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View Full Version : TWS Mid-Year Review- August 5th & Wings N' More

Todd Covini
07-08-2006, 11:28 AM
Guys and Gals,
I'm not going to respond to each and every one of the recent posts in various areas of this forum right now (i.e.- entry fees, marketing, magazine coverage, tech inspections, promises, angst, etc. etc. ) However, suffice to say that you all have very, very valid points and I do want to address ALL of them in the very near future. I may not have all the answers, but we need to address all of them and provide updates/reasoning.

This weekend we will have some much-anticipated discussions with the pertinent folks at NASA on "improvements" going forward. I put that in quotations because this isn't about NASA TX...this isn't about Todd & Adam...this isn't about this racer or that racer...it IS about the general interest of the series going forward.

So...hang onto your helmets, we'll assess this 8 legged monster and prepare a go-forward plan. Not a promise....a plan.

Right now, I'm calling it "Covini's 3 "C"S:


You can expect a "State of the Union" address soon and plan on meeting at Wings N' More Saturday August 5th (sorry, Chris, they already charged a deposit on my credit card). I'll attempt to outline all of the issues & responses here before TWS, and we can go over it (and any other additions you may have) in Powerpoint form on the evening of the 5th. (Yes..Powerpoint...in order to keep this on a professional level, we're going to set meeting times, stick to an agenda and try to stay on task to cover all the material...which will also include discussion on the Nationals and the 4th Annual Awards Banquet.)

One thing I will mention now is Glenn's excellent post regarding Nationals prep. We DO need to get some momentum rolling for those intending to go. Discussing it at the TWS meeting will be beneficial, however, as Glenn mentioned, it will be too late to START preparations. We need to stick together as a Texas Team heading into Mid-Ohio. Forget all the BS baggage we've lugged around the past few events amongst ourselves and let's pull those intending to go together and decide what we, as a group, need!!!

Glenn...if you want to take the lead on this Nationals prep effort, feel free and I'll follow your lead!

Right now I've got the big picture to worry about!
Stay tuned...

-=- Todd Covini
Texas AI & CMC Series Director