i have a feeling that they will be wanting to see your NASA Member Card and NASA Comp License in hand at this event if you are racing. make sure you guys are bringing these to each and every event. nothing has been said to me, but i have feeling this will be checked. they have never asked me before and the only place i have been asked was @ Mid Ohio for Nats '06.

also, be sure you have the new Dyno Tech sheet. its the one w/ the new spot for altitude on it.

and last of all, come w/ a good attitude. some long time no see faces should be in attendance and some of our newer guys also. should be some good times.

should be a nice weekend weather wise (its not going to be 100+ for once in a long time!). start drinking water and lots of fluids now (beer and soda do not count). its going to be warmer than is has for any race weekend we have had this year thus far.

Tech inspections will be in full force as soon as you hit the gate, be ready.

see you guys this weekend.