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View Full Version : Old Wiring-What to do with it?

06-16-2011, 04:14 PM
So I have trash bags full of all the old wiring. Is it worth stripping and taking anywhere for scrap?

06-16-2011, 05:21 PM
I wouldnt strip it, but doing so will double your money.

For example:
I took apart a very large transformer (power choke). It has two windings in it (both identical to one another).
One winding was 94 pounds w/ all the copper and mylar sheeting. I got $1.25 per pound ($117.50 total).
The other was 85 pounds of just copper. I removed all the mylar sheets between the copper wire coils. I got $3 per pound ($255).
Stripping wire is very time consuming. What is your time worth? I don't strip any of my wire. I get 200, 500, 1000ft lengths of what looks like 50amp 120v cable. I don't even bother w/ stripping it. It is also illegal to burn the insulation off. Something to do w/ releasing PCB's into the air. I have the same issue w/ 5 oil filled transformers I have. The copper is hard to sell cause it has had oil that contains PCB's on it. No one will touch it.

But to answer your question, you will get more money for bare clean copper.

I've cleared well over $1000 this year just picking up scrap here and there. Mostly aluminum and copper. I've started getting a nice pile of brass and stainless as well. I also turn in lead acid batteries. Two weeks ago a turned in 360 lbs for $100.

06-16-2011, 06:16 PM
I also turn in lead acid batteries. Two weeks ago a turned in 360 lbs for $100.

So, about 3 CMC batteries...

06-16-2011, 08:47 PM
So, about 3 CMC batteries...

Only if your from the RM region.

It was 3 car size ones and about 20 small ones like you find in a residential alarm for back-up power.

06-20-2011, 10:31 AM
Good info. I didn't know if insulated wiring was even worth taking to a scrap yard or just trashing it.

06-20-2011, 11:46 AM
I kept all mine. If I ever have to extend a wire again, I'm kinda anal about matching the colors back up.

06-20-2011, 05:26 PM
And is a great reason to keep old OEM wiring. Some of those colors are impossible to get. It is also nice to have the stripe on some as well.