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02-03-2012, 10:17 PM
... you'll appreciate this.


Nothing like a screamer, break stomper or reaching for the face of Jesus ...


02-03-2012, 11:41 PM
Oh man that is funny. I wish I could take Kendra for a ride. She would probably be worse than that. :D

02-04-2012, 12:12 AM
I love giving rides. Gave rides to 13 different people weekend before last. One guy has already signed up for the next event. Another is now looking for a track capable car at the insistence of his wife so she can drive. Any session I do without a passenger these days is wasted. Never had anyone quite like that. Hard to tell how much was her screaming vs. the whine of the straight cut gears. Clearly a lot of screaming, though...

Richard P.

02-04-2012, 12:26 AM
Oh man that is funny. I wish I could take Kendra for a ride. She would probably be worse than that. :D

Any red group driver at Driver's Edge events can have a passenger with a $25 donation to charity. (http://www.thedriversedge.net/07_charity.htm)

TWS cheatin' bastard practice coming up March 3-4. Sign up for practice and give rides.

Driver's Edge is at Cresson this weekend if anyone wants a ride with an instructor.

I plan on being at the March TWS for anyone that wants a ride...

Richard P.

02-04-2012, 12:36 AM
Man that is ROFL funny....she was freaking before the second shift :)
I am damn sure my wife would NOT react like that based on historical evidence...some of you have already heard the story but I'll save it for Cresson (Saturday night) for anyone else that is interested.

02-04-2012, 07:01 PM
Any red group driver at Driver's Edge events can have a passenger with a $25 donation to charity. (http://www.thedriversedge.net/07_charity.htm)

TWS cheatin' bastard practice coming up March 3-4. Sign up for practice and give rides.

Driver's Edge is at Cresson this weekend if anyone wants a ride with an instructor.

I plan on being at the March TWS for anyone that wants a ride...

Richard P.

Does nobody give rides at NASA events?

02-04-2012, 07:39 PM
Does nobody give rides at NASA events?
I used to when I was running TT...rules at the time (AFAICR) required forgoing points in favor of the ride but I was just out for fun anyway so points smoints...

02-04-2012, 08:25 PM
Does nobody give rides at NASA events? I thought it was something about management taking that away from us... Oh, maybe that was the last regime.

I am continuously surprised at the service of the new guy.

02-04-2012, 08:50 PM
Does nobody give rides at NASA events?

When I signed up for TT at Hallett for the first time I was told passengers weren't allowed. When I quoted the TT passenger rules I was told I was wrong. When they checked their copy of the rules they said I was right but no one ever did it. I promised to behave and was allowed to take four different people for a ride. Certainly not a common thing in NASA TX...

Richard P.

02-06-2012, 05:08 PM
Strongly prefer to not have passengers in competition sessions, but we can't outlaw them if its a DE event and DE4 is running with the TT group. DE3 would probably be a better place if you can manage it into your schedule however.

K Shaw
02-06-2012, 05:24 PM
Pretty sure that I had someone at Hallet so no passengers in TT. Then we looked it up and you can have passengers just no points for that session.

Something alonf those lines anyway.

Oh and I had a TTer ask me if I wanted a ride. Didnt have time so I didnt take him up on that one.


02-06-2012, 06:12 PM
Like I said, many believe passengers aren't allowed in HPDE or TT and don't actually want to look up the relevant sections of the rule books...

CCR section 4.6 and TT rules section 8 (15.4 for Nationals).

Richard P.

02-06-2012, 06:20 PM
I love the hand holding... very sweet touch.

Adam Ginsberg
02-07-2012, 12:20 PM
Ricardo Patrese did the same thing with his wife a few years ago. She was as thrilled about it as Joao's wife.


02-07-2012, 12:35 PM
CCR 4.6 covers HPDE1-4, sure. If you flip through the TT rules you'll find several mentions of passengers but the most important one is that it's at the discretion of regional leadership as to which sessions may have passengers (if any) - "Note: Passengers are permitted in some regional event competition sessions.". As long as DE4 is dumped on top of TT we'll be allowing passengers in TT as well - any session that has DE4 running with us is kosher. Mainly because the only distinction between DE4 and TT when running in the same session is if the car as a transponder running or not... but that's a rant best aimed elsewhere.

Once they're separated out in their own group or put with DE3 or whatever, or if its a weekend like Hallett where there is no HPDE offered, and it becomes a pure competition session I'll let you guess which session will have passengers permitted.

Now if you will let me ride along in Mosty's CMC car during one of the inverts then yeehaw lets let anybody who is brave enough ride with whomever they want in whatever session they wish!

02-07-2012, 01:00 PM
... then yeehaw lets let anybody who is brave enough ride with whomever they want in whatever session they wish!

This. :D

02-07-2012, 03:05 PM
Now if you will let me ride along in Mosty's CMC car during one of the inverts then yeehaw lets let anybody who is brave enough ride with whomever they want in whatever session they wish! You might have a different opinion on that had you been in the car for race 2...

02-07-2012, 05:38 PM
I wonder if anyone would run away laughing/crying after a CMC invert ride along..? I could see someone melting out of the car and kissing the ground after the race.

BTW, I LOVE giving ride alongs. Petty bar ruins the creamsicles ride along capabilities though. :( Doesn't stop me from taking students out in their cars (R8, 997 911 turbo, C4S, etc) or stealing other instructors cars! Played in a Cayman last weekend.


02-07-2012, 07:55 PM
I saw this last year at the local dirt track where they had a class that allowed passengers during a race. I thought that was pretty crazy....but I bet a ride in a CMC car during an invert would be really crazy.

I have carried passengers in my street car at MSRC before with similiar reactions as Jauo's wife going through ricoshet. :D

Mrs. Crumpacker
02-07-2012, 07:58 PM
I vote for a Charity race which all racers have to have a passenger...I think it would be a blast!! (but it should be after April so I can ride) :)

02-07-2012, 08:00 PM
but I bet a ride in a CMC car during an invert would be really crazy.

Nah... Not as much interest from me since we don't fully invert the whole AI/CMC field anymore... :-)

Richard P.

David Love AI27
02-07-2012, 08:52 PM
I offered up a DE weekend in the 3 car a couple of years ago for a charity event... The guy paid $1,600.... Said it was the best money he ever spent...

02-07-2012, 10:06 PM
I vote for a Charity race which all racers have to have a passenger...I think it would be a blast!! (but it should be after April so I can ride) :)
Line up all the passengers and select them based on your qualifying time ;)

02-08-2012, 08:33 AM
Jay took Kathy (my wife) in his Mach One at MSRC once years ago. They stayed out the whole 20 minutes and I was so impressed assuming she must have liked it. I was standing at grid and gave them the thumbs up when they came off the track. They drove right past me and she jumped out of the car and ran in the port-a-jon. She was sick as hell. Layed on the bed of the RV for half an hour before she could even get up. After she felt better she told of keeping her eyes closed and her head slamming from side to side. Right after that I took Jan (daughter) in my C6. She did not say anything and after the session she was ho hum. Did not bother her but she did not like it either. The women of the Jordan family have no need for speed. I kinda knew that since I took Kathy for a ride in a two seat Malibu Grand Prix car years ago in OK. City (when Jay was racing BMX at the Grand Nationals) and she cried and I had to come in after one lap. Still not the worst thing I've done to her though. While on a sking trip I took her to a run I thought she could handle. It wa a blue run but a very steep one. After looking over the edge and finding out there was no other way to get down I heard words said that I had never heard out of her mouth before or since. She called me every kind of SOB in the book. "I HATE YOU" was one I remember well.


02-08-2012, 11:01 AM
Still not the worst thing I've done to her though. While on a sking trip I took her to a run I thought she could handle. It wa a blue run but a very steep one. After looking over the edge and finding out there was no other way to get down I heard words said that I had never heard out of her mouth before or since. She called me every kind of SOB in the book. "I HATE YOU" was one I remember well.

I had a similar experience with my wife, but I took her to a "gentle black"... She ended up sliding down on her ass with all the people going overhead on the chair lift "cheering" her on... We didn't talk for a while after that... :)

02-08-2012, 11:47 AM
Darcie has taken her snowboard off and used it as a sled more than once. When on a mountain, chicks getting mad at their man-friend is part of life.

I do think she would enjoy riding shotgun in a charity race though...

02-08-2012, 01:59 PM
I do think she would enjoy riding shotgun in a charity race though... Set that up Balingit... any contact is an additional $100 contribution to the charity. MUST have passenger to participate.

02-08-2012, 02:54 PM
Set that up Balingit... any contact is an additional $100 contribution to the charity. MUST have wife/girlfriend to participate.
Fixed that for ya.

Oh, and I'm in for some of this!

02-08-2012, 03:14 PM
Set that up Balingit... any contact is an additional $100 contribution to the charity. MUST have wife/girlfriend to participate.

+1 I'm in for this too...it'd definitely be one to remember and talk about for years to come!

Rob Liebbe
02-08-2012, 04:38 PM
My wife would never go for that and she won't let me have a girlfriend, so I guess I would be out.:)

02-08-2012, 05:11 PM
My wife would never go for that and she won't let me have a girlfriend, so I guess I would be out.:)

I think they were talking about people with race cars...


Richard P.

02-08-2012, 08:10 PM
Ditto on the skiing episode with wife...

Cheryl wouldn't mind a ride in a live race, and while this is nice to think about, I doubt NASA or the insurance company would be to keen on the idea LOL.

It might be more fun to take Adrian on a ride in a live race though...

02-08-2012, 08:16 PM
Then again, we could all just sign up for TT as a group =)

"Control, this is RD. We're going to have a "mock standing full field inverted start" (wink wink) during this TT session for all the the Thunder folks. It's part of the "Race Craft" lessons today. Let the corner workers know there will be some side-by-side exercises going on also. Thanks."

02-08-2012, 08:43 PM
Then again, we could all just sign up for TT as a group =)"Control, this is RD. We're going to have a "mock standing full field inverted start" (wink wink) during this TT session for all the the Thunder folks. It's part of the "Race Craft" lessons today. Let the corner workers know there will be some side-by-side exercises going on also. Thanks."Heh :cool:

02-09-2012, 02:07 AM
Then again, we could all just sign up for TT as a group =)

"Control, this is RD. We're going to have a "mock standing full field inverted start" (wink wink) during this TT session for all the the Thunder folks. It's part of the "Race Craft" lessons today. Let the corner workers know there will be some side-by-side exercises going on also. Thanks."

I like the way you think... Did you used to be a lawyer?

02-09-2012, 11:34 AM
I figured I let that one stew for a few days..... :)

As for passengers in TT, it is Sean&Ken's call as to taking away your times if you are abusing the system. I've granted them the power to do this. As a general rule in the region, passengers should be taken at no more than 80%. So in you are running at 80% with a passenger there is no way that you should be setting any fast times in TT. So if you set a fast time with a passenger, expect to have that time DQ'ed. If you run a lap-time slower than your quickest, doesn't matter and all is good. You are also typically expected to grid up at the rear and stay the he77 out of the way of the people competing for time. It's pretty much self policing.

Now. Since many of you are racers and aren't even signed up in DE or TT on a particular weekend, you will nee to go to Driver Info and talk to Revkah. If you have a good story, she will most likely give you a free session in HPDE3 (or 4 as appropriate) to take your passenger for a ride - You then get to talk to Proctor (or Vaughn Duarte) and ask him what rules you need to follow for that particular session. What is a good story? "My friend/brother/spouse/mother/neighbor/boss/etc drives an xxxxxxx and is really interested in doing HPDE1, but they want to see what it's like." In other words, if you are using it to sell someone on NASA - then we will take care of you. Thrill rides for friends usually isn't a good story but we can work something out for a few $$ ;). BTW, if we get back a bad experience report from Proctor/Duarte/Brewer/Farrah, your future privilege will be scrutinized.

02-09-2012, 11:37 AM
Ditto on the skiing episode with wife...

Cheryl wouldn't mind a ride in a live race, and while this is nice to think about, I doubt NASA or the insurance company would be to keen on the idea LOL.

It might be more fun to take Adrian on a ride in a live race though...

RB once walked a mountain bike down a ski hill (summer time). She loves riding, but when it comes to single track stuff - forget it.

No passenger rides during a race session, but I don't see why an in-car race director wouldn't be a bad idea.

02-09-2012, 12:01 PM
Nah... Not as much interest from me since we don't fully invert the whole AI/CMC field anymore... :-)

Richard P.

Looked pretty completely inverted at MSRH with AI cars in the back. I think we did it at TWS in 2011 as well, not that it mattered by turn 1.

02-09-2012, 12:08 PM
As a general rule in the region, passengers should be taken at no more than 80%. So in you are running at 80% with a passenger there is no way that you should be setting any fast times in TT. So if you set a fast time with a passenger, expect to have that time DQ'ed.

Ooops... At Hallett I won my class both days and set the TTU class record with a passenger...

OK, OK... I didn't actually take any timed runs without a passenger. I'm also the only person to ever sign up for TTU at Hallett so my "accomplishment" merely required me to complete a full lap each day and then successfully return to the pits without throwing the car off track. But it doesn't sound as cool when you put it that way...

Richard P.

02-09-2012, 01:00 PM
Looked pretty completely inverted at MSRH with AI cars in the back...

We showed up to grid and none of us knew what spot we were in.........


02-09-2012, 04:54 PM
I guess it was pretty hard to count to 2.........swish.

02-11-2012, 04:58 PM
Pretty much... :)