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View Full Version : AI/CMC State of the Union- January 25, 2007 - posted by Todd

01-26-2007, 05:20 PM
someone commented that they couldn't respond in the Announcements forum. well, here is the place to voice your feedback of the SOtheU address.
if this goes bad, i'll request it be deleted. that's a fair warning. lets keep it constructive. no complaints w/out a suggestion of how you think it can be fixed.

Al Fernandez
01-26-2007, 06:16 PM
Thanks Glenn for starting this thread. Todd, great job on putting that together. There was a lot there!

01-26-2007, 06:23 PM
i'm convinced Todd does not have it in him to send out a "memo". that was a great report.
i'm really shocked that we all seem to like the changes announced. thats good, we must be starting to get along. :wink:

Mike Bell
01-26-2007, 06:46 PM
I don't see any heartache, sounds like a lot of time and effort went into coming up with solutions and plans for moving forward. From the 2006 season we just completed I'd say we all are looking forward to a much more enjoyable 2007 season!

The 40 minute race thing might get tough for me come August at TWS though. :lol:

Waco Racer
01-26-2007, 07:56 PM
The name of the new guy in Control is Chris Cornwell.
The name of the Emergency Response Coordinator is Mike Gleason.
The name of the Allison Legacy Director is Jay Carley.
Ryan Arnold is married to Erin.
Shawn Newsom is the name of the Code 3 Cookers owner.

01-26-2007, 10:15 PM
Is Cornwell thee Cornwell, the photographer?
Famous photographer from College Station?


Todd Covini
01-26-2007, 11:44 PM
Sorry for the typos, Clifton.
Those highlights were quickly thrown together.

After I lost the "original" SofU I was working on which was 12 pages, I simply provided the raw highlights from our Staff Meeting.

I do have it in me to blast out a memo, but in the past our SofU has been a living document which can be referred to for historical references, a library file, something to send to new series directors, something to send to new drivers, etc.

So while the SofU is probably a bit over the top today, it becomes invaluable later in the year or even a few years later when we try to research our evolution from year to year.

It's my intention to update the document after the banquet to include the events which transpired, a few photos and the trophy recipients.....at which time we'll file it away.

After that...quick memos will be key.

-=- Todd

01-27-2007, 12:51 AM

Yes, that is the Cornwell. He has deigned to grace us with his presence at NASA events this year in an official capacity and he is quite excited to be involved. He's also farting on my couch right now. :cry:

01-27-2007, 06:59 PM
Why 40 minute races at EVERY event - who made that call and why? It's tough on two driver teams - and we do have a few running this year.

I looked back at the polls on the subject and they were always pretty much evenly divided, so shouldn't we have at least a couple of rounds out of the 6 with 4 x 20 minute format?

Todd Covini
01-27-2007, 08:14 PM
I've talked to Clifton a bunch on this.

The summer months will be a challenge for 40 min. races.
What has changed is the DEFAULT schedule.
In the past, our DEFAULT schedule was always 4-20s.

We did run some different schedules in the past, but we DEFAULTED to the 4-20s routine.

Our new DEFAULT schedule will be 2-20's and 1-40, much like the Nationals. However, depending on many conditions that could change.

I like 4-20's as well...but our new base has been set. Hope that helps!

Did you guys like the new "the group that costs time on the schedule will also be the group that pays the time back on the schedule???"

Could be good for us...and could be bad for us.
But it's fair and reasonable.
We need a new award for the racer in our group who costs us time! :twisted:

-=- Todd

01-27-2007, 08:47 PM
Did you guys like the new "the group that costs time on the schedule will also be the group that pays the time back on the schedule???"

I did like that little part. However, if we are penalized because an out of class car who does not meet the CCR requirements (Sect. 15.12) causes the "delay"... (MSR-H beamer without tow hooks sitting in the mud after T1 wasting over 20 minutes of the race...) I'm not liking it.

Todd Covini
01-27-2007, 08:54 PM
We got our own run group. 8)

01-27-2007, 11:06 PM
OK... I give up, where is the "Announcements" section so I can catch up the the SoTU.

I knew this was gonna be harder than it looked...

Todd Covini
01-27-2007, 11:10 PM
Go back to the home page and you might have to register as a racer.
If the forums section doesn't have a "Racing" and "Announcements" section then you're either not registered or you're not logged in.

-=- Todd

PS- It's a national security thang...you understand. :wink:

01-27-2007, 11:21 PM

01-28-2007, 11:21 AM
Why 40 minute races at EVERY event - who made that call and why? It's tough on two driver teams - and we do have a few running this year.

I looked back at the polls on the subject and they were always pretty much evenly divided, so shouldn't we have at least a couple of rounds out of the 6 with 4 x 20 minute format?

Daron has a VERY valid point here. You guys running the series and NASATX owe it to your racers to have these decisions made LONG before 7 days prior to the first event. Daron and his teammate specifically started planning their combined effort 9 months ago and have built their team and budgets/commitments around what they were forced to GUESS at. Is there any way possible we can ask for 2008 season decisions to be sealed in stone say before August of 2007? I am just pointing out that once again, the Grassroots racers in this series seem to be taking the brunt of late and weak decisions made by our sanctioning region.

That is all, just the same old rant.....again that has been going on since BEFORE I got here..... :?

01-28-2007, 11:17 PM