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View Full Version : 2012 AI/CMC Banquet food list!

01-14-2013, 08:42 AM
OK guys, lets get this organized! Who is bringing what for the banquet? Food for yourself (and a few others would be a good idea). We will likely have allot more guests than normal being as we are having it at the track. This will result in folks from other classes coming to hang out, eat and see the much anticipated 2012 AI/CMC Year In Review Vid. Please let folks from other classes know they are invited.
Obviously we will need main course items, but some sides will be nice as well. Something to eat with and on (and put food in as it comes off he grill). BYOB for yourself and guests.
Head count from our group is 40+. My bet is we will end up w/ 50-60 at the very least.

Please arrive as early as possible. I'll be doing Annual Inspections as soon as I arrive. Please be ready for this as I'll need to hit the ground running. I plan to be taking the day off work to arrive as early as possible (noon?). We will be doing these inspections, some will be dyno'ing, some have signed up for CBP. We will still need folks for tent set-up and banquet prep. Anyone against an official start time of 7pm for the banquet?

What did I forget?

Me - Awards!

01-14-2013, 10:27 AM
I'll bring two packs of bratwurst (5 each) with buns and will bring my cooler and a bag or two of ice for people to put drinks in. I have to work Friday but will try leaving around 2, this should put me at the track close to 3 depending on traffic.

Rob Liebbe
01-14-2013, 11:19 AM
I will bring plates, bowls, cups, napkins, plasticware for about 75 as well as helping with tent setup. I plan to arrive by 2pm.

01-14-2013, 12:19 PM
I will be there around 12-1. Don't plan on attending the banquet, but can help with tent set-up and anything else that needs doing.

01-14-2013, 02:52 PM
Why would you miss the banquet?

01-14-2013, 03:37 PM
I'll bring some chips, tortillas and hot links.

01-14-2013, 05:42 PM
I can bring some chip/dips combo... couple of 2 litres? Ice tea? Lemonade? Do we need ice - couple of Bucee's 20lb-ers...

Planning to be there early/mid morning if I can get the car running this week.

01-14-2013, 06:39 PM
Darcie, Audrey and I and probably won't be there until 7:30-8:00, but we'll be toting a few pounds of jalapeno popper dip and edible dipping utensils (wheat thins/triscuits/etc).

01-14-2013, 09:16 PM
Why would you miss the banquet?
Have some other things going on Friday night.

01-14-2013, 10:47 PM
Wow.... Not a good way to make friends w/ this group.

Hope it is nothing serious.

01-14-2013, 11:10 PM
Nope. Just have some stuff I have to do with the wife, unless I can weasel my way out. I will be around until 4 or so and can help with stuff until then.

01-15-2013, 09:57 AM
We'll be there Thursday night. Bringing a small grill and enough chicken, sausage, etc. for us and 3-4 others.

01-15-2013, 10:11 AM
Bringing shrimp(for everyone but me), Jess is working on a dessert!

01-15-2013, 10:27 AM
I'll bring a few batches of cookies.

01-15-2013, 11:31 AM
I'll bring a few batches of cookies.


If you would have said something earlier I would have been glad to help you get your car ready. Let me know if I can help you get back for Cresson if you even want to get back on track by then. The Jordans will miss you on track.


Al Fernandez
01-15-2013, 11:35 AM
Main meat type things listed have been brats and hot links...I'll add to the volume of those. Maybe Randy can make some of those beans he does?? hint hint

01-15-2013, 11:37 PM
I can bring burger patties...

01-16-2013, 11:22 PM
I'll bring some assorted two liters of coke and what not and whatever party tray Mandy picks up. What time is this kicking off?

01-17-2013, 09:31 AM

01-17-2013, 10:25 AM
Okay-I'm in for banquet at the last minute. I don't have a wife of the year candidate at the track but I'll use that as a guilt trip to try and have her put something together tonight. Nobody needs to worry about me though-I'll make sure and have my cooler of BL so I'll be fine. I just won't have my Z50 with me so I'll be scouting the paddock for transportation and late night fun. Should arrive about the time the track goes cold so that should be perfect. Make sure the tent is already up and ready. Anybody have a sleeping bag they will share with me to keep me warm??

Can't wait to see the Year End Video!!!!!