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Rob Liebbe
03-15-2015, 08:09 PM
Oh Yeah!!!


03-15-2015, 08:19 PM
Much like..........

03-15-2015, 09:02 PM
I'm glad I don't live next to that guy...

Rob Liebbe
03-15-2015, 09:05 PM
I'm glad I don't live next to that guy...

The feeling is mutual. :)

03-19-2015, 01:08 AM
I'm glad I don't live next to that guy...

Dude, you are that guy.

03-19-2015, 09:42 AM
Nice work. Now get a restrictor on that crazy 5.0 powerplant and get it ready for TWS. We certainly need another Fox in the henhouse. I can see the podium of three Fox's soon.

03-19-2015, 10:26 AM
Silly Camaro guy. Doesn't know the difference between a Fox and an SN95. Hah.

03-19-2015, 03:46 PM
Silly Camaro guy. Doesn't know the difference between a Fox and an SN95. Hah.

You spelled Camaro wrong....or at least my award from NASA for second place in 2014 spells it different.


03-20-2015, 09:05 AM
You spelled Camaro wrong....or at least my award from NASA for second place in 2014 spells it different.


Did you mention that to Will?! That's funny

03-20-2015, 09:07 AM
You spelled Camaro wrong....or at least my award from NASA for second place in 2014 spells it different.


Now that is funnier. Next year I'm sure they will just have the award made out as Fox SN Challenge. I forgot Rob's new ride is a SN. Pretty easy to see a podium of SN cars in the future then with the Fox's sprinkled in at times. I'm racing for top 10's and first place for the mid pack slackers.

Rob Liebbe
03-20-2015, 10:05 AM
I put Randy's Wahoo Racing 4th gen Camaro on the podium at TWS last year or the year before. Maybe its a driver thing. :cool:

03-20-2015, 11:48 AM
Now that is funnier. Next year I'm sure they will just have the award made out as Fox SN Challenge. I forgot Rob's new ride is a SN. Pretty easy to see a podium of SN cars in the future then with the Fox's sprinkled in at times. I'm racing for top 10's and first place for the mid pack slackers.
I know you are trying to be funny with all your Mustang comments as of lately but it is really getting old. I could write back about the performance of James while he was racing, or Glenn's track record at Cresson, or Al's and B. Curtis' good showing at Cresson, or your good times at Cresson (now that you are finally making progress on your car).
Instead I will just say, please shut up. ;^)

03-20-2015, 03:40 PM
I know you are trying to be funny with all your Mustang comments as of lately but it is really getting old. I could write back about the performance of James while he was racing, or Glenn's track record at Cresson, or Al's and B. Curtis' good showing at Cresson, or your good times at Cresson (now that you are finally making progress on your car).
Instead I will just say, please shut up. ;^)

Yes, you know (and everyone else should know) I enjoy joking about it as much as I do messing with the 55 (please don't get shocks). If it's old and not funny I'm sorry. I called Mosty and I'm limited to one Mustang crack per week. And thanks for acknowledging my improved times-R1 was the most fun on track I have had since R1 at Cresson last year-thanks Craig!

(.....and I could write back about the podium that we have already had with 3 Fox's this year, too. Or this years 19 podiums for Ford vs 5 for GM. Or this years fast lap being both by Ford's. But, you know that kind of info. isn't what I think that matters (not joking).)

03-20-2015, 03:49 PM
Yes, you know (and everyone else should know) I enjoy joking about it as much as I do messing with the 55 (please don't get shocks). If it's old and not funny I'm sorry. I called Mosty and I'm limited to one Mustang crack per week. And thanks for acknowledging my improved times-R1 was the most fun on track I have had since R1 at Cresson last year-thanks Craig!

(.....and I could write back about the podium that we have already had with 3 Fox's this year, too. Or this years 19 podiums for Ford vs 5 for GM. Or this years fast lap being both by Ford's. But, you know that kind of info. isn't what I think that matters (not joking).)

So, when are we going to co-drive your car in time trials? Lets dominate TTC!

03-20-2015, 04:44 PM
So, when are we going to co-drive your car in time trials? Lets dominate TTC!

As soon as you let me co-drive your car in TTC and really dominate TTC! I have never driven anything but a Camaro on track. Also, the #24 asked me this week if Aaron would take it for a session.

03-20-2015, 10:02 PM
I know you are trying to be funny with all your Mustang comments as of lately but it is really getting old.

It got really old when you did it a few years back. It apparently worked, though...

Richard P.

03-21-2015, 07:59 AM
It got really old when you did it a few years back. It apparently worked, though...

Richard P.

Your right Richard, the changes were made just because of Michael. No data was used at all. Either you think you are being funny or you are not aware of the testing Thant was done.


03-21-2015, 08:28 AM
If you think changes need to be made, talk with the National director. Al verified Saturday night the changes were made at the end of 2012 due the data that was collected.

If you have data that proves the Mustangs have an advantage then do something with it.

Suck fumes
03-21-2015, 09:49 AM
Someone give me a decent Camaro and I'll straighten this out.

Storm Trooper
03-21-2015, 10:21 AM
If you think changes need to be made, talk with the National director. Al verified Saturday night the changes were made at the end of 2012 due the data that was collected.

If you have data that proves the Mustangs have an advantage then do something with it.

In my humble opinion it is more driver and Car set up then it is platform! You mustang guys have spent a load of time,setting up your car! Kuddos!!!!
We ( Camaro drivers ) need to get our hands dirty and get with it, and catch up with our Mustang friends.

03-21-2015, 10:48 AM
What rule changes were made at the end of 2012?

03-21-2015, 12:17 PM
What rule changes were made at the end of 2012?
Added 50 lbs to the Camaro minimum weight and reduced the max track width to 74".

03-21-2015, 12:40 PM
And how much did track go down?

03-21-2015, 03:36 PM
Your right Richard, the changes were made just because of Michael. No data was used at all. Either you think you are being funny or you are not aware of the testing Thant was done.


Michael was very vocal on the forums when he believed there was a parity issue. After a couple of years with the revised rules there are other people are talking about parity and he says he is tired of it. I believe that is hypocritical and it rubbed me the wrong way.

I am aware of the data and testing that was done. I believe we now have enough data to show that the rule changes went too far.

Richard P.

03-21-2015, 04:12 PM
We ( Camaro drivers ) need to get our hands dirty and get with it, and catch up with our Mustang friends.What? Work on it ourselves??? This is 2015...

So last year at Hallett it was the 4th gen show. I think it might be combo of a slight advantage to the Mustang coupled with the relatively recent loss of significant Camaro talent.

I'll join the "let's look at '13, '14, and '15 data closely in the fall" camp.

Unless I can't sniff the podium then it MUST be Mustang guys cheating.

03-21-2015, 04:59 PM
Oddly enough there is a guy in another region that quit because he thought the Camaros had an advantage.

Hopefully the data Richard is referring to is telemetry and not just some video that shows someone pulling away.

Suck fumes
03-21-2015, 06:17 PM
It's almost impossible to make a 30 yr span of different cars all "even" in performance. Every car is only as good as you make it and only as good as the driver behind the wheel. You can't be mad at the guys who have put in the time to learn setup and how to make their car work well. That's really what it comes down to is setup, if you have worn out parts and don't bother to align the car based on track then don't expect to be on the podium.

03-21-2015, 07:50 PM
I put Randy's Wahoo Racing 4th gen Camaro on the podium at TWS last year or the year before. Maybe its a driver thing. :cool:

And you point is, old teammate. That's the ticket, 4th Gen with a Ford driver.

03-22-2015, 08:27 AM
Is it true that Jack Murray is going to trade in his AI S197 Mustang for the "pinnacle of automotive engineering and suspension design" the Fox Body Mustang? I heard rumors he was testing a new AI Camaro killer over the weekend :)

03-22-2015, 04:29 PM
Michael was very vocal on the forums when he believed there was a parity issue. After a couple of years with the revised rules there are other people are talking about parity and he says he is tired of it. I believe that is hypocritical and it rubbed me the wrong way.

I am aware of the data and testing that was done. I believe we now have enough data to show that the rule changes went too far.

Richard P.
Richard, I'm sorry if this rubbed you the wrong way but saying I am being hypocritical is definitely rubbing me the wrong way.

Bottom line is (like Dave F pointed out) the results have looked different in the last few years due to strong Camaro drivers cutting back or not racing anymore. If Glenn was running every event and if James was still racing would we be having this discussion?
In 2013, with the very same rules we have today, Mustangs won 15 races and Camaros won 13 races. This is 1 race away from being 50/50. How is this unfair?

As mentioned, data was provided to the National director and every Regional director at the end of 2012 and they were the ones that made the rules changes, not the Mustang drivers. If you have data showing the rules changes went too far at the end of 2012 then I'm sure that will be very welcomed. I'd expect the directors to review the data in the same manner they did in 2012.

03-23-2015, 11:02 AM
Didn't a Camaro win Nationals too?
Does anyone know what data went into the decision? I'm just curious what was looked at.

03-23-2015, 11:19 AM
Is it true that Jack Murray is going to trade in his AI S197 Mustang for the "pinnacle of automotive engineering and suspension design" the Fox Body Mustang? I heard rumors he was testing a new AI Camaro killer over the weekend :)

Dennis,Dennis,Dennis This how nasty rumours get started. He was merely assisting in research to determine the flotational qualities and handling characteristics of the 92 Mustang over a period of 12 hours. Once the data is analyzed it will prove that the 92 Mustang is completely sea worthy unlike a certain SI drivers (DT) miata motor which is currently being prepped as a boat anchor.:D

03-23-2015, 03:35 PM
Dennis,Dennis,Dennis This how nasty rumours get started. He was merely assisting in research to determine the flotational qualities and handling characteristics of the 92 Mustang over a period of 12 hours. Once the data is analyzed it will prove that the 92 Mustang is completely sea worthy unlike a certain SI drivers (DT) miata motor which is currently being prepped as a boat anchor.:D

It's always the pilots fault! I just drive'em man, I don't know what makes them work. I should have anticipated total coolant loss from a hole in the radiator without indications. It still cranks, hopefully the head is ok. I loved the 92, how does one go about getting a Tito's sponsorship?

03-25-2015, 05:49 PM
Pretty funny that I make a comment giving props to Rob Who that he should be on the podium and it ends up like this. So much to comment on so I'll skip using the quotes.

Rob-I placed 2nd at Cresson in 2013 so maybe it is a driver thing. I know Mosty believes race wins and fast laps matter but I have always been for on track data or as jander says 'telemetry'.

Aaron-think my Camaro is decent enough now? Let's see if you can get in it and take it for a session at TWS. Just be careful as it cut pattersons head open.

Tyler-yes a Camaro won nationals and the year before a mustang. I believe there were two mustangs who won it even before the rule changes as well. See below for the data.

Sean-I agree with you. There have been several drivers who spent a lot of time on their cars and won regardless of platform. Now get that 5.3 going and start mixing it up with the trophy girls.

Maybe Al could chime in like around the campfire. But from what was posted on the national forum the only data that was used was 1 race of Procter, 1 race of Alford, and 2 races of Mosty. Hopefully they used more data than from only two individual races at ECR.
Michael-is this the data that was provided to the directors to make the rule change?


Suck fumes
03-25-2015, 05:59 PM
I'll drive your car as long as it doesn't hurt me haha. Curious to see how fast they are at TWS. You have a data system in it?

Which car is yours?

Rob Liebbe
03-25-2015, 09:32 PM
I have a nearly completed race car, drove it for the first time recently.

03-26-2015, 09:48 AM
I have a nearly completed race car, drove it for the first time recently.

First, that's GREAT news! Looking forward to seeing it in full livery at the track soon.

Second, thanks for putting this back on track and away from a parity discussion. :)

Rob Liebbe
03-26-2015, 11:29 AM
Yeah, but it's a Mustang and by default will be faster than any of the Camaros. Anybody know where to buy a good trophy case? :D

Sorry, couldn't resist.

03-26-2015, 12:27 PM
Yeah, but it's a Mustang and by default will be faster than any of the Camaros.

You are twisting what's been said. It's a Mustang so it has the CAPABILITY of being faster than any of the Camaros. It's still mostly driver. You might be out of luck... :-)

Great to hear about the car. Looking forward to seeing you back out there.

Richard P.

03-30-2015, 05:49 PM
Flotational qualities of a '92 Mustang. That things has so many holes in the floorboards, it looked like a geyser every time we hit a puddle. Or was that the '98? Hell I cant remember, I'm still drying out and watching mud and grass fall out from under it.

03-30-2015, 05:53 PM
PS>>> #56 is running, heading to the track for some easy break in miles, then on the dyno, then back to the track. Easy does it for the next 4 - 6 weeks as my schedule doesn't have much room in it for play. Plan is to make Hallett. You guys have fun at TWS, post lots of pics and videos. Prepping the Cobra for a 2,000 mile Iron Butt tour of west Tx in 3 weeks.

Storm Trooper
03-30-2015, 10:20 PM
You guys have fun at TWS, post lots of pics and videos.
You will be missed! I will pass the Brown water in your honor!:D