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10-24-2006, 06:08 PM
R1 start:


Hitting the oil:



Mike Bell
10-25-2006, 05:55 AM
Wow, that motor sounds like a real beast!! Nice job in the oil slick Misty, could have been a bad ending there.

10-25-2006, 10:44 AM
You had that 05 fair in your sights Misty! :shock:

Were you stuck in the mud or just waiting for a gap to go? I'm not sure I would have hung around there for that long - you would have been a target for sure if someone else went off? I cringed when I heard those screaming tires as Morgan (or was it James?) came skidding through the slick! Glad they kept it on the track!

10-25-2006, 11:21 AM
No one's more glad than me that he kept it on track.

You're right, not the ideal place to wait. I just didn't want to insure that I would get hit by entering in fast traffic. I rocked the car out of the mud and was looking for a gap to reenter, but could see fast traffic coming and with mud on the tires and an oil slick to cross, I knew I was going to be moving slow at first. ( Not that I ever moved real fast in that car this weekend) Hindsight being 20/20, I probably should have driven in the dirt to 17, and entered there on the outside of the track. I don't think the mud was too bad through there.

Don't think you can see him on the video, but Corey was running from his vehicle right before I went off.