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View Full Version : Had a great times guys/gals!

02-04-2007, 10:17 PM
there was some REALLY good racing out there this weekend guys.
lots of new blood out there and lots of new firsts for alot of folks.
i'll let them tell their stories. those who didnt show, really missed out. i look forward to seeing our normal car count of 30+ @ MSR-C.

Todd Covini
02-04-2007, 11:06 PM
Great weekend...awesome racing....all the new guys wondered "where are the regulars?"
Spec Miata had a bigger field than AI/CMC for the first time in over a year.
We'll have the writeup out in the next week.

-=- Todd

Al Fernandez
02-04-2007, 11:55 PM
Well even with the lower car count, it was still a hell of a good time. A lot of really close racing, and the type of pit antics you'd expect. The banquet and premiere of the 2006 AI/CMC video was really great, probably the highlight for me, especially since so many made the trip out just for the evening. Well, maybe Corey's impromptu air show... :lol:

Also the weekend ran very smoothly: NASA did a hell of a job keeping on time the whole weekend, tech was out early and everyone got a chance to get annuals done well ahead of sat practice, Boudy was out getting everyone set on radios...now if all our cars would run as smoothly... 8)

02-05-2007, 12:42 AM
also, the NEW MSR-H CMC class track record has now been moved from a 1:48.9xx to a 1:48.239. i have no idea how i did it, and never got any closer than over a second to it again. wish i had that lap on tape.
that should stand till the next MSR-H event. :(

02-05-2007, 08:55 AM
The weekend was full of ups and downs...a real emotional rollercoaster!!!

It was a blast to finally be back at the track and hanging out with everyone having a great time!!

A special thank you goes to Mike Bell for bringing the #18 car down, forming a team (Team Renegade) and letting me drive his car <more about that later>.

The banquet was a blast and Todd did an outstanding job in front of the huge crowd.

Congratz to all the '06 champions and to the winners this weekend.

Nice job on nabbing the lap record, Glenn! A job well done out there!

Close racing and there are many drivers who have stepped up and are very fast!

Awesome time all!!!

02-05-2007, 09:03 AM
Much like Eric said... the weekend was up and down for me also....but mostly up.

I had an awesome time and really appreciate the friendliness of the group towards even a rookie like me.

I would certainly like to have seen many more cars on the track, but I can say that the racing was probably as tough as any I have ever done before.

I really hated to see those that had misfortunes and hope everyone gets repaired and back on track for Cresson.

The banquet and video were done very well and really a lot of fun.

Can't wait for round 2. :)

02-05-2007, 10:06 AM
thanks Eric, i'll take what i can get.
as for the lap record, well i'm sure you have run faster than that, it just wasnt durring a NASA weekend. you will have it in no time at all. i've always been just a bout .5 or behind you or Jeff for the last 2 years.

looks like my motor went south durring that last race. single digit oil pressure @ 5K, so i'll be working extra hard for the next week trying to see what i need to do to be ready for MSR-C. i may have to look for a back-up car. :wink:

those who didnt race this weekend really missed a good weekend. NASA TX had their shit together like i had never seen. track was hot early and never ran late. big thanks to NASA TX for listening to we the racers and making adjustments for the better.
i dont know the new grid guys name, but whoever he is, he did an awsome job this weekend. i was told it was his first time ever to work a grid. really nice job.

Todd Covini
02-05-2007, 11:53 AM
Great points guys!
I mentioned the one negative thing ( our <20 car count) and failed to mention all the positives.

Schedule was spot on all weekend.
Tech worked great.
Racing was super close.
etc. etc.

-=- T

PS- Glenn your motor was really smoking on the front straight each lap. Seemed like it was only the 3-4 shift...I was thinking (hoping?) they were going to black flag you...but it only did it on the front straight. :wink: Nice drive on Sunday!

02-05-2007, 01:12 PM
Sorry we missed it - would have been there if the car was finished. Saturday I was instructing and setting up a car for a customer, and Sunday I worked on the race car all day.

Look forward to seeing a race report soon - in the meantime, keep the stories coming for those of us who couldn't be there!

02-05-2007, 05:57 PM
Sorry, I missed the weekend of fun and racing, but business came first.

Congratulations to all and sorry to hear about the wall and the body damage.

See you guy in Cresson.

02-06-2007, 11:39 AM
Bring your A game JG... I was very close to your lap record in Houston!


02-06-2007, 02:28 PM
And I was just a few tenth's behind that!

02-06-2007, 09:47 PM
I had alot of firsts over the weekend.

First time as a passenger in someone elses tow vehicle. Ha no driving-thanks Bull.

First time sitting out a Sunday (planned).

First time packing up all our stuff before others.

First time arriving home at 9PM!

First time bringing home a race car, truck, and trailer with no problems!

First time scoring 2 wins! And there was ONE other car in my class lol.

02-10-2007, 05:34 PM
No problem Jerry. I'm glad I have electric windows to let your stink out.

Thank You All. CMC AI guys for your hospitality and treating me good. It's alot easier to try and get good times when your comfortable in the paddock.

Thanks Mr. Varner for coming out on track and coming hard at me, making me do my best to be on my game. Seeing you coming around hard in Mr. Bells car initially made me say "oh shit" then I just calmed down and drove. I didn't turn out any stellar times compared to you guys, but because Eric was behind me, I turned in my personal best. 1:53.2.

Thanks David Donovan for the video.

Hopefully, I'll be racing with you guys next year in my own car.

02-10-2007, 05:53 PM
I'm glad you guys made it out for the event. It's always a pleasure to chat and hang out with you all - makes the weekend that much more fun.

Look forward to seeing you out with us in the race group. Get with me and we can do some lead-follow. :D

02-10-2007, 11:54 PM
Get a CMC or AI car and come play... The tow isn't too bad, is it???

Hope to see you more this year.