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View Full Version : Fixing this disfunction "family"

09-29-2006, 07:44 AM
A few weeks ago, I sent NASATX an email with a suggestion. I suggested that they provide a "year end" comment form for racers in all the classes to voice their opinions, frustrations, ideas, etc. without having to do so publicly.

Bekah sent me an email a few days later saying they were working on the form. Hopefully this will turn into a “real” vehicle for us to utilize to let NASATX know what we are concerned about. I know we have these “bitch fests” on the internet, but not everyone may be willing to read everyone’s comments in an internet forum.

I just wanted to let everyone know that we “hopefully” have something that will allow us to clearly voice our opinion.

09-29-2006, 08:08 AM
I actually kinda take offence to this notion that "we" the racers are some sort of disfuntional family.
Family, yes. Disfuntional, NO.

For every action (or lack there of) is and equal and opposite REaction.
A lot of what is seen here as negative crap is a result of a perception of poor management.

Squeeking wheel gets the grease and the wheels came close to falling off IMO. Wobbling pretty bad, cart wondering all over the road etc.

No one did any bitching about the way the Nats was run.


Waco Racer
09-29-2006, 08:29 AM
No one did any bitching about the way the Nats was run.


Expect more of the same from now on. Hopefully from both sides.

09-29-2006, 08:46 AM
Dysfunctional: a consequence of a social practice or behavior pattern that undermines the stability of a social system. Abnormal or impaired functioning, especially of a bodily system or social group.

I'd have to say it fits.

Mike Bell
09-29-2006, 09:10 AM
I'm beginning to wonder if it is more than anyone can be expected to fix. I'm not talking about the rules or procedures, those seem to be tangibles that either get followed or changed or adapted as time goes on. Maybe when the race group gets bigger than 4-5 racers then it's not going to be friendly and fun anymore.

The issue for me has become racing and what it brings out in personalities (or my multiple personalities lol). Of course I'm only addressing my own behavior (not throwing rocks at anyone else or anyone in particular). When I step back I have to admit I'm mostly ashamed at the way I've acted over the last 4 years not only with NASA TX but with my fellow racers. While racing has been a ton of fun but I've also allowed the same "adrenaline rush" to take over my interactions with my fellow racers OFF of the track. This board is chocked full with examples of my unsocial pathological crazy idiocy. I haven't contributed, I've criticized and complained.

Mitch's analogy of writing checks the friendship bank account can't cover pretty much hits the nail on the head. Perhaps I can't play in this sandbox nicely. That's a pretty sad commentary but there's too much truth in it to ignore. Bitching at NASA TX on some year end form is not the answer to this problem, it's the driver's attitude that need adjusting in my case.

09-29-2006, 09:58 AM
I'm beginning to wonder if it is more than anyone can be expected to fix. I'm not talking about the rules or procedures, those seem to be tangibles that either get followed or changed or adapted as time goes on. Maybe when the race group gets bigger than 4-5 racers then it's not going to be friendly and fun anymore.

The issue for me has become racing and what it brings out in personalities (or my multiple personalities lol). Of course I'm only addressing my own behavior (not throwing rocks at anyone else or anyone in particular). When I step back I have to admit I'm mostly ashamed at the way I've acted over the last 4 years not only with NASA TX but with my fellow racers. While racing has been a ton of fun but I've also allowed the same "adrenaline rush" to take over my interactions with my fellow racers OFF of the track. This board is chocked full with examples of my unsocial pathological crazy idiocy. I haven't contributed, I've criticized and complained.

Mitch's analogy of writing checks the friendship bank account can't cover pretty much hits the nail on the head. Perhaps I can't play in this sandbox nicely. That's a pretty sad commentary but there's too much truth in it to ignore. Bitching at NASA TX on some year end form is not the answer to this problem, it's the driver's attitude that need adjusting in my case.

Ditto for me....I could not have written it better myself. I too am tired of complaining....it hasn't worked and neither has my approach. I am just going to choose to ignore it the best I can and attempt to enjoy racing again. I have spoken to John and Wayne about this and the conclusion I came up with is that guys like Fincik, and the other two guys with the blue coupe and black LX hatch, whose names elude me at the moment have the right idea...they go out and enjoy open tracking and leave all the BS of competition racing to those of us who THINK they are really racing. I think we might all be confused that we can keep the joy of open tracking with buddies and combine it with our racing fun. I know I have made that mistake and plan to change that in the future.


09-29-2006, 10:02 AM
[quote=Mike Bell]I have spoken to John and Wayne about this and the conclusion I came up with is that guys like Fincik, and the other two guys with the blue coupe and black LX hatch, whose names elude me at the moment have the right idea...they go out and enjoy open tracking and leave all the BS of competition racing to those of us who THINK they are really racing. I think we might all be confused that we can keep the joy of open tracking with buddies and combine it with our racing fun. I know I have made that mistake and plan to change that in the future.


Blue Coupe = Bud Sharp

Black Hatch (GT) =David Schwarze

09-29-2006, 11:15 AM
So some may think it's not the right thing to do, but I do remember us talking about giving comments to NASATX regarding suggestions (constructive criticism, hopefully) which will help the "experience" work better. Be that:

1. Tech inspections
2. Parking
3. Grid call
4. Intercom
5. Radios
6. Corner worker flags
7. etc.
8. etc.

Not necessarily to "fix" the "family", but just make it better.

Guys, EVERY family is dysfunctional to some extent...

I enjoy racing and hanging out with each of you... which the exception of the Michael Mosty character... 8) . I look forward to a blast at MSR-H.

Mike Bell
09-29-2006, 11:19 AM
So this process does not go through Todd?

09-29-2006, 11:38 AM
It can... We could use the NASA comment form to fill out our issues and Todd (or someone Todd designates) could compile the suggestions/comments/concerns and forward them to NASA.

I am not trying to circumvent the proper protocol for issue resolution. When I emailed NASATX, I was just feeling out the water to see if they would even be receptive to this... obviously they are.

If Todd is the correct vehicle to deliver this to them, I want to use the "proper" channel.

Waco Racer
09-29-2006, 11:54 AM
FYI, the chain of command is racer, Class Director, Race Director, Regional Director, Executive Director. The local Class Director and Race Directors sometimes need to consult with the National Class Director, in case you were wondering where that person fit in.

Waco Racer
09-29-2006, 12:21 PM
So some may think it's not the right thing to do, but I do remember us talking about giving comments to NASATX regarding suggestions (constructive criticism, hopefully) which will help the "experience" work better. Be that:

1. Tech inspections
2. Parking
3. Grid call
4. Intercom
5. Radios
6. Corner worker flags
7. etc.
8. etc.

1. I have dropped the ball on this issue. It will be resolved by the first race of next season.
2. Interesting issue, not easily resolved. This is the only topic in which all classes have complaints.
Some things to consider:
2a) Not every driver in every class shows up at every event.
2b) Of the drivers that do show up, some pre register some don't.
2c) Some drivers show up on Friday afternoon before NASA Texas can get there and show up on Saturday morning while we are trying to get cars on course.
2d) Each class wants to be paddocked together near the restrooms, grid, speakers, and concessions.
2e) JC can lose patience with some people that show up with attitudes.
3. The future schedules will have times posted on them. Show up at grid on time or you will lose track time. We will be sticking to the schedule. Your group may be cut short on practices and qualifying because of someone in your group. Other groups will not be cut short due to the previous group’s issues. Unless your group is being total boneheads your race will run the advertised length.
4. We are at the mercy of the track for the intercom. Sometimes they get us what we need and sometimes not. If you expect our track announcers to be like the ones at Mid-Ohio, well, tough crap. Those guys were good and employed by the track.
5. I have already called Boudy and AI/CMC, and all related classes, will most likely be required to monitor the safety broadcast. Failure to do so will result in loss of grid position.
6. Are you talking about the display of the flags or the disregard of the flags by the drivers?
7. etc... I am still available if anyone wants to discuss anything else. I do follow the chain of command. Any issue you bring to me that is Class related gets discussed with Todd before any decision is made. There are 3 answers I typically give, yes, no, and maybe. Maybe means I would like to do more research on the topic. Yes and no should be self explanatory.

09-29-2006, 12:50 PM
5. I have already called Boudy and AI/CMC, and all related classes, will most likely be required to monitor the safety broadcast. Failure to do so will result in loss of grid position.

I really like the safety brodcast but I'm not in favor of making this manditory and then trying to police who can and can not hear it.

I tried the radio thing a while back. When it worked, I liked it. Several times it did not. A couple of times the cable attached to my helmet got caught on something and disconnected when I turned my head. Other times the ear piece that wouldn't stay in my ear when I put my helmet on and then I ran out of time to make it work. And of course I almost always forgot to turn the damn thing off when the race was over so it was dead the next time I went to use it.

Boudy is giving folks a great price for the basic listen only system and I encourage everyone to join in. I'm not in favor of yet again increasing the already excruciating price of admission to the new people just starting out.

Richard P.

09-29-2006, 02:29 PM
I wansn't mentioning specifics... just general ideas that people "might" have issues with.

I have very little issues myself.... except fuel pumps. 8)

What we do need are those little coaster "buzzers" that you get a chillis. Put it on your car dash board or instrument panel and when it goes off... 10 minutes to grid. Loan them out with a $50 fee if they aren't returned.

I don't know.... just thinking outside the box.

09-29-2006, 02:40 PM
Yes and no should be self explanatory.

I think you are reaching on this one .....

09-29-2006, 03:44 PM
What we do need are those little coaster "buzzers" that you get a chillis. Put it on your car dash board or instrument panel and when it goes off... 10 minutes to grid. Loan them out with a $50 fee if they aren't returned.

I don't know.... just thinking outside the box.

Or over the safety broadcast.....

10-02-2006, 06:09 PM
... I have spoken to John and Wayne about this and the conclusion I came up with is that guys like Fincik, and the other two guys with the blue coupe and black LX hatch, whose names elude me at the moment have the right idea...they go out and enjoy open tracking and leave all the BS of competition racing to those of us who THINK they are really racing. I think we might all be confused that we can keep the joy of open tracking with buddies and combine it with our racing fun. I know I have made that mistake and plan to change that in the future.


Matt, no confusion - in fact, in my experience, wheel to wheel racing produces some of the best cameraderie, friendships, memorable moments, highs and lows possible, and this group - dysfunctional or not - is no exception! The examples you use above to propose that open tracking with your buddies is fun but racing with your buddies can't be are very poor IMO - the reasons some of those guys are not racing with us, or racing with us any longer, have little to do with any notion that DEs are more fun, and everything to do with individual personalities ... and perhaps financial situations in some cases.

JG says he stopped racing because "he is too competitive and wasn't enjoying it anymore" - I reckon he stopped because he couldn't stand the heat in the kitchen when it finally started to warm up in there! :wink:

As Keith from Apex Driving Academy was overheard saying a couple weeks ago when his business partner, who has never raced, couldn't understand why he just HAD to go racing with NASA in October instead of working yet another DE, even though a student had signed up with an Astin Martin V8 Vantage:

"Dude, you need to get a racing license - everything else is like kissing your sister!" :mrgreen:

10-02-2006, 07:23 PM
Matt, no confusion - in fact, in my experience, wheel to wheel racing produces some of the best cameraderie, friendships, memorable moments, highs and lows possible, and this group - dysfunctional or not - is no exception! The examples you use above to propose that open tracking with your buddies is fun but racing with your buddies can't be are very poor IMO - the reasons some of those guys are not racing with us, or racing with us any longer, have little to do with any notion that DEs are more fun, and everything to do with individual personalities ... and perhaps financial situations in some cases.

JG says he stopped racing because "he is too competitive and wasn't enjoying it anymore" - I reckon he stopped because he couldn't stand the heat in the kitchen when it finally started to warm up in there! :wink:

As Keith from Apex Driving Academy was overheard saying a couple weeks ago when his business partner, who has never raced, couldn't understand why he just HAD to go racing with NASA in October instead of working yet another DE, even though a student had signed up with an Astin Martin V8 Vantage:

"Dude, you need to get a racing license - everything else is like kissing your sister!" :mrgreen:

The experience I have had in DE's, albeit limited compared to some, was that DE's were Much more fun because all we really had to complain about was the "slower" guys that caused trains. In my limited experience in racing in "the only game in town", is that all the political BS that has been going on is just too much for me. I think this forum, the yahoo forum and the vastly different personalities here in this group airing out the BS has done nothing but tarnish what should otherwise be a fun experience. Maybe we all just need to shut up and deal with the more important things in our lives? I will take my advice I gave to adam and just shut up and drop it.

As for JG, I can't answer that but I can definitely say that he STILL has the AI car to beat in this region so I don't think the "heat" was an issue IMHO.....

As for me, I cherish the comraderie I have had with this group and will NEVER forget the experiences I have had over the last year. However, I have just never felt like I fit in. Maybe I am too uptight for this laid back group...? I don't know. All I know is that I really haven't gotten the payoff I expected for the investment I have in this. I think that is what has been the root of the problem for me all along is that I jumped in with both feet in an attempt to run to with the front runners. What I failed to realize was that running the car once a month, or every other month just wasn't going to do it for me. I had so much more fun doing DE's, AX's every other weekend and even driving a moderately illegal car to work every friday and to car shows and cruises. Racing is an absolute blast, but the intermittant rush just doesn't do it for me anymore. Maybe I am the most disfunctional one around here??
I am going to finish the season, take a step back and look at ALL aspects of my life and where I am going from here but I think I can say with about 90% certainty, racing is not going to be in my future. I will likely sell the car and go back to a single street car, no truck or trailer and just simplify everything in my life.

yeah my current bucket of crap in my personal life is effecting this and that's why I am taking a step back to make sure. time will tell....see you guys in a couple weeks.

10-02-2006, 10:36 PM
So you're another one who finds the kitchen a little warm eh Matt? ;)

I predict that you'll be back, but understand the crap you are dealing with now - been through that myself (it's actually a blessing in disguise - you just can't see it from where you sit right now ;)

And JG's weapon isn't the AI car to beat while it's sitting in a garage or even if it comes out for DEs - it's just another Mustang that shoulda coulda woulda! I hope he gets withdrawals over winter and brings it out to play again next year!

10-20-2006, 10:20 PM
I really have been trying to be nice and stay off of this list due to posts like this and this has just put me over the top!

Plan and simple the heat in the kitchen is a very small flame it's more like poor drivers an ill prepared cars.

Point blank I'm tired of the series and some of the ignorant people within the series.

If anyone thinks they have anything for me or my car put some money on the table and call me and I don’t take foreign currency.

Give me a reason to pull the car out of my shop and a goal worth pursuing.

Lewis Tanner
10-20-2006, 11:48 PM
Plan and simple the heat in the kitchen is a very small flame it's more like poor drivers an ill prepared cars.

If you don't like my smokescreen generating, random line taking, hood flopping assortment of parts held together primaily with paint and hot glue that I call a race car, you should just come out and say it. Don't hold back on my account. ;)

As for a reason to break out the car, I've got $500 that says you can't jump a school bus with it.

Mike Bell
10-21-2006, 04:38 AM
Ok boys, headed out to the deep south Angleton facility momentarily. Predictions of precipitation be damned.

I don't think it's the heat in the kitchen that causes all the ruckus - it's the smell lol. Someone turn on that vent fan!!! :D :D :D :D

10-21-2006, 06:21 AM
You crack me up, John. 8)

10-22-2006, 10:35 PM
I really have been trying to be nice and stay off of this list due to posts like this and this has just put me over the top!

Plan and simple the heat in the kitchen is a very small flame it's more like poor drivers an ill prepared cars.

Point blank I'm tired of the series and some of the ignorant people within the series.

If anyone thinks they have anything for me or my car put some money on the table and call me and I don’t take foreign currency.

Give me a reason to pull the car out of my shop and a goal worth pursuing.

Um, I would have liked to get some of the beast this weekend.... :lol:

10-22-2006, 11:19 PM
Though they were out spent,
they weren't out classed.
Congrats fellas!!!!!!!!

10-23-2006, 10:10 AM
Congrats to CM and RP 2006 series "Champp's" !

Mike Bell
10-23-2006, 10:13 AM
That's a great photo, thanks for sharing it JB!

Congrats Richard and Chris! (and JB!)

10-23-2006, 11:17 AM
Awesome run guys, Congrats on the Champ!

You earned it!

David D.

10-23-2006, 03:20 PM
Subtle, yet clear.

Congrats, guys