We'll try to update y'all on the current events here.
I'm typing from the hospitality tent and have talked to some of our guys here to try and post updates. (Feel free to cc: the other forums as needed.)

Everyone is having challenges getting here.
A Calif hauler lost 6 trailer tires on the way out.
The 7's only Calif. hauler blew 3.
Many folks couldn't keep trailer tires on their rig no matter where they were from.

From the Texas crew, Adam lost one...and so did Mitch.
Corey is stuck in Kentucky right now with fuel pump issues. He's at a truck stop and waiting for a dealership to deliver a new one.

At the track, Kirsch just nosed into a tire barrier. Looks worse than it is...he'll be fine.

Yesterday, Schlender broke a K-member at the PS rack and nosed into the tires. Pulled it out last nite and got it welded up...going back together today. Agent 47 lost a belt and ended up in the grass and did some minor damage to his splitter. (Man that car is cool!)

Looking across the paddock there are 4+ Texas flags. I've heard that Texas has the biggest overall regional participation!!!

There was an informal party in the Texas paddock last nite with ~30 of all the AI/CMC folks coming by for a beer. The FRRAX guys came by as well. Good to see last year's AI Champions (Rocco & Andrews) and all the other early arrivals. Beer was flowing...fireworks were going off (I thought those RM guys were going to get us kicked out!) and they even started a Texas hold'em game in Battlestar Galactica and Kirsch apparently cleaned up.

Weather's nice today...was rainy the past few days and so far they predict great conditions from here on out!

More folks expect to test today...they're offering half day rates now.
We'll try to update you daily until we crown our 2007 National Champions!

-=- Todd