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View Full Version : 2011 Round 2 - MSR-Cresson + Official Saturday Night

02-14-2011, 05:47 PM
I told Dave I was going to register early and I am a man of my word!
Done! Of course having a co-driver that can step in at a moment's notice and whoop yer butts, makes me very brave...that and the couple shots of Crown I just took...;) It must be the Crown 'cause everyone knows I don't trash talk ;)

Anyway, let's get this one planned out! Its very likely Sgt. Rock's last weekend with us for a while (it sounds strange to type, but I am hoping he has surgery...) and we need to do this up right!

I'm planning to bring the smoker and have 2 briskets, 6 racks of ribs and I'll load up as many spuds as I can fit!
Got a bottle of Crown (a new one...'cause this one is about done) and if my wife comes out some Patron - she's allergic to corn so her marguarita's are top shelf ;)
Need lots and lots of pix and vidz so charge them batteries and get those SIM cards cleared.
Spontaneous stupid human tricks will be expected.

02-14-2011, 06:06 PM
I was thinking of having a GTG at my house Sat night. Small house, big backyard and patio. But at the track always works well.
We could take over pre-grid if the weather goes south.

02-14-2011, 06:09 PM
Glenn, that's a nice offer. I could do the smoker at the track and then take the food to your house...either way works for me! I am open to whatever the group wants to do...I will suggest that at the track might have the added benefit of including more folks easier (corner workers, other series...those TT guys are a hoot! ;)

02-14-2011, 06:43 PM
At the track.

02-14-2011, 06:45 PM
So should I bring the Red Hot and Blue potatoe salad?

02-14-2011, 08:56 PM
Patron??? Papa Kellam has arisen.
I'll bring the big ol' pot of beans, and some tri-tips.

02-14-2011, 09:45 PM
Yeah the RHB salad was good - and Randy you know your food is in demand!

02-15-2011, 08:50 AM
Myself and the folks will bring something.... whatever is needed.

02-15-2011, 10:58 AM
I'm IN. I'll know closer to the date what I will bring and it will depend on whether or not the wife and kids come out. So if they come out photo's/video is acceptable. If they don't come out then no camera's allowed.

02-15-2011, 12:53 PM
I just got approved for the surgery so I will be staying here!

The surgery will be at the end of March so I'll be at Cresson to race but I'm not likely to be fully recovered in time for TWS. I'll still be there if possible, but just to watch and hang out.

02-15-2011, 04:31 PM
Still need to party.

02-15-2011, 05:55 PM
Still need to party.

Well yeah, every race weekend is a reason to party.

...I think it's in the CCR. :lol:

02-16-2011, 06:50 PM
Before you guys get too crazy, don't step all over the Saturday night dinner and party that NASA are planning.... :(

02-16-2011, 07:16 PM
Before you guys get too crazy, don't step all over the Saturday night dinner and party that NASA are planning.... :(

You should coordinate w/ us. It's not every event that NASA TX has a party.
AI/CMC on the other hand does more times than not.

02-16-2011, 08:16 PM
It's not every event that NASA TX has a party.

:? Well, we do now.

There will be a Saturday night party at NASA Texas events pretty much every event. If you guys want to do you own thing, I guess that is ok - but please make an appearance so as to not seem anti-social and not part of the rest of NASA. Also let me know ahead of time that AI/CMC won't be involved so I can plan. Not having 40-45 people show up really screws up planning when I have bought enough food and beer/drinks for 250-300.

02-16-2011, 08:49 PM
It's not every event that NASA TX has a party.

:? Well, we do now.

There will be a Saturday night party at NASA Texas events pretty much every event. If you guys want to do you own thing, I guess that is ok - but please make an appearance so as to not seem anti-social and not part of the rest of NASA. Also let me know ahead of time that AI/CMC won't be involved so I can plan. Not having 40-45 people show up really screws up planning when I have bought enough food and beer/drinks for 250-300.

So why don't we plan to do this together?
We are just not used to having to coordinate as there was never anyone else doing it.


02-16-2011, 08:50 PM
Don't worry Dave. We won't have a problem going to both...it's just like bar hopping. :)

Might wanna let the "other" guys know though...

...leaving all that wine there. :P

02-16-2011, 09:23 PM
Eddie, I like your style other than the wine part. makes my head hurt the next day haha

02-16-2011, 11:08 PM
I still can't believe "The Rock" and "J Lo" were pounding down full bottles of wine... priceless.

02-16-2011, 11:48 PM
hey Brian the car owner was right there with us. Party hard or stay at home.

02-17-2011, 07:25 AM
hey Brian the car owner was right there with us. Party hard or stay at home.
Yeah, but I couldn't think of a quick celebrity name for him...

02-17-2011, 08:52 AM
It's not every event that NASA TX has a party.

:? Well, we do now.

There will be a Saturday night party at NASA Texas events pretty much every event. If you guys want to do you own thing, I guess that is ok - but please make an appearance so as to not seem anti-social and not part of the rest of NASA. Also let me know ahead of time that AI/CMC won't be involved so I can plan. Not having 40-45 people show up really screws up planning when I have bought enough food and beer/drinks for 250-300.

This is really cool... it just seems unusual since our group is usually the dinner/party throwers. :D

02-17-2011, 09:20 AM
hey Brian the car owner was right there with us. Party hard or stay at home.

Just don't puke in the crapper.

02-17-2011, 09:22 AM
It's not every event that NASA TX has a party.

:? Well, we do now.

There will be a Saturday night party at NASA Texas events pretty much every event. If you guys want to do you own thing, I guess that is ok - but please make an appearance so as to not seem anti-social and not part of the rest of NASA. Also let me know ahead of time that AI/CMC won't be involved so I can plan. Not having 40-45 people show up really screws up planning when I have bought enough food and beer/drinks for 250-300.

So why don't we plan to do this together?
We are just not used to having to coordinate as there was never anyone else doing it.


So what is it? NASA or pot-luck or hybrid?

02-17-2011, 11:43 AM
So why don't we plan to do this together?
We are just not used to having to coordinate as there was never anyone else doing it.


We will totally do this together!!!! Wouldn't have it any other way. What works well in RM is that we sometimes cater sometimes cook, but something always happens.

In 6 years, we had one RM event where we did not have a party at the track. Since the 944's were putting on a fun race at the 1/4 mile local bull ring, we packed up the party, provided the tickets and took everyone there. We cheered on the 944's and ate concession food.

There are several options and based on time of year, schedule, etc we vary the way it is handled. When we cook, sometimes it is staff (i.e. me, my party/food coordinator and volunteers) or sometimes I ask a specific class to do the work (i.e. knucledraggers, GTS, SM, 944, TT, etc) all take their turns.

NASA always provides and covers the cost of the food and drinks. Cups, plates, napkins, serving for 300 people & BBQ tools always travel with us. Our big grill BBQ has appropriately 36,000 miles on it (no I'm not kidding).

MSRH being cold and us being swamped with new stuff and awards was a no-brainer. Catered.

MSRC Is supposed to have a St. Patty's theme. Meaning green stuff & Irish beer. We've done more tradition Irish food in the past, but any food is fine. I'll have my Flogging Molly queued up on the MP3 :P.

TWS is still up in the air. We may just go easy and order a couple hundred pizzas.

Hallett is being catered by the track for Saturday. I still plan to have a pot-luck on Friday night to take the place of the traditional Saturday shin-dig as that is something to not give up.

TWS if it stays on August calendar will be gazpacho, cucumber salad, cold pizza & ice cream :lol:.

ECR will roll back around to staff cooking with help from SM or GTS.

TWS Nov - TBD. Probably NOT leftover Turkey....

Now specifically for MSRC, if AI/CMC as a group is cool for this event you guys provide the menu and the manpower.

Tell me what food needs to be there and we will make it happen. Calder, if you want to smoke stuff, that is cool. I can bring our smoker as well that will fit 6 to 8 briskets or 3 pork butts.

We will bring the big grill. Maybe a bunch of sausage (http://www.foodservicedirect.com/product.cfm/p/142763/Johnsonville-Irish-Garlic-Brat-Links-19.76-Ounce.htm) to meet the St. Patty's theme?

The Thunder Race Group will be scheduled to be done with racing by 3PM.

02-17-2011, 12:58 PM
hey Brian the car owner was right there with us. Party hard or stay at home.
I don't know about right there with you....i was seeing two of each of ya for quite a while.

02-17-2011, 01:48 PM
Tell me what food needs to be there and we will make it happen. Calder, if you want to smoke stuff, that is cool. I can bring our smoker as well that will fit 6 to 8 briskets or 3 pork butts.
Hey, I thought we were on a first name basis ? ;)
I can't seem to organize shit anymore so I'll leave that to others and just show up, drive, cook, eat and drink if that's all right with everyone..I AM looking forward to Frank, Randy and Mitch repeating past feats of culinary skill.[/list]

David Love AI27
02-17-2011, 03:32 PM
Meaning green stuff....

Please be more specific... that can be confusing to some of us "old timers"...

02-17-2011, 03:46 PM
Meaning green stuff....

Please be more specific... that can be confusing to some of us "old timers"...

Green.... not purple :P

Beer, sausage, cookies. Nothing that could be construed as illegal.

Mrs. Crumpacker
02-17-2011, 07:45 PM
Meaning green stuff....

Please be more specific... that can be confusing to some of us "old timers"...

Green.... not purple :P

Beer, sausage, cookies. Nothing that could be construed as illegal.

I have made, and in the past it last about ~30sec, Popper Dip. For 300 people we are going to need a lot, but it is quite yummy...Let me know if you want it again...we will need:

Fresh jalapeƱos
canned green chilies
cream cheese
Parmesan cheese

Let me know and I can calculate amounts...

02-17-2011, 07:58 PM
Popper Dip...yummm! And it does support the green theme! Yeah 300 people....that will win you Wife of the Year for sure...or Rookie of the Year, or you name it! ;)

02-18-2011, 10:17 AM
[I have made, and in the past it last about ~30sec, Popper Dip. For 300 people we are going to need a lot, but it is quite yummy...Let me know if you want it again...we will need:

Fresh jalapeƱos
canned green chilies
cream cheese
Parmesan cheese

Let me know and I can calculate amounts...[/quote]

I just went into cardiac arrest.

02-19-2011, 10:08 PM
May have to break out the kilt and 60" claymore. FMR

02-20-2011, 01:28 AM
May have to break out the kilt and 60" claymore. FMR

Bragging again ... :roll:

02-21-2011, 10:24 AM
May have to break out the kilt and 60" claymore. FMR
Aye and Clan Calder will match ye measure for measure . . .

02-22-2011, 05:07 PM
Always a NASA BBQ!!!!

Find Dave and Revkah in the video and you win a prize.


02-22-2011, 05:55 PM
Always a NASA BBQ!!!!

Find Dave and Revkah in the video and you win a prize.


1 min 55 seconds in.

02-22-2011, 06:15 PM
Always a NASA BBQ!!!!

Find Dave and Revkah in the video and you win a prize.


First shown at 2:05

02-22-2011, 07:31 PM
I agree with Glenn.

Also, nice fanny pack... :lol:

02-22-2011, 07:59 PM
I agree with Glenn.

Also, nice fanny pack... :lol:

He only gets one bite at the apple.

Oh wait, he's a director ... my bad.

Where's Love when you need him?

02-23-2011, 01:36 AM
Hi Mitch....which love? Dave technically makes his first "appearance" at around 1:55 but you wouldn't have know its him till around 2:05 when you see that persons face, which happens to be Dave, its a toss up in my opinion. But I'm just a punter so what would I know, I'm just called out for "special teams."

02-23-2011, 06:13 AM
Hi Mitch....which love? Dave technically makes his first "appearance" at around 1:55 but you wouldn't have know its him till around 2:05 when you see that persons face, which happens to be Dave, its a toss up in my opinion. But I'm just a punter so what would I know, I'm just called out for "special teams."

I think both of post inebriated.

02-23-2011, 11:59 AM
I agree with Glenn.

Also, nice fanny pack... :lol:

Ahhhh bonus points for noticing the 90's version of the man purse.

02-23-2011, 12:01 PM
I was more bored then anything.

02-28-2011, 10:53 PM
OK, back on topic...food and drink!

Anyone bringing a grill? I am sure we'll need room for Randy's tri-tips, the obligatory bunch o' Earl Campbell's, etc.

Al Fernandez
03-03-2011, 10:03 AM
Holy cow, is that a skinny Kunzman at the beginning?

Irish theme huh, so boiled potatoes and cabbage? How about this, we do this one AI/CMC style and if you can each manage something green then all the better.

Dave will bring his rather large grill and a normal size smoker, along with utensils, plates, cups, etc.

Bryan: briskets and spuds, we'll need your smoker too
Randy: ribs and beans
Darcie: popper dip and other appetizer stuff
Glenn: potato salad and sausages (wasnt it you that brought those killer polish sausages one time?)

We need desserts...volunteers???
Other needs or volunteers?

Keep receipts and I will reiumburse you at the track. Target 300 people. I think it'll work better if you each get the stuff you need, but if that is a problem let Dave know and he can ensure the stuff is at the track.

I will worry about booze.

Does that work?

Mrs. Crumpacker
03-03-2011, 10:13 AM
Dave will bring his rather large grill and a normal size smoker, along with utensils, plates, cups, etc.

Bryan: briskets and spuds, we'll need your smoker too
Randy: ribs and beans
Darcie: popper dip and other appetizer stuff
Glenn: potato salad and sausages (wasnt it you that brought those killer polish sausages one time?)

We need desserts...volunteers???
Other needs or volunteers?

Keep receipts and I will reiumburse you at the track. Target 300 people. I think it'll work better if you each get the stuff you need, but if that is a problem let Dave know and he can ensure the stuff is at the track.

I will worry about booze.

Does that work?

Sounds good to me...I will cook the dip ahead of time. I am counting on you boys to figure out how to warm it up since I will be working till cold track... :wink: :wink:

03-03-2011, 01:20 PM
If there is smoker/grill room, I'll get a tub full of the Brats I brought to ECR.

03-03-2011, 05:27 PM
I've never cooked for more than 50 and that was a workable number to make sure any leftovers were easily eaten the next day.
So lets figure this out now - there is going to need to be more than a few cooks on this job and a bunch of hardware.

I guess it will depend on how we want to lean here...
Figure 1 rack per 6 and 1 brisket per dozen and the spuds can easily be split in 2. Not clear on how much on the tri-tips?

My back of napkin math is saying we'll need to load up at least 20 racks of ribs and 10 more briskets, a buncha Randy's tri-tips and a heap o' Earl Campbells and assorted sausage to make a dent in the 300 people target. And lottsa spuds.

That's looking like about 5 smokers going all day (or one semi-sized smoker).

Al Fernandez
03-03-2011, 11:47 PM
Ribs and tri-tip can be grilled, thats how Randy made them last time. Smoking all of this is a no go with the hardware at hand, but we'll have the grill room. Bryan, between your smoker and Daves we have enough room for the briskets and spuds I think.

20 racks sounds like a lot...but 10/10/10 racks/tri-tip/briskets + around 150 sausages/brats sounds about right once you also count beans, spuds, potato salad and chips/dips?

03-04-2011, 12:09 AM
Yeah I know ribs CAN be grilled ...but....
I can't believe a Canadian has to lobby for smoked BBQ...what's this country (or maybe it's just the state?) coming to?!

[Edit: my mid-western raised wife just about jumped through the computer when she read that Al! ]

I do like the idea of just loading up the beef and spuds in the smoker. That's a doable thing...

So I'll buy the briskets (and throw in a couple of mine) and spuds and take care of that angle. I'll leave the volunteer core to tackle the ribs ;)

I'm thinking splitting the beef between chopped and sliced...maybe leave a couple on wrapped longer to make the extra moist.

Al Fernandez
03-04-2011, 11:30 AM
What can I tell you Bryan, guess I proved my Texan indoctrination needs a little continued education. :lol:

Chatted with Dave about the plan and some important changes since he's already gone shopping:

Bryan, you're off the hook on spuds, Dave has those covered.

Glenn, you're off the hook on tater salad, Dave has that covered.

Glenn/Mitch, you're off the hook on sausages, Dave has that covered...but you can still bring a few choice ones :wink:

Darci, you're off the hook on any appetizers other than the dip since that stuff is awesome.

Randy, you're off the hook on beans, or at least tone it down to our regular portion size for a bit of variety

We still need desserts...volunteers????
We still need bread...volunteers????

03-04-2011, 01:36 PM
Bryan, you're off the hook on spuds, Dave has those covered.
Dave has those covered meaning spuds are procured and cooked so I don't have to do anything other than the beef?

Glenn/Mitch, you're off the hook on sausages, Dave has that covered...but you can still bring a few choice ones :wink:
Gotta bring some of those from last time..yummm!

Darci, you're off the hook on any appetizers other than the dip since that stuff is awesome.
Not duh! I sat there for about an hour just dipping grilled shrimp in that dip...awesome!

Randy, you're off the hook on beans, or at least tone it down to our regular portion size for a bit of variety
Dibs on some of Randy's...no offense to the rest but Randy's is the best!

Al Fernandez
03-04-2011, 01:57 PM
Correct Brian

03-04-2011, 02:14 PM
Well make the full portion of the beans. Beans are a full course meal, if you miss out on the ribs and tri-tip.
Would have not believed you could grill ribs either, but they seemed pretty good to last year at ECR to me. May put some on the smoker for a comparison.
Be sure to fill up on gas (propane).

03-04-2011, 02:55 PM
Would some cookies be OK?

03-04-2011, 03:35 PM
Well make the full portion of the beans. Beans are a full course meal, if you miss out on the ribs and tri-tip.
Would have not believed you could grill ribs either, but they seemed pretty good to last year at ECR to me. May put some on the smoker for a comparison.
Be sure to fill up on gas (propane).
You can definately grill and yours were great! That's all I did before I became a southern convert ...the flexibility with the smoker is where its at though...once you realize you are in for a 8-10 hour cycle (and that's rushing it), you have all sorts of places to create culinary "forks in the road" ...wow - a cooking/racing pun all in one ...

03-04-2011, 11:05 PM
Would some cookies be OK?

Green St Pattys cookies!!!!! Desert good.

03-05-2011, 10:08 AM
I have cooked for between a 100 and 150 a few times. As far as the meat goes, a good rule of thumb is 1/2 lb of uncooked per person, unless you have a bunch of hungry soccer players, and then all bets are off. May guess higher for more men and less for the ladies. Count me in for 75 standard links to be cut in half. FMR

03-05-2011, 05:13 PM
As far as what we have, I have 275 (approx 1/2 lb) brats. Those will go with the mashed potatoes for bangers and mash. Plus green beans.

I will bring them all and we can leave what we think we don't need in the chest freezer/beer cooler.

So if we add some beef/pork and the big 'ole pot of beans I think we're looking good. Can always have it for Sunday lunch too!!!

So yes, some deserts will be awesome. St Patty's cookies, cupcakes, etc would be perfect. And Al mentioned bread.

Al Fernandez
03-08-2011, 10:30 AM
Come on guys, jump in

Glenn volunteered to bring cookies. If anyone else wants to bring dessert stuffs speak up.

We still need bread: rools, tortillas. Anyone? Bueller?

03-08-2011, 12:41 PM
I can run by Sams and get rolls and tortillas... For 200...

03-08-2011, 03:44 PM
Come on guys, jump in

Glenn volunteered to bring cookies. If anyone else wants to bring dessert stuffs speak up.

We still need bread: rools, tortillas. Anyone? Bueller?

I was planning on tortillas and possibly some deserts... Just have figured out for sure what.

03-08-2011, 07:35 PM
Come on guys, jump in

Glenn volunteered to bring cookies. If anyone else wants to bring dessert stuffs speak up.

We still need bread: rools, tortillas. Anyone? Bueller?

I was planning on tortillas and possibly some deserts... Just have figured out for sure what.

Tell me what to bring. The wife is going to the store tomorrow.
More cookies?


03-09-2011, 10:38 AM
Green cupcakes if they have them.

Even if we don't eat them, you can attack Al and Todd with them.... :twisted:

Al Fernandez
03-09-2011, 11:52 AM
Thanks for stepping up guys.

03-09-2011, 06:19 PM
Mindy just picked up some cupcakes and cookies....