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View Full Version : Rookie mistake...................VIDEO

10-05-2020, 09:08 PM
For our last race of the year (this past weekend) we had a smaller field and decided to do a rare inverted start. I started next to last and my footage is for those that might find themselves further ahead of a pack than you might normally be........DON'T hit the brakes when you see yellow flags at T6!!!!! (lead car caused a chain reaction)

Note: You kinda have to laugh, some of my best friends already have after learning I was just fine. The car.........not so much!


10-09-2020, 09:46 AM
Dang, that sucks to see and glad you are ok!! Shows how weak the fronts of these cars are. I hope the repairs aren’t too crazy.

10-09-2020, 01:53 PM
On top of body panels the windshield and roof are damaged. Radiator support AND end of frame rails crushed. Radiator, oil cooler, PS bottle all crushed. Rear support was left on the track and rear tub pushed in......gas tank pushed into pan-hard bar bracket. A buddy owns a body shop and says we'll fix it all.

However the race the day before was EPIC!

10-11-2020, 05:32 PM
I know about that "buddy body shop" process. Good luck on the repairs... just sucks to have to do it.

10-13-2020, 08:34 AM
Now Im terrified I could cause this in the future being a rook still in HPDE training. Can I apologize now for all my future goofs?

10-13-2020, 10:20 AM
Now Im terrified I could cause this in the future being a rook still in HPDE training. Can I apologize now for all my future goofs?

Just about any mistake you can pull off the rest of us have already made. Don't worry about it just do your best.


10-13-2020, 03:20 PM
Now Im terrified I could cause this in the future being a rook still in HPDE training. Can I apologize now for all my future goofs?

I don't race in TX but if your group is anything like ours, they will bust your balls un-mercifully...........while doing everything they can to fix everyone's cars!

As shadowbolt states, you're not likely to make a mistake that others haven't already made.

Here's 3 standing starts our group screwed up a couple years ago.....back-to-back-back race weekends!

10-13-2020, 06:18 PM
Holy cow, what happened in the first two standing starts? The third one is pretty obvious and I can see how that would warrant being made fun of forever!!

10-13-2020, 07:48 PM
Holy cow, what happened in the first two standing starts? The third one is pretty obvious and I can see how that would warrant being made fun of forever!!

The first one was multiple groups doing standing starts. I roll up on pole and wait for the group in front of us to go. When a couple drivers screwed up and stepped out of line the flagger didn't realize we were a seperate group and was frantically waving the flag wondering why none of us took off. A faster driver that missed qualifying (starting last) said screw it and took off. The flagger actually came over that night to apologize and we all just laughed thinking the whole thing was funny as crap.

The second is a driver that has since retired.......about 5 year later than he should have. He swore til the end that he saw the flagger move although NONE of the rest of us saw that.

The 3rd was a driver that also runs SCCA. Said he forgot we were doing a standing start.....but admitted he would have blown a rolling start too since he simply wasn't paying attention.

....we still laugh about these!