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View Full Version : Tech Notes from Hank

04-13-2022, 12:57 PM
I just received these from Hank:

Window nets: You might have noticed that there are alot of SFI window nets that are relatively new, but due to expire soon. As you know, NASA requires that nets be less than 5 years old while SFI certifications on window nets expire after only 2 years. This can cause confusion since a net may show a June '22 expiration date on the SFI label, but as far as we are concerned they will still be ok for another 3 years. This wasn't an issue when SFI labels showed manufacture dates, but now they show expiration dates after only 2 years. I've handled this by adding 3 years to the expiration date to come up with the actual NASA-recognized expiration date, noting this actual date on the tech form, then explaining to the driver. It's a little confusing but drivers are happy to hear that they don't need to buy another net so soon.

Fire system rule: We are still waiting for National to finalize and publish the new rule, so there is no new information available.

Fire bottle recerts/service dates: We have stepped-up our checking of fire system bottles and are finding some that are beyond their recertification or next-service dates. While the CCR does not require that systems be within their service dates, we are reminding drivers that regardless of the new rule, for their safety they should be aware of these dates and service their systems accordingly.

Fuel expansion/surging and oil/fuel leaks while on track: Some cars leak from their fuel caps when the tanks are overfull. We see this especially during long run sessions, and Foxbody/SN95 Mustangs seem to do this more than others. At ECR a Spec Miata arrived in impound with a small leak, and we saw a Mustang with a significant fuel puddle in the trunk, fully exposed to the driver. We also saw cars with oil-soaked header wrap along with leaky fuel fittings. Remember that a marginal fitting might not leak until the system is overpressurized due to excessive heat, and we are entering the hot months of the year. Whether at the track or while inspecting cars before an event, let's all be aware of fuel and oil smells, check fluid fittings and watch for signs of potential fire risk. Discuss with the driver and remind them to identify any issues before they go on track.