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08-28-2006, 09:24 AM
:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: Well, with a $20 lock on all 3 doors and 2 tongue locks, they got my ass anyway. The no good son-of-a-bitches cut the door latch on my trailer and stole all my fuckin' safety gear. Suit, cool shirt, shoes, nomex, gloves... Everything. Worst than that, $1500 worth of it was just purchased prior to TWS.

Insurance came out and valued the damaged door and less than $100 and won't cover contents. My homeowners has an $1800 deductable so I'm just shit out of luck on this lesson well learned.

Guys, unload everything because they'll fuckin' steal anything.
:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

Anyone see or hear of a black/grey Sparco suit and shoes for sale on Ebay or anywhere. Please let me know. I'm dyin' to kick the shit out of somebody.


08-28-2006, 09:52 AM
Now that sucks.

Where was the trailer parked?

08-28-2006, 09:57 AM
WOW....that really sux. I am really sorry to hear that.

I would be just as pissed if not more.

I had my jet ski stolen while at school in Austin. They stole the Jet ski off of the trailer and left the trailer. For two or three nights I couldn't sleep I was so mad.... I walked the parking lot, just begging someone to come back and steal the trailer.... I wouldn't have thought twice about shooting their sorry asses. :evil: It still get my blood boiling thinking about it and that has been over 15 years ago.

I fuggin hate theives. :evil: :evil:

08-28-2006, 09:59 AM
Well that f'n suxx donkey balls!!

Yes, please do tell! I have mine at a place about 1/2 mile from the house and go by to check it on the way home every few days. I try to leave as little as possible in it and the old couple that live there on the premises walk the site every 30 minutes and they have an armed guard at night patroling. It's in a nice part of plano and there is gated access but that's not to say someone won't target that area...

Sorry for loss man... :(

08-28-2006, 10:05 AM
Damn, you must be burning up.

I know I was when earlier this year they stole my spare set of RA1's, wheels, tool box (of odd spares), and full stack of restrictor plates out the back of my suburban. I'm still pissed when I think about it. I leave nothing of value in there anymore when I drop it off at the storage spot.

08-28-2006, 01:15 PM
It was parked behind my buisiness which is in a strip of light industrial units. They stole a 12 foot trailer from the neighbor last month so I went and got a new fancy tongue lock. Ha... That shit didn't help as the damn crackheads only wanted what they could cart off and hock.

I am somewhat lucky as I had my guys unload it 2 days before. It was still packed from TWS and they unloaded the generator and everything else exept the safety gear. Since it was hanging on the wall, they claim to have just missed it during unload time. AJ said that he'd do what he could to help me restock but hell, it's still conna run a fortune. I may just call it quits till next season and just focus on radios and stuff.

I'm getting some cameras soon. I just have to remember to turn em' off before slinging lead.


08-28-2006, 01:49 PM
I'm sorry to hear about that Boudy. I sometimes lie in bed at night thinking and worrying about my cars, tools, equipment.

My wife works in insurance. She says she processes claims evey day for rental storage units. I used to want to get one, but they are not safe either.

My trailer sits in my yard, under the street light, but you never know. It wouldnt take long to put a hurting on me especially if my car and Micah's are both outside. The garage is protected with ADT, so its semi secure.

The wife got some additional policy on our insurance to help if something like that did happen, but, it doesnt bring the stuff back.

Best of luck Boudy

08-28-2006, 01:50 PM
I am now convinced I won't be putting any stickers on the trailer to draw attention... :(

08-28-2006, 03:50 PM
Oh, hell no! I am going to letter it up just as planned. Sitting side by side, they'll get the easiest target so I don't believe lettering will make a bit of difference. I'll keep mine at home from now on, upgrade the door latches, use better locks, and keep it empty. That's about as proactive as you can get, IMO.

I'll also look into race insurance. It covers car during towing and storage as well as the trailer and contents. Also protects owner and sponsors against the car flying into the stands.


08-28-2006, 04:18 PM
I'll also look into race insurance. It covers car during towing and storage as well as the trailer and contents. Also protects owner and sponsors against the car flying into the stands.


The policy I looked into didn't cover contents and didn't have the option to...

as far as cars flying into the stands... what are you worried about, we have no spectators! :P

I keeed I keeeed!!!!

08-28-2006, 05:23 PM
I have insurance through Parish Heacock on both the car and trailer for "in transit" as well as "storage" and "paddock" insurance. The policy is agreed value.

My car is insured for $18K and trailer for $2.5K and the policy runs $250/yr with a $500 deductible. However, it does not cover any people watching or anything while your car is on track. (I would assume that if your trailer is stolen while you are on track... it would be covered. )

Invest in an electrified door and some large dogs.

08-28-2006, 05:55 PM
Also protects owner and sponsors against the car flying into the stands.


I'm not that bad a driver am I?


08-29-2006, 07:48 AM
Also protects owner and sponsors against the car flying into the stands.


I'm not that bad a driver am I?


Nah... You are actually a fairly good driver. A little more time under my wing and you should progress nicely. :lol: :lol: :roll: :roll:


08-29-2006, 08:57 AM
Insult to injury!!! I just got the estimate from the adjuster:

Parts - $12.50
Labor - $19.00
- $19
- $13
Other - $2.50
Tax - $2.10

Total $68.10
Deductable - $100

Net cost of repairs (-$31.90)

Ain't that a bitch!!!
