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View Full Version : FREE - boxes and packing paper

Al Fernandez
04-02-2007, 07:43 AM
As you guys might imagine I have a metric shitpile of boxes and the heavy wrapping paper movers use to wrap everything. The moving company will come get all this stuff, but I figure if anyone needs some you can come get 'em.

Todd Covini
04-02-2007, 09:45 PM
Gee, Al...what a bargain!!!
Got any grass clippings we can have too??? :lol:

-=- T

Al Fernandez
04-03-2007, 07:49 AM
:lol: Ok, so its not like I'm giving away free brake pads or something, but go to your local UPS store or whatever and you'll find medium and large carboard boxes are like $5 each. Not all of us are on Exxon budgets :wink:

No grass clippings, but I do have several colonies of fire ants someone can have...

Rob Liebbe
04-03-2007, 08:18 AM
Put the ants in the boxes and ship them to Todd. :twisted: