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01-31-2011, 07:59 PM
They will be posted soon if not already. I'll post a link here once I figure out what it is.
Please look them over very well. This is a new system and it is likely it will have errors. CMC in particular will need to look it over as our points scale is different from the default found in the CCR.

02-01-2011, 09:29 AM
My Laps data is up.

02-01-2011, 01:11 PM
The only thing I need to get is how you guys assign pole points for inverted races.

What we do for points is a national deal and all the regions use the same software. No worries, CMC is just like the other 10 regions and it calculates perfect there.... :D

02-01-2011, 01:18 PM
The only thing I need to get is how you guys assign pole points for inverted races.

What we do for points is a national deal and all the regions use the same software. No worries, CMC is just like the other 10 regions and it calculates perfect there.... :D

Pole Points are only for the qual sessions. There is no qual for R2/R4.

02-01-2011, 01:30 PM
Here they are... calcs should be good, but please check for accuracy of results of any DQ, driver changes, etc.

https://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=0AjBDOVYhA7dZdDNYNGxOTW5tcnlGdmZQVXJua2pWY 1E&hl=en&single=true&gid=0&output=html

02-01-2011, 01:35 PM
Quick question, not trying to start any trouble but because my contact resulted in Wade losing a position and Jeremys did not result in Dave losing a position, is that why i got DQed and he did not?

02-01-2011, 03:25 PM
Quick question, not trying to start any trouble but because my contact resulted in Wade losing a position and Jeremys did not result in Dave losing a position, is that why i got DQed and he did not?

No. Your's was a textbook "punt". Punt's in the CCR dictate a stiffer penalty.

Todd Covini
02-01-2011, 03:41 PM
Awesome job getting a regional points system up and running, Dave!
One less thing the series directors need to worry about and it's cool to see how the other series points are shaping up!!!

-=- Todd

02-01-2011, 03:48 PM
Here they are... calcs should be good, but please check for accuracy of results of any DQ, driver changes, etc.

https://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=0AjBDOVYhA7dZdDNYNGxOTW5tcnlGdmZQVXJua2pWY 1E&hl=en&single=true&gid=0&output=html

I would like to see a column added for the pole points. It could be hard to double check if issues arise.

02-01-2011, 06:58 PM
I will feedback to national office and see if it can be added.

02-01-2011, 07:02 PM
I will feedback to national office and see if it can be added.

Surely we are not the only class that awards points for pole position.

02-01-2011, 07:13 PM
Which one of the cake eaters paid the extra money to get Spec 944 listed first??? :D

02-01-2011, 07:22 PM
Do i get style points for doing it by the book? :twisted:

Al Fernandez
02-02-2011, 08:56 AM
Which one of the cake eaters paid the extra money to get Spec 944 listed first???

:lol: Dont numbers come before letters when you sort? Its 944Spec not Spec944 :wink:

David Love AI27
02-02-2011, 11:06 AM
Quick question, not trying to start any trouble but because my contact resulted in Wade losing a position and Jeremys did not result in Dave losing a position, is that why i got DQed and he did not?

No. Your's was a textbook "punt". Punt's in the CCR dictate a stiffer penalty.

Isn't a "punt" considered and INTENTIONAL move to gain position????

02-02-2011, 11:17 AM
25.4.2 Punting.
The term “punting” is defined as nose to tail (or side-of-the-nose to side-of-the-tail)
contact, where the leading car is significantly knocked off of the racing line.

27.10 The Punt
Whenever a driver makes nose-to-tail (or side-of-the-nose to side-of-the tail) contact that
causes the lead car to spin, or otherwise leave the course, it is considered that the
trailing car “punted” the leading car. In almost all cases the trailing car is at fault and is
usually disqualified. There may be some argument, in some cases, that the contact was
only a light tap, and the leading driver did not have enough experience to control the
slight deviation of the back end of his car. While this may be a valid argument, this is not
a valid excuse. Drivers should be reminded that even the slightest tap on the bumper of
a car driven by a rookie might result in a crash.

Todd Covini
02-02-2011, 03:21 PM
Which one of the cake eaters paid the extra money to get Spec 944 listed first??? :D

You do realize that I'm now being shown 2nd Overall. 8)

-=- Todd

David Love AI27
02-02-2011, 04:07 PM
25.4.2 Punting.
The term “punting” is defined as nose to tail (or side-of-the-nose to side-of-the-tail)
contact, where the leading car is significantly knocked off of the racing line.

27.10 The Punt
Whenever a driver makes nose-to-tail (or side-of-the-nose to side-of-the tail) contact that
causes the lead car to spin, or otherwise leave the course, it is considered that the
trailing car “punted” the leading car. In almost all cases the trailing car is at fault and is
usually disqualified. There may be some argument, in some cases, that the contact was
only a light tap, and the leading driver did not have enough experience to control the
slight deviation of the back end of his car. While this may be a valid argument, this is not
a valid excuse. Drivers should be reminded that even the slightest tap on the bumper of
a car driven by a rookie might result in a crash.

Glenn was correct,,, "textbook"... way to go Jason, at least you got it right...

02-02-2011, 04:55 PM
at least I do something in life by the book. Even when its the wrong thing to do haha

03-03-2011, 08:32 PM
Here they are... calcs should be good, but please check for accuracy of results of any DQ, driver changes, etc.

https://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=0AjBDOVYhA7dZdDNYNGxOTW5tcnlGdmZQVXJua2pWY 1E&hl=en&single=true&gid=0&output=html

Is there any way to save this to a local drive as an .xls? Save target saves as an .htm

I've only figured out to only select all, copy and paste into a new one.