FYI...NASA Texas received an apologetic letter today from Eagle's Canyon stating that they will not have the new track ready for our event. The rains have prevented the progress they had hoped for.

As such, without skipping a beat NASA TX has secured an additional TWS date on the same weekend as our planned Round 3 Eagle's Canyon event. (With the TWS future up in the air beyond 2007, this could be a blessing in disguise which offers another chance to run an awesome track with extensive history!)

We will not be running the conventional TWS configuration for Round 3 so another track record will be up for grabs and another car setup will be required.

Unfortunately Eagles Canyon is off the table for this year...but we'll still have our scheduled 6 Rounds on the original dates.

-=- Todd Covini

PS- I fully expect a few "told ya' so"s. :roll: