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View Full Version : Selling to raise tui

01-21-2018, 11:10 AM
Some of you may or may not know Jack graduated from college last May with his degree in software engineering. He decided before that to pursue his Master's degree. His class schedule and work don't allow adequate time to devote to racing, and we've made the decision
to sell his 2008 AI Mustang to help cover the cost of tuition.

Most of you know the car and the time and effort Jason Massey and Jack put into developing the car. We didn't race in 2017, but everything was either replaced or rebuilt in 2016 including new paint.

It wasn't an easy decision to make, but it is a smart one. We will be back at some point in the future to continue to race with the AI /CMC group. We appreciate all the help you afforded him and the friends we made.

If any of you know of someone looking for a car, please send them our way. I'll be posting ads in all the usual places in a few days.


01-23-2018, 08:57 AM
It was great to have you and Jack around. It was great to see his racecraft improve over his time with NASA. We will see you soon once he's closed the next chapter in his education!
If you wanted to post up some specifics on the board, there are non-members that traffic the "For Sale" section and might give you a few hits.

01-28-2018, 05:23 PM
I'm extending my teams this year so depending on the program Jack is enrolled in, if he is looking for a gig with a boss that is both school and racing-schedule friendly, reach out and maybe he can keep the car. No promises but I hate to see people sell their cars ...unless they are buying up ;)