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View Full Version : Anyone know anything about wakeboards?

06-30-2014, 08:37 AM
Looking to pick up a wakeboard. Any particular brand/model I should look for? What features do I need to look for? I'll probably troll Craigslist to try to find a used one before buying a brand new one.

06-30-2014, 08:49 AM
Jay and BL should know enough to help you.


06-30-2014, 08:50 AM
I know enough to know that I only need a basic board at my skill level... and more importantly ..... my age. :D

David Love AI27
07-01-2014, 10:58 AM
Looking to pick up a wakeboard. Any particular brand/model I should look for? What features do I need to look for? I'll probably troll Craigslist to try to find a used one before buying a brand new one.


07-01-2014, 01:53 PM

Yes, that is the brand I prefer. Though more for kneeboarding. I really haven't done alot of wakeboarding and not real sure what brand the two are that I have since a friend gave them to me. I would suggest you contact the other guy with a piece of metal in his head who got it from wakeboarding-give Mark Smith a call at Eagle Marine in Fort Worth.

Luckily he didn't have one at Hallett or a 150 ft rope-though if the rope would have been there maybe Hallett's pond would have seen some kids ski's.

07-01-2014, 11:37 PM
There's that wakeboarding place next to Cresson. I've broken so many damn igloo coolers that I should have a spare lid or two I could bring...

07-02-2014, 11:17 AM
Looking to pick up a wakeboard. Any particular brand/model I should look for? What features do I need to look for? I'll probably troll Craigslist to try to find a used one before buying a brand new one.

I would suggest going to http://www.evo.com/outlet-shop/wake.aspx and buying a blemished one from their outlet. We bought a Ronix Mana board from the outlet and there was just 1 tiny mark on it. I'm not good enough to tell you what brand to buy but look for something that is just for all skill levels. You may outgrow a beginner board very quickly and probably wont ever need a professional style board.

I think the real wakeboaders prefer the closed toe bindings, but we went with open toed CWB bindings since we knew multiple people with different sized feet would use it.

Evo also has a buying guide. http://www.evo.com/how-to-choose-a-wakeboard-and-wakeboard-size-chart.aspx


07-04-2014, 10:15 AM
Thanks for the suggestions guys.

Jay, thanks for the buying guide link, that's just what I was looking for. You think I should just skip the beginner-intermediate boards and go straight to intermediate? I've never wakeboarded, but I can slalom ski and I did learn to ride a skurfboard years ago 1459. I've also been riding stand-up jet skis for 15 years or so, and always rode goofy foot (feet in the tray in a similar style to how you would ride a wakeboard).

07-07-2014, 08:07 AM
We have bought a few boards from EVO also.

Here are my mad skills from the weekend.

07-07-2014, 03:48 PM
Here are my mad skills from the weekend. Yeah. I got none of that.

07-08-2014, 06:45 AM
I'm guessing James, that your dad drove the boat?

07-08-2014, 08:24 AM
I'm guessing James, that your dad drove the boat?

No... Kendra has actually gotten pretty good at it.

07-08-2014, 09:07 AM
After doing some research, I think I've settled on the CWB Faction 144cm - http://www.evo.com/outlet/wakeboards/cwb-faction-wakeboard-2013.aspx#image=63971/313500/cwb-faction-wakeboard-2013-138-front.jpg
The main one that I saw recommended for bigger guys was the Hyperlite Marek, but it's more money than I want to spend on my first board. A few other people recommended the CWB Faction, so I think it will be a good board to start with. Anyone else have any other recommendations?

07-08-2014, 01:14 PM
Nice skills Procter!!! I told my better half last night she needs to learn to drive the boat so I can at least wakeboard-then maybe get her into being able to pull me a a slalom. Years ago I tried and had her drive the boat and pointed out a buoy to pretend was me that she needed to pick up. Well she ran right over the buoy and killed me-kind of ended the lesson.

Rob Liebbe
07-08-2014, 05:16 PM
Nice skills Procter!!! I told my better half last night she needs to learn to drive the boat so I can at least wakeboard-then maybe get her into being able to pull me a a slalom. Years ago I tried and had her drive the boat and pointed out a buoy to pretend was me that she needed to pick up. Well she ran right over the buoy and killed me-kind of ended the lesson.

Smart girl - scare the hell out of you so she won't ever have to drive the boat.

07-09-2014, 08:17 AM
Smart girl - scare the hell out of you so she won't ever have to drive the boat. Or, more likely given BLs profession, knows EXACTLY where the life insurance paperwork is...

07-09-2014, 01:23 PM

What? ... afraid to link to the evidence?


07-09-2014, 07:54 PM
Just saw this. I'm out of town but you can call Matt at 817-246-4151. Tell him you race with me, he works for me and also reps a few board lines.

07-13-2014, 10:19 PM
Ended up ordering a board before you posted, Mark. I'll give you a ring if I buy another board or bindings at some point.

07-14-2014, 02:17 PM
Ended up ordering a board before you posted, Mark. I'll give you a ring if I buy another board or bindings at some point. You should wakeboard more... maybe sell something and buy your own boat. But do come hang out on Saturaday nights.

07-15-2014, 07:54 PM
You should wakeboard more... maybe sell something and buy your own boat. But do come hang out on Saturaday nights.

I like the way you're thinking. I'll sell enough stock to buy a boat, with a little left over for some new go-fast parts for the car. Great idea!

07-22-2014, 10:32 AM
Got the board/bindings in last week and gave it a shot this weekend. I ended up getting a 2013 CWB Faction 144cm (http://www.evo.com/outlet/wakeboards/cwb-faction-wakeboard-2013.aspx#image=63971/313500/cwb-faction-wakeboard-2013-138-front.jpg) (it was $201 when I ordered it) and some Liquid Force open toe bindings.

Getting up proved the easiest part of the endeavor. Navigating wake to wake turned out to be more of a challenge than I expected though. After numerous face plants and lake water enemas, I was able to carve (not jump) from wake to wake by the end of the weekend. I'm only going heal-side (both directions) over the wake right now. Trying to go toe-side still feels too awkward. Still feel a bit awkward when I have my right foot forward as well, but I'm sure I'll get used to it at some point. I was also in for a surprise the first time I pulled a 180. I had too much weight on my heels, and as soon as I was almost all the way around the board dug in and I proceeded to shoot outside the wake at an uncomfortable speed. Trying to carve toe-side feels awkward as hell. If the weather cooperates I'll be back out again this weekend for another round of punishment.

I set my bindings up with both toes ducked out ~12* or so on the inner most holes on the board. I thought about mounting the bindings further out, but to me it seems like it puts my feet too far outside of my shoulders and would end up being harder on the knees. How does everyone else have their bindings set up?

07-22-2014, 10:35 AM
I had to purchase a new board after I ripped my bindings a couple of weeks ago. I bought a Liquid Force Witness 144 that arrived yesterday. I will try it out this weekend... and see if I can get bigger air with a board that will cut sharper.