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View Full Version : NASA TX Staff Meeting Update

Todd Covini
01-08-2007, 12:44 AM
The meeting with the NASA TX core staff went very well yesterday.
Adrian's home is a racer's dream and is gorgeous in every way!
A representative from each segment of the NASA "infrastructure" was there (Control, T&S, Corner Workers, Series Directors, etc, etc)

We were there from Noon to Nine and got a lot accomplished.
I still have a few more AI/CMC specific discussions this week and we'll be able to fill everyone in soon enough and at the latest during our 4th Annual Texas AI/CMC Awards Banquet!!!

...stay tuned....

-=- Todd

Todd Covini
01-26-2007, 01:53 AM
Here are my rough highlights from the evening.
Mostly just captured the things our racers would be interested in.

-=- Todd