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View Full Version : Did a few laps at Eagle's Canyon today.....

01-07-2007, 06:58 PM
Got a little bored and went site seeing today. Did 240 miles on the back roads of North Texas and swung by the new "FIA" track. Gates were open so I tresspassed on in and found some guys just playing around.

Did 4 laps in the truck with the guy who crashed the plane out there 3 months ago as a pace car and I must say...the track will be a shitload of fun to drive fast on in a race car. As for racing door to door, the jury is still out. I will say this much though. Show up with lots of brake pads. Track has a great rythm to it and the elevation change is f'n awesome...actually scary in a 3/4 pickup on 35's attempting some "speed"! :shock: One scary part at the end of the long straight that you guys who like to spin in off camber turns are going to hate...actually, there are A LOT of off camber turns, one blind "corkscrew" type turn, a turn reminiscent of the Bitch at hallet and some VERY heavy braking areas that are ALL down hill!

Also, plan on bringing plywood for your jackstands and pit areas as the pits will likely be pea gravel as they are WAY behind due to the weather....and the nearest hotel is 20 miles away in either direction.

Honestly, from what I saw today, unless they kick shit into gear, all we might have come April is a track and some parking areas. Rough cut on the paddock areas hasn't even started yet. With a little more than 90 days left before TX V8 racing arrives, they has got a lot to do!!! We may need to start doing the ANTI rain dance up here for those guys so they can get caught up!

Wish I had taken the video camera with me but didn't even think about it....sorry guys! and yes....I am a cheating bastich!!!! :wink:

Mike Bell
01-07-2007, 07:03 PM
Thanks for the update! I'm sure it'll be "exciting" once the AI/CMC V8's get out there lol.

01-07-2007, 08:10 PM
Cool, thanks for the scouting report Matt. Sounds like fun.


01-07-2007, 08:21 PM
Cheating bastard practice laps ...

01-07-2007, 08:43 PM
Take any video? 8)

01-07-2007, 08:54 PM
i predicted a couple months back that this track would not be ready in April for us. i hope i'm wrong, but NASA TX should learn a leason from this. dont book an event @ a track that hasnt even started laying asphalt yet or drop a venue thats hard to get for same unstarted track.
as for the rain - TX is so far behind on rainfall, the law of averages will likely catch up in '07. look for a lot of rain races this year. plus, over half out races are on the coast, so double the chances for that.

glad to hear that about the track, sounds like a hoot. lots of speed and a need for major brakes. gotta get started on those C5 calipers. :twisted:

thanks for the update.

01-07-2007, 09:15 PM
i predicted a couple months back that this track would not be ready in April for us. i hope i'm wrong, but NASA TX should learn a leason from this. dont book an event @ a track that hasnt even started laying asphalt yet or drop a venue thats hard to get for same unstarted track.
as for the rain - TX is so far behind on rainfall, the law of averages will likely catch up in '07. look for a lot of rain races this year. plus, over half out races are on the coast, so double the chances for that.

glad to hear that about the track, sounds like a hoot. lots of speed and a need for major brakes. gotta get started on those C5 calipers. :twisted:

thanks for the update.

Well, I just got off the phone with Todd about it and frankly, there is well more than can NORMALLY be done in 90 days to complete. I suggested regular "check ups" be done by NASA TX and I volunteer my time to go be the "muscle" for pressure. The ONLY thing that is done is the base layer of asphalt. The top coat is not yet done, drainage isn't complete, there is NO grass, no pit lanes, no foundations for ANY buildings, no rough grading for pit areas which in their case looks like it needs to have several thousands of yards of dirt moved and stabilized/compacted, no access roads from the highway, no garages, no signs telling you it's there...not much of anything to support the track even if it were done today. They were there working today doing some more leveling of the areas outside the track but there is only 5 pieces of equipment on the site working. A rubber tired loader, motor grader/blade, dump truck, track hoe and a water truck.... Having been in construction for 7 years, I can tell you I personally would be shitting bricks right now.

Only other thing I can also input is that FM544 going out there from I-35 is going to be interesting with trailer in tow...there are some VERY narrow bridges, lanes, rough road and interesting hills both up and down!

I am so very happy to see a new track which is close to home...I only hope it's done in time!!!! :?

01-07-2007, 09:34 PM
I understand the other sanctioning body has an event before the NASA date.


01-07-2007, 09:39 PM
the SCCA has an event @ MSR-C this month on the 20th-21st.
is that to whom you refer?

01-07-2007, 10:29 PM
the SCCA has an event @ MSR-C this month on the 20th-21st.
is that to whom you refer?

You need to change the battery in your JB decoder ring.

Todd Covini
01-08-2007, 12:10 AM
I think TDE is there before us but we're the first race group to be there. Personally, I think Texas AI/CMC is the perfect race group to christen the track and all other racing organizations will likely be curious to hear our big bore impressions!

(Everyone watch your mouth, stay clean shaven, wear your best pressed clothes and let's look good now, ya' hear?!) 8)

-=- Todd

01-08-2007, 09:13 AM
Interesting news... I hope they get it ready.

Having 1 of only 2 races not in Houston will really suck.

01-08-2007, 09:37 AM
While sitting in bed last night trying to go to sleep for 3 hours, I was running through the course in my mind as if I was in the car and that track is going to be FAST!

I also ran through my mind of what will need to be complete by the time we arrive April 24th.....and folks, I envision port a johns, bullhorns, gravel and likely, NO timing gear unless it's housed in a portable wooden shed. Corner worker stations might likely be pickup trucks.

Having watched how slowly MSR H and then the Cresson's 3.1 were "finished" with tire walls, barriers and general race ready safety setups....I would say in my opinion, Eagles Canyon will not happen in April...and I am f'n serious!! :shock: I am certain they will eventually finish, but seriously, they have a TON of work to complete to even be marginally ready for a race weekend. I would suggest looking for alternatives NOW.

Mike Bell
01-08-2007, 09:41 AM
Bah, after seeing the videos from NPR I'm convinced that AI/CMC can handle darn near any track lol. :lol:

01-08-2007, 10:14 AM
Bah, after seeing the videos from NPR I'm convinced that AI/CMC can handle darn near any track lol. :lol:

That was a Super-Moto CMC/AI event, right?

01-08-2007, 11:06 AM
I would suggest looking for alternatives NOW.
Damn Matt that sux!
I was really looking fwd to this event.
I have the engineering drawing blown up and hanging around for gandering. You are spot on in your analysis.
"Hit The Brakes Gawddamnit" will be the D.E. instructors battle (survival) cry.


01-08-2007, 11:40 AM
If this track does not make it open in time.....What do you think Nasa will do next?

Mike Bell
01-08-2007, 11:47 AM
Looks like MSRC has an opening that weekend, maybe it would be a good plan B in case Eagles Canyon isn't ready for racing?

01-08-2007, 11:55 AM
Mike, i have inquired w/in, lets see what happens.
an open date @ MSR could be a menber only weekend. if i remember right, MSR-C can only be rented out to clubs 1 weekend a month, all others are members weekends. i could be mistaken.

01-08-2007, 11:57 AM
I would suggest looking for alternatives NOW.
Damn Matt that sux!
I was really looking fwd to this event.
I have the engineering drawing blown up and hanging around for gandering. You are spot on in your analysis.
"Hit The Brakes Gawddamnit" will be the D.E. instructors battle (survival) cry.


My suggestion would be to schedule Cresson now for an april event AND reschedule the EC race for July. It would add an event which we want, and you KNOW damn good and well it will be the biggest turn out of the year being a new track so no worries about selling enough entries.

And Jeff, you have no idea!! The 4 fastest/hardest braking zones on the track are down hill and into off camber turns...I overheard the operator saying that through the 2.5 miles, there is a cumulative elevation change of over 400 feet. The most change is coming out of the "corkscrew" at about 65-70 feet....and it's an off camber right hander.

I really wish I took some video so you could see the track and listen to my dad in the passenger seat shitting his pants cause we were sitting 6 feet in the air!!! :lol: This from a man who raced SCCA back in the early 70's at IRP in Indianapolis!!! :lol:

Todd Covini
01-08-2007, 12:45 PM
Guys...let's take our "paranoia pants" off and put our "positive pants" back on.

"We'll never make it.....arghhh"

I visited MSRH 2 months before our event and I was very skeptical that they'd be ready...but they were and man was I surprised at how much go done.

Guess what...the 2nd time we went back to MSRH....twice as much stuff got done!

So...the key to success here will be low expectations. We aren't an FIA racing series...we don't need an FIA quality racetrack!

I've set up road courses before with cones and sheetrock on open airfields & concrete parking lots...and raced CMC races just like ours. As long as there is a paved road out in the country and a decent approach road for the truck/trailer....I am there and will be "roughing it"! 8)

-=- T

PS- NASA TX is aware...watching the progress...it was discussed on Saturday....Shannon will be keeping tabs...they are just as concerned as everyone else. My point was that it's out of our control so we really shouldn't worry too much about it.

01-08-2007, 12:51 PM
wrong forum to be taking our pants off guys. move it to another forum. and take that Kitty Porn w/ you.

Todd Covini
01-08-2007, 01:03 PM
Good point....better use the changing room...3rd door on the left.

01-08-2007, 01:46 PM
"We'll never make it.....arghhh"

I visited MSRH 2 months before our event and I was very skeptical that they'd be ready...but they were and man was I surprised at how much go done.

Guess what...the 2nd time we went back to MSRH....twice as much stuff got done!

Todd, this isn't the "Matt being paranoid" scenario as usual. I should have taken pictures to make my point and that is seriously why I suggested Jay/Shannon to get on a plane and meet with these people NOW. I understand weather delays can slow things down, but there needs to be an action plan put in place to complete "must haves" for a race weekend to be successful so NASATX doesn't look stupid in front of their customers who drive 100's of miles to race and end up getting stuck in the mud with their tow rigs or have to shit in port a johns. If I were their insurance underwriter for the event, I would be there as well discussing safety barriers and temporary proceedures for incomplete facilities at track in/out as well as "restroom Trailers" similar to what Mazda rents for the rev it up stuff at lonestar park.

Now, that being said, Money can accomplish anything in any timeframe....and from what I saw, these guys have LIMITED cash flow. The do have an awesome track and will eventually have an awesome facility as it seems it is being done right....however, I don't see them plopping down the "hurry up costs" to be ready for us...

Yes, the pictures of the cars running around on the base course are really neat, but when you look at what they had to drive up to get there, I am surprised those pretty P-car drivers even made it up there. I understand your comment about MSR H being done rather quickly but keep in mind, they didn't have to move 5% of the dirt these guys are....combine that with the fact their dirt crew is slower than Xmas...I am worried and for good reason from long experience as a contractor...

Personally, I am seriously thinking of moving up my offseason tear down/rebuild schedule to be ready for March instead because I fear April will not happen.

Now, to put the positive slant on things, maybe TDE, NASATX, PCA and other organizations that want to use this track ON TIME, need to organize a string of volunteer weekends to help these monkeys finish the facility. Sort of a habitat for humanity meets road racing in North TX...? I will volunteer my time free of charge to Manage the project!!! :wink:

01-08-2007, 01:57 PM
I wasn't there ... I don't know what's left to do. But I have slept at a Holiday Inn Express.

I also worked my way through college on a paving crew.

Cold weather means no paving gonna happen, if you want it to last any length of time. The rule of thumb was stop work at 60* and falling and you can restart at 50* and rising.

Last time I looked in North Texas, we are looking at 2 months of cold weather at least once ot twice a week.

In Houston, you guys don't have to deal with cold weather as much.

The forcast highs in Decatur for the next week will peak at 58, but mostly in the low 50s and upper 40s

The forcast highs in Houston are in the 60s and 70s.

Todd Covini
01-08-2007, 02:01 PM
See my "PS" I added to my post....I should have been clearer.
NASA is aware that the track isn't done yet.
NASA is aware that we are the first racers on it.
NASA holds a contract for the date and I'm sure will work with the track owners to assure that their contracts are upheld. (I have faith.)

I guess my whole point, from Stephen Covey's 7 Habits is....it's outside of our "circle of influence". We really can't worry too much about it and let the people that are inside the circle of influence work it...and I'm sure they will.

I'm sure the track owner is giving updates to all his 1H07 contract holders to make them comfortable that they made a good decision to sign with him before the track is done. I'm sure they have milestones, Gant charts, etc etc to provide updates.

Not a personal attack on you, Matt (you worry-wart-ninny :lol: )...I told you last nite that the update was invaluable and excellent insight. I just don't want folks to take up arms and torches and start heading into town just yet based on this thread, that's all. :lol:

-=- Todd

PS- Just off the top of my head....absolutely no NASA official information....don't read anything more into this....just silly TC talkin' but....I bet we could design a road course out at Goliad with hay bales and have just as much fun in the unlikely case that Eagle's Canyon "just can't do it"....so fugetaboutit....we'll be there by hook or by crook!!! :wink:

01-08-2007, 02:01 PM
NPR!!! Let's do NPR instead! :lol: :lol:



As long as they have pavement down on the track, we are set. Those that are prone to going off-track just need to slow down.

01-08-2007, 02:09 PM
(Playoffs!?....You kidding me?!..........Playoffs!??)(Jim Mora ex NFL coach)

Goliad!?..........You Kidding ME?!.............Goliad!?


Todd Covini
01-08-2007, 02:17 PM
See??? Goliad....NPR....Now Eagle's Canyon ain't lookin' so bad!!! :twisted:

Bottom line guys....is that we're racers....and we'll race when race day comes. Everything else is secondary in my book.

How's that Steve McQueen quote go?

-=- T

01-08-2007, 02:58 PM
i hear there is a May date @ Hallett.

Waco Racer
01-08-2007, 03:16 PM
From the movie LeMans -

Lisa Belgetti : " When people risk their lives, shouldn't it be for something important?"

Michael Delaney: " Well, it better be "

Lisa : " What is so important about driving faster than anyone else?"

Michael : "A lot of people go through life doing things badly; racing is important to men who do it well...when you are racing, it's life.....anything that happens before or after is just waiting."


01-08-2007, 03:23 PM
How's that Steve McQueen quote go?

-=- T

From Bullitt or LeMans?

Or, do you have him mixed up with Paul Newman from Cars?


01-08-2007, 03:29 PM
(Playoffs!?....You kidding me?!..........Playoffs!??)(Jim Mora ex NFL coach)

Haha, one of the best blow-ups of all time. :lol:

01-08-2007, 04:28 PM
I guess my whole point, from Stephen Covey's 7 Habits is....it's outside of our "circle of influence". We really can't worry too much about it and let the people that are inside the circle of influence work it...and I'm sure they will.

Damn Todd, that is like hoping a murderer isn't going to kill you because you can't influence him... :? sorry but Steven Covey is a pussy. He needs to learn how to enlarge his circle of influence!!! Taking only what is offered as what you get is fucking stupid and NOT effective leadership or management. Sorry but given the history around here of how "things get handled" by those "in the circle"...I am going to go ahead and make plans for a vacation in April during the weekend of 24/25th...

As a "Customer" of NASATX, I feel I am the most important person in the world and all should cater to my needs as a racer to keep me happy and coming back for more and justify my efforts and costs. There is a word in the dictionary I am afraid they need to learn. Proactive. It's the opposite of REACTIVE and the reactions we have had to swallow lately like fewer events, higher entry fees, fewer races in a weekend, combined running groups with cars/drivers that aren't up to the task and the list goes on..... Where should we throw our hands in the air and draw our circle of influence Todd? Seriously! I am starting to feel my circle stops at my fenders and bumpers and my wallet just slammed shut.

Maybe I am looking at this the wrong way. maybe I should thank NASATX for sitting on their hands and maybe saving me the cost of a race weekend??? Maybe I just feel they should be as visibly irritated about it as I am??? Maybe I just need to go out there like I did on Sunday and drive around on it in my truck for free till they finish it???

Serenity Now!!!!! Serenity Now!!!! Serenity Now!!! serenity now.... deep breaths....exhale.

Sorry that turned into a rant against NASATX but I guess I am looking for a solid reassurance that they are on top of it and are protecting our interest as customers.....that's fair right?!!! :?: :)

01-08-2007, 05:15 PM
what can NASA TX do other than ask if it will be done on time?
what can Todd do other than ask if it will be done on time?
that contractor who's build the track aint gonna let a bunch of people come out and just start doing things. what happens if/when someone gets hurt?
all Todd is saying is, let the folk w/ the contract worry about that. that would be NASA TX. you did good by checking up on it. Todd passed it directly to NASA TX. thats where you stop. let those in the position to deal w/ this handle it. if they fail, they fail. you will not be affected by it other than doing a D.E. instead of racing.

Todd Covini
01-08-2007, 05:20 PM
That's fair, Matt.

Everyone's different and you've got your opinions and approach. Let's work with the people who provide us with a sandbox to play in...I told you they are aware of the current state of the track and would be following up with the track owners.

I just think it's a little bitt early for us to start forming task forces and volunteers to help build the track or write the event off all together. That's just me.

Question- When you go to DisneyWorld...do you call ahead and check on all the maintenance records, park integrity, etc. etc to make sure your customer service experience there will be fulfilled? You should! It costs more than a track weekend and they are providing a service which is trying their best to provide you with the best customer service they can. (In reality, we'd drive ourselves crazy making sure that all the Disney stuff was in place before we got there.)

My point was that it's sort of outside your "circle of influence" if Mickey, Donald or any of the other characters aren't going to be there that day. The Magic Kingdom has the contract with Mickey and others. Those 2 parties should have it all worked out. If not...we'll go to Universal Studios instead. In either case, there's always an amusement park for NASA AI/CMC to go to!!!

That's all...I think we've got an event coming up in February, don't we!!!! WooHoo!!!

-=- Todd

PS- pls don't take any of this personal and pls do keep providing us with valuable updates on the track! "Informative" works! "Deformative" doesn't work.

Mike Bell
01-08-2007, 05:31 PM
Man, that Steve McQueen was the coolest dude around...

01-08-2007, 05:32 PM
Question- When you go to DisneyWorld...do you call ahead and check on all the maintenance records, park integrity, etc. etc to make sure your customer service experience there will be fulfilled?

Sorry Todd....but this too funny given the current discussion.
See news story:

'Tigger' accused of smacking young fan


Todd Covini
01-08-2007, 05:38 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol:
See that!....I'm making sure Tigger isn't going to be at Disneyworld before I go. Damn, cats....you can't trust 'em!!!
:D :D :D

-=- T

01-08-2007, 05:54 PM
You tell them Matt! ;-)

I can't stop laughing!

01-08-2007, 06:33 PM
That's fair, Matt.

Everyone's different and you've got your opinions and approach. Let's work with the people who provide us with a sandbox to play in...I told you they are aware of the current state of the track and would be following up with the track owners.

I just think it's a little bitt early for us to start forming task forces and volunteers to help build the track or write the event off all together. That's just me.

Question- When you go to DisneyWorld...do you call ahead and check on all the maintenance records, park integrity, etc. etc to make sure your customer service experience there will be fulfilled? You should! It costs more than a track weekend and they are providing a service which is trying their best to provide you with the best customer service they can. (In reality, we'd drive ourselves crazy making sure that all the Disney stuff was in place before we got there.)

-=- Todd

Thanks for the helium filled beach ball Todd...here is the ICBM to take it out.

No, I don't call ahead to make sure the rides at Disney are well maintained and are actually running because that is a service I EXPECT to be taken care of and it's NOT my job as the customer to make sure all is well in DisneyLand or Slidell TX... I merely went out there for my own curiosity and to deal with boredom.

Glenn, yes, insurance and liability would be a problem, I was just trying to make a point of what it's going to take for them to finish....cash and a lot of effort. Not that I have built a race track before but I have managed LARGE projects with a lot of earthwork and understanding the wet months to come and the exact science that Mitch mentioned regarding paving....I would probably start to expect a revised NASATX schedule hitting the news waves soon....or just the regular 5 days notice of a race schedule change similar to Hallet... :roll:

Maybe I am just the only one anymore that tends to take his destiny seriously because I don't just put it in the hands of others...???

I guess my worse fear about this is that fact I will likely be right......again! :roll:

01-08-2007, 06:47 PM
I'm in... I'm out.. I'm in....I'm out...I'm in

01-08-2007, 06:48 PM
Ummm... change of subject.....

I'm going to kick all your asses at both Karting and MSR-H!!!

Take that shiznit to the bank... 8)

Good day.

Exhale... much better. :D

01-08-2007, 06:54 PM
what can NASA TX do other than ask if it will be done on time?
what can Todd do other than ask if it will be done on time?
that contractor who's build the track aint gonna let a bunch of people come out and just start doing things. what happens if/when someone gets hurt?
all Todd is saying is, let the folk w/ the contract worry about that. .

1. DEMAND it be complete or pull the contract NOW and go elsewhere...I'll race at hallet!!!. MONEY talks folks. Work with them on what NEEDS be done to have a successful weekend NOW. 6 weeks from now is too late. I can deal with gravel pits like hallet but well graded areas offtrack, grass and removal of rocks that might damage my car WHEN you go off need to be taken care of now. PROACTIVE. I really suggest you guys take a field trip so you can see what I saw...you would be worried too.

2. Voice our concerns to NASATX...visit the site (not realistic for Todd). LISTEN to those who actually have been out there and live in this area and understand weather or are (expert?) in construction. Most importantly, BE concerned and fight OUR fights for us with as much conviction as US. I realize todd must calm us down every now and and rein us in, but things like this require a different angle. Yes, we understand the issues, yes we are calm but concerned. So, what is plan B to give me, the customer warm fuzzies and want to spend my money? How the hell do you think Hooters sells shitty food? They make it worth your while to show up!!!!

3. Let NASATX handle it for us...? Do you REALLY want me to answer that one. I am not blasting them on this specific topic, I am only going on what we know from the past from their previous examples. I realize they are attempting to make changes and if they do...GREAT!!! It's just time we start SEEING those changes take effect. However, the BS about the media guy at the end of the year and the 6 different stories about when it was supposed to start to 6 different people has NOT bolstered my confidence....yet.

I will remain as optimistic as I can but looking forward, I can only go on what I have seen and know from experience...even if it's only 1 year in racing.

Some of you guys really surprise me as racers when you take such soft stands about that things that effect your lives. Low expectations? NOT... This is a case of LOW STANDARDS......

I said what I think....I am finished typing....gotz to go back to work! :wink:

01-08-2007, 06:56 PM
I'm in... I'm out.. I'm in....I'm out...I'm in

The closet? Which is it Eric?! :wink: I keeeed!!!

01-08-2007, 07:02 PM
Actually, I have one last statement that I don't think has ever been said...

Why did NASA form? Because a bunch of people didn't like the way the SCCA was run or the expense and went and created their own sandbox.

Well, are we ALREADY at a point where folks too many folks aren't liking the way NASATX is run....?

When does Group C show up?

Is that enough of a statement to make a point on how important it is to make us, the racers happy???!!!

Please look at it from that side of the table... :lol:

01-08-2007, 07:34 PM
Let the record reflect I didn't bait any one in this thread.


Thank You ... move along, nothing to see here

Mike Bell
01-08-2007, 08:17 PM

Rants, like fireworks, are diminished in their effect when more than one is going off at any given time. (ask me how I know lol)

Since you have the microphone, the rest of us are just being polite and waiting our turn... :lol: :lol:

BTW, this thread is worthless without pictures!! In a few weeks go back out and snap some photos for an update, will ya? That way we can see if the "emergency efforts" have been implemented to get this track up to speed in time for our late April event!

I can't speak for others but you can bet I'll want NASA TX to give us the official "GO" sign before I haul my car all the way up to Sliddell-ville. I too am interested in hearing if a "plan B" is in the works or not. I'm hoping GL will track that response down for us in good time.

Panic? Not yet. Concerned? Yeah, a bit. Since we didn't see what you saw and since you FORGOT TO GET VIDEO OR PICTURES we can't really get the same "enthusiasm" for the severity of the problem IMHO.

01-08-2007, 08:40 PM
i live no more than 30 minutes from this track. i'll put it on my "to do" bi-weekly. so look for updates for our own benifit. i'll shoot an email to NASA TX just so they know what we know. i would hope a plan B is being worked as we speak, but that is not my role, and i'll leave it @ that.

01-08-2007, 10:11 PM
I certainly think that there are some cell towers near there that need you attention.... 8)

01-08-2007, 10:17 PM
Well if the track isn't ready for big bore racing I certainly hope a postponement/reschedule is possible.
This track will be a hoot.
Glenn and I recently discussed getting out there to scope the place.
Thanks for the report Matt.
I understand your frustration with the management.
I just try to hope for the best, like most I guess.


Todd Covini
01-08-2007, 11:48 PM
i live no more than 30 minutes from this track. i'll put it on my "to do" bi-weekly. so look for updates for our own benifit. i'll shoot an email to NASA TX just so they know what we know. i would hope a plan B is being worked as we speak, but that is not my role, and i'll leave it @ that.

Thanks Glenn and Matt for your help.

-=- T

01-09-2007, 11:51 AM
just got an email from the Motorsports Club @ TWS. in that email they stated all contracts for '07 would be honored. so no worries w/ TWS...... for '07.

01-09-2007, 05:34 PM
just got an email from the Motorsports Club @ TWS. in that email they stated all contracts for '07 would be honored. so no worries w/ TWS...... for '07.


01-09-2007, 06:04 PM
do tell what you know Kevin.

01-09-2007, 06:04 PM

Kevin, PLEASE don't start that unless you are sure! We went down to 6 events, are concerned about one already possibly not happening and you toss a grenade like that!? So, let's say we have 3 events before Nationals now and only 3 races each weekend....you better be on your game to qualify for Nationals with 5 races! Oh, and I will likely miss the first two events so I guess I am screwed?!


Mike Bell
01-09-2007, 06:13 PM

Kevin, PLEASE don't start that unless you are sure! We went down to 6 events, are concerned about one already possibly not happening and you toss a grenade like that!? So, let's say we have 3 events before Nationals now and only 3 races each weekend....you better be on your game to qualify for Nationals with 5 races! Oh, and I will likely miss the first two events so I guess I am screwed?!



01-09-2007, 06:32 PM
He had a heart attack while working at his office.... Come on man, show a little respect.

01-09-2007, 07:04 PM
I have stated on record and am of the opinion that we should select an alternate date as a precautionary measure.

This has nothing to do with NASA knowing something we don't. I just want to get a backup plan in place if things don't go as promised. Families and companies make reassure us plenty, but I won't trust that!

I also think Jeff Moore should buy TWS and make it into a first class facility.

01-09-2007, 07:40 PM
between the topic of this thread and speculation about TWS I wonder if NASATx is gonna become the "house band" of MSRH.

MSRH Racing League


01-09-2007, 07:48 PM
I also think Jeff Moore should buy TWS and make it into a first class facility.

Someone should do something, that poor track is under utilized for sure! it would be nice to run different configurations there like the 3.0, 3.1, 1.8 and etc. Hey how about a great concept CW. ;-)

Not to mention one of better tracks you guys run at, with regards fun factor!

With MSR-H being the worst for a number of reasons.

01-09-2007, 07:48 PM

01-09-2007, 08:30 PM
Naa, these days safety is paramount.
TWS is past it's prime.


01-09-2007, 08:32 PM
He had a heart attack while working at his office.... Come on man, show a little respect.


Mixon, if TWS were to be sold, how much are they asking? Seriously!

01-09-2007, 08:43 PM
Todd and I had a decent short conversation earlier this evening and I believe he understands our concerns as well as understands NASATX ultimately is responsible for pulling the april event off.

I also pointed out, and he agreed, that this event has the potential of being the highest car count for NASATX ever since it's at a new track, it's fugg'n awesome, and has a thrill factor WELL more than anything I have driven on. I think we could see over 300 cars with DE and racers and might even draw more from north of the TX border as it's right off I-35 and more attractive than Cresson. Given all these facts, this could be the event that makes or breaks NASATX in my opinion. Todd has been assured that there is a "Bob somebody" checking in on the progress regularly but those of us that understand North Texas Winter weather and the realism of contractors who are the low bidders are raising their hands to ask WTF?

Personally, I think they should play it safe and reschedule for June or another month. Just too much riding on the line for the Business of NASATX....

01-10-2007, 12:27 PM
He had a heart attack while working at his office.... Come on man, show a little respect.


Mixon, if TWS were to be sold, how much are they asking? Seriously!

$5MM + $5MM to refurb. :roll:

01-10-2007, 01:15 PM
He had a heart attack while working at his office.... Come on man, show a little respect.


Mixon, if TWS were to be sold, how much are they asking? Seriously!

$5MM + $5MM to refurb. :roll:

That's difficult to cover costs given the few number of events there.... :(

01-10-2007, 01:56 PM
The City of College Station, as I understand, has been eyeing the property for some time.
If the estate is motivated, it could be curtains.
Maybe the SCCA could buy it.

Has anybody seen this topic discussed at length anywhere else?


01-10-2007, 03:44 PM
The City of College Station, as I understand, has been eyeing the property for some time.
If the estate is motivated, it could be curtains.
Maybe the SCCA could buy it.

Has anybody seen this topic discussed at length anywhere else?


Well the only way to really save it is to get a Grand Am or Rolex race there and maybe even a 6 hour event with those guys.

I can see 4-5M for the track/land, but the $5M to upgrade might be pushing it. You could probably get creative and do very well with $3M but an $8M note is going to eat a serious hole in your ass really quick unless you have cash to blow and have contacts with the bigger series to get them to race there.

If someone has any ideas with a great business plan to make that scenario work, let's hear it because I do have access to people with money that might be willing to finance it. It would just have to be a ROCK SOLID plan....that makes money!!! :lol:

01-10-2007, 04:20 PM
The City of College Station, as I understand, has been eyeing the property for some time.
If the estate is motivated, it could be curtains.
Maybe the SCCA could buy it.

Has anybody seen this topic discussed at length anywhere else?


Well the only way to really save it is to get a Grand Am or Rolex race there and maybe even a 6 hour event with those guys.

I can see 4-5M for the track/land, but the $5M to upgrade might be pushing it. You could probably get creative and do very well with $3M but an $8M note is going to eat a serious hole in your ass really quick unless you have cash to blow and have contacts with the bigger series to get them to race there.

If someone has any ideas with a great business plan to make that scenario work, let's hear it because I do have access to people with money that might be willing to finance it. It would just have to be a ROCK SOLID plan....that makes money!!! :lol:

Hello Matt,

From what I have heard and remeber TWS is rented for almost every usable weekend a year. Misty can probably answer that better. I think it is also about $18K - $28K per weekend. I could be way wrong on that too.

I don't have that kind of scratch. That is why I suggested Jeff Moore. He does and is in land development and could afford to carry it for a few years without real profit and could also turn for more than he paid down the road as a track or valuable real estate.

I think to build an MSR from scratch you would be close to $8MM.

01-10-2007, 07:03 PM
Kevin, we do the same thing and there are a few guys in our office that are into this kind of thing...but need the push over the edge! :wink:

Is Jeff the guy with the Carrera GT's and wife who drives out of San Antonio?

Honestly, if there is a way to show a solid business plan, I am sure I can present it to our boss. We love to acquire stuff cheap, fix it up a little and sell for a profit!!! We are trying to work with Delphi right now to bring them out of their troubles and to my boss, $10M is a pin prick....he just expects better than average returns! :oops:

Anyway, I guess having lived in CS for 5 years and never even knowing the track was there gives me the impression that it doesn't get used much. Don't see a whole lot of events posted down there so there must be a bunch of road racing and track events I know nothing about! Might have to find out more so I can get involved!!! :wink: