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07-29-2015, 10:28 AM
Friends... I am not one for the dramatic and certainly not one that generally would make such announcements and I general keep things very private, but here goes and maybe someone will learn something. We are hard headed creatures.

If you are nearing 50 or if you have a family history of cancers, then get yourself to a doctor and have that dreaded colonoscopy (not nearly as bad as you might imagine). Most here are men and we don't like to discuss or talk about having something probed up our backside, but it could be critical to you to do so.

Some here may know, while you guys were having fun at Hallett, I was in the hospital in Dallas having a colon resection (basically removing about 10 inches of my colon and having it reattached).

I had some symptoms (blood in stool) for close to a year that I ignored as hemorrhoids until Kendra finally had a break down and forced me to see a doctor and be checked out.

Initial visit was just a finger up that region, but did reveal a polyp..not an hemorrhoid that needed removing. I was then scheduled for a full colonoscopy and minor surgery to remove that polyp. The colonoscopy revealed a much larger polyp out of reach for removal during the first surgery, so a second surgery would be needed.

Second surgery was scheduled during Hallett weekend and was much more involved and I spent 5 days at the hospital recovering. A full biopsy was performed from each surgery. First was fine, close to cancer, but none and it was the polyp the doctor had some concern about. However... second polyp which appeared fine, did have some cancer that had spread to a few nearby lymph nodes.

First thing that is done is a colon resection, which I have already had done, but I will now begin chemotherapy today.

This is not as bad as it may sound, while still scary and some really emotional roller coasters to get to this point over the past few weeks, the overall prognosis is still pretty good.

I have had now a full CT scan, full PET scan and all are good with no other cancer found at this time. The cancer was found early.. not as early as would have been preferred, but early enough that I will probably be okay.

I will be taking the chemotherapy twice a month for 6 months mostly as a precaution to kill any cancer cells that may have escaped the area in the colon, but not large enough to show up on the scans. This chemo treatment is not the kind that causes all hair loss, or constant sickness, but will likely cause a lot of fatigue and neuropathy(tingling) in my hands and feet that is exaggerated by touching or drinking cold things.

This is not posted as a pity for me, as I hope to be okay, but more of a warning to you thick mullet head racers that will ignore symptoms and avoid the finger. Go get checked out.. it isn't is bad as I had imagined.

This treatment is not supposed to be debilitating and I plan to work and carry on life as normal as possible.

07-29-2015, 10:48 AM

Sorry to hear about this. Coming from a family that has been hit hard by cancer over the past few years (three 100% recoveries from Stage 0 breast cancer, 1 non-smoker's inexplicable death from Stage IV lung cancer, and one ongoing battle with stage IV brain cancer), I can definitely attest to the emotional roller coaster that happens when the C Word comes in to play, no matter how "minor" it may seem to yourself.

Good to hear that things will turn out better. Hope you get 100% soon and bring that hoopty out and kick our butts. As always you can count on the AICMC/NASA family if you ever need help with anything...

Rob Liebbe
07-29-2015, 01:39 PM
Good advice James. We should all also consider a healthier diet as preventative maintenance.

I'm glad to hear the prognosis is good and hope that it does indeed turn out that way.

07-30-2015, 11:33 AM
Look how freaked out everyone is about this. They will not even talk about it on the interweb! I'm 57 (will be 58 in a few weeks) and every year when I get my checkup they ask the date of my last colonoscopy and I say never. Got to get this done! I was told by my doc. about a test you can do where you send in some poop (sorry) and they check it. If it's okay you probably do not need the colonoscopy. It is not as good as getting the colonoscopy but I am going to do this as soon as the test kit is sent to me. The first year I went to the doctor for the Jelly finger deal I told him I had been dreading this all week. My Doc said "it was not exactly the highlight of my day either". He also ask me if it was worth dying for a five second finger plug?

Thanks James and I'm so glad you are okay.


07-30-2015, 12:02 PM
Day two of chemo is not too bad yet. The worst so far is I can't drink anything cold. It is like drinking needles. Of course this listed as one of the major side effects.

Don't put it off guys... go get checked.

If you have a family history of colon or breast cancers... They are recommend you now go by age 35 for at least a baseline test. I lost two uncles at age 60 with cancer and one with colon cancer and the other gall bladder that spread to the liver.

The C-word is a nasty word, but early detection or removal of polyps before they turn cancerous is the thing we should all consider most over being worried about the finger.

07-30-2015, 04:11 PM
Thanks for posting, fuck cancer, I've lost some family to it at a young age and it's not pretty.
I'm glad to hear that you caught it early and I hope it is 100% behind you.
I have Crohn's disease so I had my first Colonoscopy at 28 and another one a few months ago, looks like every 2-3 years for me.
The prep is worse than the procedure, go get it done guys!

07-30-2015, 05:17 PM
The prep is worse than the procedure, go get it done guys!

I agree with that. ;)

Rob Liebbe
07-30-2015, 06:55 PM
I agree with that. ;)

Wait, what's the prep? Dinner and a movie with the doctor?

07-31-2015, 03:59 AM
James, thanks for posting up to get these mullet heads to listen, and our prayers are with you and your family. I had the colonoscopy done last year, and the prep (no not a dinner and a movie, Liebbe) is worse than the procedure. It can save your life. I had no polyps, and the Dr. said see you in 10 years. I told him, "I hope so."
As we get older, you have to start looking out for yourself and your loved ones. I'm 59, and even NASA makes me get a stress test so they can review my health.
Thanks for sharing and I'm praying for you.

07-31-2015, 08:22 AM
I'm just counting down the days myself until I find that nuking my lunch in the microwave is what does me in or drinking water from the wrong flavor of plastic. . . seems there's no avoiding the shit. Plenty of cancer on both sides of the family from smoking cigarettes to working in coal mines to God knows what. Just hope I catch it quick enough, seems anymore it's a matter of when and not if.

08-02-2015, 01:55 PM
When I had one done around 40 (overdue for a follow-up) the prep was a gallon or so of liquid, that quite indeed turned everything else to liquid over the next couple of hours.

When I was laying on the table conversing with the nurse that had the key to the box with the good candy, i joked that I noticed the scope was marked in meters.

If you find the right doc, you can stay conscious enough to really enjoy it.

Worst part for me - i woke up thirsty and asked for a glass of water. The nurse got me one, I took a few sips, fell back asleep and wore the rest of the contents.

08-02-2015, 04:35 PM
Thoughts and prayers are with you... I had the "jelly finger" exam but haven't yet hit the window for a scope job... Will definitely make sure I keep up with what I should be doing on the tail end...

08-04-2015, 06:57 AM
Heard about this through the "grapevice" ...

Sorry to hear and glad to hear all at the same time.

The first time getting a colonoscopy was the worst.
Sure, drinking 64oz of metamucil laced powerade zero was bad.
But all I remember was laying down on the table and waking up about 45 minutes later.

The scarey part were the results. I was scared that something would be found.
All I could think about was I didn't want to put my family through what we went through with my Mom and Dad.

In all honesty James, I'm surprised Kendra didn't throw you down and give you an impromptu "exam" due to your being hard-headed.
Thoughts and prayers to you and your family.

08-04-2015, 07:59 AM
Thanks guys.. I feel pretty normal so far after the first treatment. 11 more to go.

Mitch... Kendra was on me for a while to either let her exam or go to a doctor. I just kept putting off as nothing, until she finally snapped on me... and I mean snapped big time.

08-04-2015, 10:31 AM
Mitch... Kendra was on me for a while to either let her exam or go to a doctor. I just kept putting off as nothing, until she finally snapped on me... and I mean snapped big time. Having lost all the male elders of the family due to heart disease, I know you just have to check the ego and keep up with your health.

When I had the chest muscle cramping with the shingles outbreak, I was 95% sure it wasn't a heart attack since there were no other symptoms but I was on the cardiologist's doorstep before he opened the next day. The preventitive cost are a lot cheaper in the long run - and besides, you can use it as excuse to keep your racing license.

James - the cold/needles thing sounds rough. Hope you feel "good enough" and keep us up to date. Oh, and I sure miss Team Proctor cheering on the 28.

08-04-2015, 01:01 PM
James - the cold/needles thing sounds rough. .

That is the worst part so far and I hate to drink anything that is not cold. It is not seriously bad pain, but it is enough you won't do it more than a few times. I sample all drinks before drinking much.

Sipping through a straw helps and it is actually getting better a few days after the treatment.

08-06-2015, 03:55 PM
James - proud to know you, that you will share this with us, and give a good smack upside the head.

Guys - this is not that big a deal. Stop being such a whiner, and get it done.

08-06-2015, 04:07 PM
James - proud to know you, that you will share this with us, and give a good smack upside the head.

Guys - this is not that big a deal. Stop being such a whiner, and get it done.

Chris.. I really debated whether to tell anyone and at one point I didn't even want to tell my family so as not to worry them.

But.. if anyone listens as the cliché goes then it would be worth it.

BTW.... The finger and scope is way better than the alternatives.

08-06-2015, 07:46 PM
It's a game of gay chicken that you're guaranteed to lose every time. :D

Al Fernandez
08-06-2015, 08:21 PM
Geez James! Glad to hear you're on the road to recovery. Scary shit man.

08-10-2015, 03:34 PM
Man James-sure hate hearing this but props to you for sharing and urging us to get checked. Will be thinking about you and keep us updated. Just go buy a ballcap with the mullett in the back to mess with your friends. My last physical was right before I turned 40 and the doc didn't check me-guess I need to go back early and get molested.

Question I have is how did you know you had blood in your poop? Have heard that it won't be red blood unless it's on the outside? So is it black or brown and how do you tell the difference from it and a turd? Doc Frank story's are certainly coming to my mind. May miss Houston but I'll be really looking forward to TWS. Even if you don't bring your car out hope you can make it to TWS or an event sometime.

08-10-2015, 04:20 PM
Thanks Bryan.

It was actual blood so it was red....sorry for this... but it would actually drip blood a little. Started out very little and got worse. I thought it was just a hemorrhoid so I just ignored it...and I didn't really tell Kendra until it got worse a couple of months before she forced me to go see doctor.

08-11-2015, 04:41 PM
Everyone should begin screening for colon CA at age 50. If you have a positive family history or symptoms such as bleeding or significant change in bowel habits, most would screen earlier. Different ways to screen, fecal occult blood testing, sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, pill endoscopy and some newer imaging modalities like MRI or high res CT. Colonoscopy can be both diagnostic and therapeutic so that's what I did and would recommend. If you wait for bleeding you are probably at a more advanced level unless it's rectal, so don't wait for bleeding. Bleeding is generally red for polyps or CA in the rectum and black/tarry for lesions higher up. The interval of screening is changing. Used to be every year or 2 if you had an adenomatous polyp found on initial screening and every 5 years if you were clean. Now it's every 10 years if you are clean until age 75 or so. I got screened at 48 for positive family history. Had a small adenoma removed and was re screened 3 years later. Found another small adenoma and scheduled for another colonoscopy in 5 years. Adenomas are the polyps that can degenerate to CA. So if you are 50 and have not had screening, get it done. Check with your insurance and make sure the gastroenterologist is in network and make sure they do not screw you with the diagnostic verses therapeutic codes. Screening is diagnostic but if they find a polyp you want it removed and now it's therapeutic. Make sure you are pre-approved for both situations. FMR

08-11-2015, 06:16 PM
Frank, I'm 57 (damn near 58) and every year my Doc ask when was the date of my last Colonoscopy and I say never. This year at my annual physical he ask again and when I told him the answer he ordered me a test where I send in some poop (sorry but this is a shitty deal) and he said this was better than nothing. I have no issues or family history. Since I did this send in deal do you think if it comes back okay I should still get a colonoscopy?


08-12-2015, 07:18 AM
That's a no brainer, YES. It's like a haircut.

08-12-2015, 07:53 AM
Good stuff Dr. Frank. Definitely don't wait until you see blood....but if you are still too hard headed and do... go then not later.

A recent study I was reading says that colon cancer is on the rise for folks under 50. They are attempting to get the recommended screening age lowered.

08-12-2015, 08:59 AM
Thanks for chiming in Frank. Just trying to understand how its therapeutic? Especially therapeutic if a polyp is found. Is it just a difference of definitions between my pea brain and the medical term? I think of therapeutic like a massage or something that isn't medically necessary. Removing a polyp seems like removing a piece of skin cancer off my face that isn't done for cosmetic or therapeutic reasons.

Anyway-all good stuff to discuss and remind us that we need to take care of these things. Thanks for clarifying things as I check the toilet now after a spicy Curry.

08-12-2015, 11:34 AM
Thanks for clarifying things as I check the toilet now after a spicy Curry.

Really man, I'm on my lunch break.

08-19-2015, 12:35 PM
Get it done. It's one night you hate, but you can give that assurance to the wife. I did mine at 57, so it's time.
Pranav, nothing is like a spicy lamb madras.

08-19-2015, 01:56 PM
You're getting the best stuff over there. Indian food to London is like Tex-mex here...

01-27-2016, 10:07 AM
Well... I finished my last chemo treatment two weeks ago. I had CT scans and blood work last week and doctor visit yesterday.

The good news is that at time I am done. All looks good and no cancer to be seen at this time. I will have a follow up CT scan in June and port removed in June.

Just a reminder... Don't wait like I did and you probably don't have to go through this crap I did. Get yourself checked if you are over 50, over 35 with a family history of colon cancer, or if you have any weird changes happening.

01-27-2016, 10:11 AM
Good to hear, James. I guess if NASA made it a licensing requirement at 50 everybody would get it done then.

01-27-2016, 10:18 AM
Good to hear, James. I guess if NASA made it a licensing requirement at 50 everybody would get it done then.

I think it used to be a part of their licensing, but changed a few years ago.

01-27-2016, 11:19 AM
Great news James!!!!!

01-27-2016, 11:43 AM
Very happy to hear that!

01-27-2016, 12:47 PM
Awesome! Congrats James, that's excellent news!!

01-27-2016, 01:35 PM
Glad to hear it James!


01-27-2016, 01:39 PM
So happy to hear good news on this front James! Good work!

01-27-2016, 03:13 PM
Great to hear you are healthy!!

01-27-2016, 03:18 PM
Glad to hear it James!

01-27-2016, 03:39 PM
Thumbs up! (or is that too soon...)

Grats man!!

01-27-2016, 04:18 PM
Thumbs up! (or is that too soon...)

Grats man!!

:D That made me laugh.

Thanks everyone.. glad to have it BEHIND me. Now just have to recover from some of the side effects... like numbness in fingers and feet and I have gained over 30lbs. One thinks they would lose weight on chemo, but all the steroids and eating to fight the nausea caused me to get fatter.

01-27-2016, 05:08 PM
Sweet news and happy for your family. Now get your gut and hooptie to Cresson and Hallett!

Al Fernandez
01-29-2016, 09:47 PM
Congrats James. Hope you still fit into your driving suit ;)

02-01-2016, 09:14 AM
Congrats James. Hope you still fit into your driving suit ;)

I might can... but I probably look like Tony Stewart in his. :D

02-02-2016, 07:14 AM
Great news James. Tell your folks hello for me.