Control had me slow y'all to 25mph before Big Bend, in an attempt to get Jeremy clear before we passed hot pits so that I could duck in and y'all could have a green flag, asap. He didn't get clear until just before we got to the new course and control told me to leave the track there, instead of going all the way around. It was close and you guys were lucky. At any other track, y'all would have been stuck behind my helmetless, street car driving butt for another lap.

Anyone who was afraid they might overheat while behind a pace car in March should maybe think ahead to potential scenarios during the summer months and consider putting their fans back in. Just sayin'. BTW, the Cup cars in Group 7 didn't bitch about the pace speed and I made them go just as slow or slower. In fact, I had to pass three of them to pick up the race leader. Amazingly, the leader knew that and had already slowed significantly in response to the flags and workers, so I was able to catch him quickly.