM
Leaving from Dallas around 6 pm or so if anyone wants to drive together.

12-10-2009, 11:32 AM
I was planning to leave early in the AM on Sat. and pull the race car with the Lightning but Sat. is going to start out wet and stay cool all day if the forecast is correct.


It's just a lot of work to bring the RV for one night but a place to get out of the weather may make it worth it.


12-10-2009, 12:07 PM
that weather forecast is why I'll pay for a garage every time at TWS unless the price just gets too far out of hand :lol:

12-10-2009, 05:05 PM
I'm looking forward to the weekend!!
Got the cam install finished last night. Had the distributor 180 off and had a LOUD backfire. :shock: Got timing, fuel pressure, etc. set so I should be good to go.

Tonight I'm going to change the oil, check brakes, re-install transponder and window net, and fix a header gasket leak.
My goal is to pull out of Dallas around 3:30 and be at the track by 7:00.
If any dinner plans pop up tomorrow night please give me a ring on the cell, 972-897-1424.

See y'all tomorrow!!

Rob Liebbe
12-10-2009, 08:44 PM
Got the cam install finished last night. Had the distributor 180 off and had a LOUD backfire. :shock:

Better bring a spare power valve.

12-10-2009, 09:02 PM
so much for Toyota reliability - my stupid piece of shit won't start. Hope it doesn't need a part, or if it does I sure hope its one of the parts thats identical to the Camry :?

tired of effing with it for tonight, I'm too skinny for this cold & wind crap

Todd Covini
12-10-2009, 10:13 PM
guys.... i have to bail. see my "hotel" thread for an explanation. sorry for the short notice. hope you all have a good time and learn alot - rookies and vets alike.

I knew as soon as he heard the Focus would be there he'd bail.
Everyone hates getting beat by a Focus...G8's now included. :lol:

Todd Covini
12-10-2009, 10:15 PM
so much for Toyota reliability - my stupid piece of shit won't start. Hope it doesn't need a part, or if it does I sure hope its one of the parts thats identical to the Camry :?

tired of effing with it for tonight, I'm too skinny for this cold & wind crap

Ken...we can help you find a good CMC car for sale. They don't start from the time you load them on one race day until you unload them to go racing on the next event....but that's by choice!!! :-)

12-10-2009, 10:17 PM
guys.... i have to bail. see my "hotel" thread for an explanation. sorry for the short notice. hope you all have a good time and learn alot - rookies and vets alike.

I knew as soon as he heard the Focus would be there he'd bail.
Everyone hates getting beat by a Focus...G8's now included. :lol:

as usuall, your about 12 or mores hours behind. must be the focus.

12-10-2009, 10:30 PM
Todd - eh, let the stupid thing let me down a few more times... might bite then :wink: might be waiting a while though. Of the 5 seasons I've had one dnf (tire issue), and one "stupid car won't make the event" deal. And it still *might* make it, I'm just sick of messing with it for now

Rob Liebbe
12-11-2009, 08:30 AM
Dammit - I stop worrying about Rookie Day for one day and the weather forecast turns crappy for Saturday!

Now I have to worry about whether I should bring the race car with no heat or windows, or the street car with passenger seat, defroster, heater and full tread tires.

Be prepared for a bone-chilling day on Saturday. Oh - and by the way, the media room where we will be having our meetings is not heated, but it is dry.

See you this evening.

12-11-2009, 10:39 AM
so much for Toyota reliability - my stupid piece of shit won't start. Hope it doesn't need a part, or if it does I sure hope its one of the parts thats identical to the Camry :?

tired of effing with it for tonight, I'm too skinny for this cold & wind crap

Ken...we can help you find a good CMC car for sale. They don't start from the time you load them on one race day until you unload them to go racing on the next event....but that's by choice!!! :-)

Skip smith has an 2 mistangs for sale, AI & CMC

12-11-2009, 11:19 AM
Dammit - I stop worrying about Rookie Day for one day and the weather forecast turns crappy for Saturday!

Now I have to worry about whether I should bring the race car with no heat or windows, or the street car with passenger seat, defroster, heater and full tread tires.

Be prepared for a bone-chilling day on Saturday. Oh - and by the way, the media room where we will be having our meetings is not heated, but it is dry.

See you this evening.

Pussy. I was in a track Miata yesterday for 45 minutes in a T-shirt and sweater... Pussy ass tintop racer.

12-11-2009, 11:25 AM
is there a link to the cars for sale?

12-11-2009, 12:07 PM
is there a link to the cars for sale?

Quick, somebody shut down the LAW.

12-12-2009, 11:10 PM
All I can say is thanks to Rob and the vets for taking their time to do this. The first rainy Saturday of the Rookie Weekend was more fun than ... (insert your favorite phrase here.)

One might assume that the rookies were having all the fun. However the current scorecard, as I remember it, is:

Vets lead Rookies 2:1 in number of offs (actually about 8:4 or 10:5)
Vets lead Rookies 1 to zero in number of ignored black flags (I'm way too new to name names)
Vets and Rookies are tied at 1 "extraction" each (both S197 Mustangs, black and white)

So maybe the Vets were actually having more fun? 8)

Misty came in at the end of the day and mentioned that the AI/CMC group had most of the offs and all of the "extractions", (one being mine for full disclosure!)

Unfortunately I needed to come home tonight and missed the BBQ and beer, but tomorrow should be better conditions and will probably guarantee that I can't wait to join the group and will start "cutting up" the S197 over the holidays.

Funny, the wife has already given me permission, I'm the one that just_can't_quite_do_it. Go figure.

12-13-2009, 03:49 PM
will start "cutting up" the S197 over the holidays.

Funny, the wife has already given me permission, I'm the one that just_can't_quite_do_it. Go figure.

To paraphrase Cat Stevens - The first cut is the hardest ;)

12-13-2009, 05:28 PM
well i hope you guys day went better than my night.

got on site at 6:30pm and left at 7:40am. counting drive tme, it was 5:30pm to 8:40 am. slep in till 2:30. gotta pack for my trip to NYC. i'll be there all week. i'll be in the hotel most every night board to death. if anyone wants to chat about series stuff, i have time (DL?).

12-13-2009, 08:44 PM
so how did today go?

eveyone feel better about next year after this past weekend?

12-13-2009, 09:13 PM
To say that today was awesome would be an understatement! We ran one 30 minute session in the morning and two 20 min in the afternoon. The track was drying in the morning, and dang near dry in the afternoon. I think that some of that 7/10's might have been 8/10's. I'm just sayin. We did a simulated rolling race start with a bunch of rookies and rookie wanna be's and it went great. LOTS of side by side drills, and even some slow moving/blocker type scenarions (thanks DD/Miata!) I didn't talk to anyone that wasn't thoroughly pleased with the way that everything went. Gunther and Mosty were great about runnning me around the track, as were Chudpacker (LOL) and Kent (where'd he come from!).

Weekends like this... IS WHY _I_ BECAME INVOLVED WITH AI/CMCTEXAS. Thanks Everyone :-)

David Love AI27
12-13-2009, 09:21 PM
This discussion was omited because we lost a morning session. I composed this myself and it has not been "approved" by any NASATX official. It is strickly my views. I was hoping that open discussion would correct any errors.

12-13-2009, 09:55 PM
What a freakin' awesome weekend. Huge thanks to everyone who had a part in putting this on. Especially Misty for giving us our own run group and letting us do these drills.

I had a blast. I am feeling great about going in to next year. So much good advice to process in my head, and so much intense track time drills to think back on. (Who let that Focus out on track??) :lol: I actually liked the fact that 60% of the weekend track time was wet. If anything hammers in car control, it's running on a wet surface. Sheesh!

Best group of racers anywhere!!

Todd Covini
12-13-2009, 10:12 PM
Fear the Focus!!! 8)

I had a blast on Saturday and loved running with you guys. (Wish I could make it back today...the Xmas party went a little long.)

Really proud of our rookies for running in the rain...it was a great learning experience and built confidence for when you were in the dry, I'm sure.

The information dumps with our "panel of experts" were totally cool. It was so beneficial that we COULD take the time to explain everything to the 1st timers, which on a race weekend really gets rushed along.

It was awesome to discuss drills/norms, and then go out on track and actually do them!
1) "Drive straight off." Randy & others showed us the benefits of that vs. the bad things that can happen if you try to correct. :lol:
2) "One car width" and rules of the road. I gave Wade a good scare on the inside and I'm so glad he knew to move over, use every bit of road and be smooth.

Over 20 people participating in the Rob Liebbe Rookie Day, multiple new people coming into both AI & CMC....some not even on our radar until today...and I'd say it was a HUGE success.

I hope the veterans didn't ramble too much trying to explain stuff. I was really pleased at how it all worked, though. I think Rob Liebbe's Rookie Day should be an annual Fish Camp for all AI/CMC newcomers!

-=- Todd

PS- David L - Great writeup on your impression of the corner workers. I wish I saw you and your topic on Saturday...good stuff!

12-13-2009, 10:56 PM
Thanks to Misty. It was very Misty. Some of ya'll Mist a fun event. :D

First and foremost thanks to Misty and Rob for putting this all together. And huge thanks to ALL the vets for making it enjoyable. The nice casual and relaxed classroom sessions worked well with the weekend schedule. People jumping in with their own thoughts/views/strategies/stories was great.

At first I was not liking the wet conditions. However, after that first session, I figured this weekend was actually the IDEAL time to run in the rain/wet/damp/fog. No pressure, able to try different things, follow MULTIPLE people. All things a normal race weekend would be crammed into one practice session.

Even if not every year, doing this every other year would be awesome and well worth it. That way there would be more 'new' participation and it wouldn't get stale. I had a blast playing this weekend.

Here's some pics from the last session, click on pic for full size...
Sorry for the crappy quality/fuzzy ones, maybe Santa will bring me a new camera for Christmas

12-14-2009, 09:42 AM
I would like to first thank everyone for letting me play and sit in this weekend. I did learn that the corner-stations do become slightly difficult to see when you are fending off and trying to set up for those in front :).

Even if I do not have the car readied for CMC *or AI in its current state since it needs a few little things* I plan to try to make it out to crew, help, and generally hang out. I still have some obligation to a co-driver in Autox too for this year.

Again, I had a blast and hope I wasnt too much of a road block on track :).

12-14-2009, 09:58 AM
Another "thank you" to everyone that helped put on the weekend, especially Rob and Misty for all the extra work. I had a blast and hope everyone learned something.

Attached are some of the car prep sheets I mentioned I use. I have made these over the years with a couple of different cars. If your inclined to use it, go ahead and modify it to suit the intervals you like, and add and remove line items based on your experience for what needs attention.

The first sheet is my prep checklist. I print it after an event and use it to make sure I cover the basics for the car. I then on the right side of the list write out any changes or upgrades I do. Then it goes into my cars binder so I have a running record of when I did what.

The second sheet is again one I made up for chassis setup. Some of the info does not really apply to a CMC car (like spoiler settings, or ratio changes) but I some of my cars in the past all this was changable so I tracked it. I typically print this out every couple of events to go through the alignment.

Al Fernandez
12-14-2009, 01:44 PM
I feel like we had an actual race weekend...it was just that cool. This is definitely going to become an annual deal. It was tremendous fun and everyone got a lot out of it at the same time...win/win.

Thanks to all the veterans that shared so much off track and on, and of course to Rob and Misty for making it happen.

I talked to Shannon on my way home...she was very impressed and happy that we had such a big turnout.

12-14-2009, 10:21 PM
Just wanted to join in the thanks for a great weekend. Had a blast in the red TA. Thinking about trying to make my car a little louder though. Any ideas?

12-14-2009, 11:45 PM
Even though I was only able to attend Saturday morning, the experience was invaluable. I'm so glad that Jerry invited me. I hope it does become an annual event so that I can participate for the entire weekend. I'll also be trying to attend some NASA events in the coming year.

Thanks to all,

12-15-2009, 09:21 AM
Thinking about trying to make my car a little louder though. Any ideas?

Uh, maybe a Jake Brake (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jake_brake)? :wink:

Al Fernandez
12-15-2009, 10:01 AM
Thinking about trying to make my car a little louder though. Any ideas?

Thats funny. You could put some funny car style zoomies on it! :lol:

David Love AI27
12-15-2009, 10:46 AM
Even though I was only able to attend Saturday morning, the experience was invaluable. I'm so glad that Jerry invited me. I hope it does become an annual event so that I can participate for the entire weekend. I'll also be trying to attend some NASA events in the coming year.

Thanks to all,

We need to talk to Steve Mulder and find out where he got the boom tube... It may be worth going back to slightly modified stock exhaust... with a single boom tube out the passenger side, like Steve's

Rob Liebbe
12-15-2009, 01:48 PM
From my point of view, I thought Rookie Day turned out pretty damn well. There was GREAT discussion and information exchange in the classroom sessions and we didn't even get to all the topics. The on-track sessions turned out very well despite the rain. Actually the rain probably helped a bunch as it kept speeds down and caution up as well as being a very good learning experience. The dry sessions couldn't have gone better with big positive responses on side-by-side, passing, mirror, and starting formation drills. It seemed like everyone got a lot more comfortable running in traffic and in close quarters at a fairly high speed throughout the weekend. Those who attended jumped several rungs up the learning curve ladder. Those who weren't able to make it definitely missed out. However, the format is setup now and we should be able to repeat this fairly easily if needed or wanted.

Thanks to everyone who helped out, spent their time and effort to come out as vets, rookies and track officials. I would especially like to thank TWS management, Misty Cain, TWS corner workers, and TWS EMS and tow truck operators for their hard work and support. See y'all at the next Rookie Day (date tbd :) ).

Please feel free to post here, e-mail me, or call me with any postivite or negative thoughts, comments, suggestions, etc. as feedback for improvements.

cell 281-413-1948

12-15-2009, 01:51 PM
Thanks again for your help in organizing this Rob, it was a fantastic weekend all around! :D

12-15-2009, 02:19 PM
We need to talk to Steve Mulder and find out where he got the boom tube...

I believe it was a place called Thrash in San Antonio.

It's made from heavy gauge steel and is a heavy SOB. Be prepared with lots of hangers.

12-15-2009, 02:29 PM
Rookie Day turned out AWESOME! Big thanks to all the Vets for the helpful advice and wheel to wheel "practice". The mock start was a great idea too... before saturday I didnt realize the pace car runs 2 different speeds during the formation lap (scrub tires vs form up). I always thought I was scrambling to catch up then finally caught everyone near the start.

Looking back, I wish I would have paid for the weekend instead of trying to work and do rookie day at the same time. I spent alot of time working with green students and not enough time chatting with you guys. Oh well... see you in Jan!

David Love AI27
12-15-2009, 02:52 PM
I spent alot of time working with green students and not enough time chatting with you guys. Oh well... see you in Jan!

That was planned... You already passed me enough in 2009... you don't need any more practice...

12-15-2009, 02:56 PM
Thanks again to everyone who set this up, and to the vets for taking the time and interest in developing the rookies. W2W is where it is at. I do not think I could ever go back to running DE's, at least with not the same adreline and excitement.
The rain driving definetly improved speeds on Sunday, when the track got drier.
2010 will be an exciting year for me personnaly, as well as getting to each of you more.
thanks again.

12-15-2009, 03:15 PM
Thanks again to everyone who set this up, and to the vets for taking the time and interest in developing the rookies. W2W is where it is at. I do not think I could ever go back to running DE's, at least with not the same adreline and excitement.
The rain driving definetly improved speeds on Sunday, when the track got drier.
2010 will be an exciting year for me personnaly, as well as getting to each of you more.
thanks again.

Dude ... you are seriously hooked ... :wink: :lol:

12-15-2009, 03:37 PM
Thanks again to everyone who set this up, and to the vets for taking the time and interest in developing the rookies. W2W is where it is at. I do not think I could ever go back to running DE's, at least with not the same adreline and excitement.
The rain driving definetly improved speeds on Sunday, when the track got drier.
2010 will be an exciting year for me personnaly, as well as getting to each of you more.
thanks again.

don't overlook Time Trials as a stepping stone between DE and Racing :wink: 8)

David Love AI27
12-15-2009, 03:42 PM
Thanks again to everyone who set this up, and to the vets for taking the time and interest in developing the rookies. W2W is where it is at. I do not think I could ever go back to running DE's, at least with not the same adreline and excitement.
The rain driving definetly improved speeds on Sunday, when the track got drier.
2010 will be an exciting year for me personnaly, as well as getting to each of you more.
thanks again.

don't overlook Time Trials as a stepping stone between DE and Racing :wink: 8)

Absolutely.. a year to setup the car and time to build cage and add safety equipment... I think AICMC should be inviting ALL the TT guys to Sat. nite tomfoolery and let em climb in the cars and check things out...

12-15-2009, 04:14 PM
I'd be down for that :shock: 8)

12-15-2009, 05:37 PM
Thanks again to everyone who set this up, and to the vets for taking the time and interest in developing the rookies. W2W is where it is at. I do not think I could ever go back to running DE's, at least with not the same adreline and excitement.
The rain driving definetly improved speeds on Sunday, when the track got drier.
2010 will be an exciting year for me personnaly, as well as getting to each of you more.
thanks again.

don't overlook Time Trials as a stepping stone between DE and Racing :wink: 8)

Absolutely.. a year to setup the car and time to build cage and add safety equipment... I think AICMC should be inviting ALL the TT guys to Sat. nite tomfoolery and let em climb in the cars and check things out...
I did - right Ed!? ;)
They have their own Saturday night ...hmmm...tomfoolery ;) Tequila out the nose is hilarious to watch but painful - Mike Z and Frank together could be quite a pair :shock:
Seriously though, the TT group is a great bunch...even the import and 'vette guys :twisted:

David Love AI27
12-15-2009, 06:09 PM
Seriously though, the TT group is a great bunch...even the import and 'vette guys :twisted:

AMEN!! we are all the same, drivers that want to go fast... 'cept those Focus drivers that WISH they were driving a Neon..

12-15-2009, 06:12 PM
we are all the same, drivers that want to go fast....

very much so - wish this was a bit more prevalent!! 8)

12-15-2009, 08:05 PM
Thanks again to everyone who set this up, and to the vets for taking the time and interest in developing the rookies. W2W is where it is at. I do not think I could ever go back to running DE's, at least with not the same adreline and excitement.
The rain driving definetly improved speeds on Sunday, when the track got drier.
2010 will be an exciting year for me personnaly, as well as getting to each of you more.
thanks again.

Dude ... you are seriously hooked ... :wink: :lol:

All I asked for Christmas was JEGS gift cards. My family thinks I have lost it.
Never got the chance to run TT's, but that would be fun as well. May give that a try this year as well.

12-18-2009, 10:08 PM
Even though I was only able to attend Saturday morning, the experience was invaluable. I'm so glad that Jerry invited me. I hope it does become an annual event so that I can participate for the entire weekend. I'll also be trying to attend some NASA events in the coming year.

Thanks to all,


Do you want the phone number for Skip Smith? He is the guy that has the Mustang CMC car for sale.


David Love AI27
01-03-2010, 06:23 PM
I am helping my daughter move to Kentucky this week and jason is working on Saturday, so we won't be making the dyno day. :( :( :(

David Love AI27
01-03-2010, 06:25 PM
I am helping my daughter move to Kentucky this week and jason is working on Saturday, so we won't be making the dyno day. :( :( :(

sorry wrong thread... don't have my glasses on :shock: