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View Full Version : PSA: Don't text and drive: Pics from a wreck I witnessed.

09-28-2020, 02:13 PM
So I was traveling back home on a two lane farm-to-market road and met a car that was attempting to turn left across traffic into a housing addition. Just after I passed the turning car, I met another car where the driver was looking at his phone not aware that a car was attempting to turn.

I knew what was about to happen so I watched in horror in my mirrors as the driver of the white car plowed into the black car and it truly looked like a bomb went off with all of the parts flying. There was a line of cars, so I had to find a safe place to turn around and when I got back to the scene cars were backup on both sides of the road as all traffic was halted. I had to drive on the shoulder and grass to get back and was shocked to see a truck that had also gotten caught got up in the wreck.

The black car was hit at full speed 70-75mph by the white car and then the black car was shoved head on into the black truck at roughly the same speed. Amazing.. no one was killed. The driver and passenger of the black car and truck were all fine. One passenger had some scratches from flying glass. The driver of the white car was semi-alert, but careflighted for possible head injuries, but from what I was told he was going to be fine.

Notice the engine was knocked completely out of the black car and into the pasture next to the road.


09-28-2020, 05:08 PM
Knocked the brake booster out of the firewall?! Wow! HUA syndrome. Surrounded by Morons we are.

09-28-2020, 05:46 PM
Whoa!!! And they walked away (one flew away but whatever). Was expecting different results.

09-28-2020, 06:29 PM
Dang, so thankful it wasn’t more head on. I bet that car spun around like crazy!!!

09-29-2020, 09:31 PM
It was amazing no one was seriously injured. All I saw in the mirror was the explosion of parts and not much more.