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View Full Version : Why I am OK not racing these days. Warning - Proud Dad moment inside!

10-26-2016, 10:53 PM
As most of you know, I have been absent for a while. Even before I junked up my car @ TWS, I was only making 1/2 the events for 3 years running. I get asked all the time about when I will be back. The answer is very unclear, and just when I think I have an idea, the things that are keeping me away, go and change the rules.
Most of you know both my girls (Morgan 14 - 9th grade and Karlie 11 - 5th grade) play softball all year long. They also play basketball in the fall seasons. I have in the past coached on every team. Yes, 6 softball teams and 2 basketball teams every year for several years now.

Morgan is currently playing for the high school fall league. This is where all the kids who played JV/Varsity ball last year and all new Freshmen who will be trying out play under "Dads" who are not part of the school coaching staff. They play other schools who do the same. Morgan also plays city league softball as well. For the last 2 weeks she also has basketball workouts until 5:30 pm 5 days a week and goes straight from there to softball practice or games 5 days a week. This past week she also worked out w/ a select team on Sunday. She is doing 2 sports a day for 5 of the 7 days and 1 on the other 2. Also all honors classes. Kid is working hard. She has a week and a half left of this schedule then softball is over for a month.

Karlie is playing select softball and select basketball. Both of those sports are all year long. So she has a couple softball workouts a week as well as 1 or 2 basketball workouts a week. She also had pitching lessons once a week and we try and pitch 2 times a week. She is also now taking hitting lessons as well once a week. She plays a couple tournaments a month and those are 5 to 8 plus games a weekend. Last weekend she played 5 games and pitched 3 of them. Again, the kid works hard.

Wed night is Morgan's Fall High School league game night. Her team is made up of 9th and 10th grade girls and there are 2 7th grade and an 8th grade girl(s) on the team. Anyone under 9th grade is by invite only. Meaning, these coaches need to know about you before they will allow you to tryout. Gotta be very good in other words. We got there early and was watching Morgan warm up. One of the coaches walks over and sits next to my wife and asks if Karlie can pitch for them tonight. He knows she is a 5th grader and is only 11. She takes hitting lessons from him (his daughter was ranked 6th in the county in 2016 and went to play for the Ducks). So my little 5th grade baby 11 year old (turned 11 a month and a half ago!) went home and changed and came back w/ her gear and got to pitch in the 2nd and 3rd innings. She is 2 grades below the youngest kid on the team! She strikes out the first two batters and the last one pops up to her and Karlie got her out too! All the outs of the 2nd inning went to an 11 year old. So we go to bat. Karlie gets her chance. She is @ a full count and she jacks a double over 3rd base. Very nice hit! We get our run limit and Karlie goes back to the rubber. She strikes out all 3 batters!

This is the first time she pitched @ 43 ft. 11-12 year olds pitch from 40 ft. Karlie has been pitching 40ft only since August. Prior to that, she was @ 35ft w/ an 11" ball. August is when we moved her to 40ft w/ a 12" ball. For her to just 3 months later jump to 43ft and do well, is crazy. Keep in mind, she just started pitching in Sept last year. Yep, been pitching just a tick over a year!

To say I am over whelmed w/ joy is an understatement. I have sat on that bucket countless hours and hit w/ who knows how many balls from wild pitches. Worked w/ her hitting, the mental side of the game.

What happened tonight makes it easy to forget you even have a racecar in the garage. I cannot wait for the day to come that I need to buy plane tickets to go see my kid(s) play college softball.

So - when will I be back to racing? Who knows. At least I have a great reason to not be racing.
I have no idea what the next turn in life will give me or my kids. Life is good now and I cannot imagine how it could be much better.

Today was a good day.

10-27-2016, 06:19 AM
That is awesome!! You are doing exactly the right thing. Your kiddos have their passion and they are giving you the ability to be a part of it. Racing will always be here. Kiddos grow up and those opportunities are gone.

We'll see you back in good time, proud Papa.

10-27-2016, 08:26 AM
Great stuff Glenn. This is the very reason I did quit.

Jaycie is now a high school freshman and had to give up some of her activities this year. She quit cheer and basketball due to conflicts, but she is playing school volleyball (just won district on Tuesday night) so school volleyball is over for her, but travel volleyball starts next week. Soccer (her passion) starts today with games beginning in Jan., then in Feb. softball starts and she will be juggling travel volleyball, soccer, & softball.

As long as her grades remain high, we are okay with the sports schedule... and currently all A's in advanced classes.

10-27-2016, 08:40 AM
I love hearing about people/kids succeeding at something they enjoy.

Ours are a Jr. at A&M and a high school senior - Rebecca had a featured solo in their Broadway Nights performance a couple weeks ago. It is a great season to see the kids becoming adults. My view is that Kimberly and I are succeeded as parents.

As long as her grades remain high, we are okay with the sports schedule... and currently all A's in advanced classes.

Just another take on this - I have a flexible-ish rule-policy-thing that if the kids are doing their best, challenging themselves, and maturing - I want them to miss every school day allowed by law. I don't think public school is doing everything it should be doing and if they're watching a movie in class because some precious little hearts can't have any noise while they're testing...

I'm of the opinion that the kids are better off genuinely learning how to overcome a learning challenge, working hard and making a B. But a bunch of A's in the right classes leading to some scholarship money ain't bad either. And no, college is not for everybody.

While leaving time to be a kid.

But, if James and Glenn would just come back and... sorry, thread drift.

10-27-2016, 12:47 PM
This is why I did not hit the track even to do DE's until Jay was in collage. I was over 50 before I raced in my first event. Better than nothing and the funds were not there in my younger years.


Al Fernandez
10-27-2016, 01:00 PM
wow talk about performing when it counts. Congrats Glenn
Although we all know this is just a complex story meant to buy time while you build a Mustang so you can run up front again...

10-27-2016, 03:26 PM
One will never regret spending time with or watching their children. One is likely to regret the opposite and find their child living at home or in the penal system. I would enjoy it while it lasts because you never know when it will be over but one word needs to be considered with kids sports is burnout. Every kids is different and you never know when it may or may not happen. Generally speaking the best strategy is to always support them and tell them you enjoy watching them but it isn't the easiest strategy. Even though I think my son peaked at soccer at age 4 I'm loving every second I get with it and looking forward to coaching practice this evening then three games this weekend. One of the best moments of my life happened coaching this past season and I wouldn't trade it for anything-even dominating in CMC. That's why Frank isn't around as he has a son playing soccer in Europe.

Good story by a proud dad making the right decisions and being able to share it with your other family from racing. Get your car ready when you can and come out when you can. But also bring the bucket and balls for us to try and hit you with!

10-27-2016, 03:46 PM
I personally felt joy inside for you when I read your story, that is awesome! How have you helped her with performing in those situations?

10-27-2016, 04:33 PM
Well last night she was very nervous. She has a bit of an anxiety issue anyways. We have worked alot with helping understaning that is ok to feel that way and it shows that she takes the situation seriously.
Last night was big. So I told her a story I was told once about about a sports car racing a truck. If you win, so what you beat a truck. You don't win, you got beat by a truck.
I told ber your 11 and they are 14. You're not suposed to win. If they hit your pitches, so what, your 11. If they can't, man, you struck out to an 11 year old.
You have to find success in everything. Even bad days. Some days are so bad, it isn't worth the wear and tear on the balls. Gotta know when to put the bucket of balls up and just talk.
I spend alot of time showing her old vids of her pitching. She always perks up and realizes how much she has improved. It happens so slow, it is hard for both of us to see.
We uses to start with 20 plus balls in a pile and pitch until they are all behind the catcher. We pick them up and start over. We would do this several times in an hour.
Now, I get 3 to 5 balls out and we normally can go an hour before we have to stop and pick them up. I show her that improvement.

10-28-2016, 11:24 AM
Glenn is right on the money and so is everyone else, there are Moments of True joy when you see stuff like that happen,

I had to go to a stupid ass homeowners meeting last night, and missed my daughters tee-ball game, only one I missed all year,

And she hit a leadoff home run to start the game


10-28-2016, 11:56 AM

10-28-2016, 05:06 PM
Glenn is right on the money and so is everyone else, there are Moments of True joy when you see stuff like that happen,

I had to go to a stupid ass homeowners meeting last night, and missed my daughters tee-ball game, only one I missed all year,

And she hit a leadoff home run to start the game


Too bad.. but I bet there will be many more good times. I enjoy my kids activities more than I could have ever imagined.

11-16-2016, 08:08 PM
I'm proud of both Glenn, James and others. I have gotten to know both of you, and your family, and you have brought your girls to the track to talk trash to each other, and become friends. "My dad is faster than your dad."
Enjoy the kids, I got see my son win a state championship in soccer, and play college baseball.
You can always come back to the race car with me and Jerry. We will be the guys with the walkers.