I don't have a head count yet and I don't have a schedule. I've heard rumors that the track will be hot till 8pm Sat night, but I can't get that confirmed. Be prepaired for some deviations from the norm.

I figure we can do our normal Rudy's dinner Friday night around 7pm as always. I'm open for other ideas (and no Bryan, we don't want to go to Ozona's - j/k'ing).
Dave said he was going to get w/ the track snack shack and see if they will stay opem late Sat night and see if the main gate will stay open later as well. Not sure if we want to plan another dinner GTG Sat - schedule dependant.

I'll likely not be racing, so that should help car count.
Marshall will be absent from this event, so I'll be the Lone Ranger. Cut me some slack and please ask if you can help me w/ anything. I'm sure Al and Todd will lend a hand if needed.

Please please please start hydrating on Monday before the race weekend. You cannot wait until Sat morning to get fluids in your body. That just is not enough lead time. It is going to be stupid hot. Please come prepaired.

Check here often for updates over the next couple weeks.