this years Nationals would not have been possible w/out the help of alot of folks once again this year. i want to take some time and post here a list of those who have made it possible.

Mitch Warren - for being my right hand man as Crew Chief for 2 years running. he spent a considerable amount of time studying the notes we made before and after each session to ensure we compisated for weather for tire temps- as we were seeing swings from low 80's to upper 30's, he trended the results we got from the scales to ensure we made wieght on Sunday. he nut and bolted the car 2-3 times over the week. he helped me w/ two trans and clutch R&R's two nights in a row. he also put up w/ my barking of commands as if was a Navy ship under attack. he did an awsome job that gave me what i needed to to win.

Moonlite Printing and Graphics (Kevin Turner) - His assistance to our efforts was a huge help. the trip itself was made possible by him. i'm not sure i would have went had it not been for him. he also stepped up and made us crew shirts so that we all looked a little more profesional. but on top of all that, he also played "parts bitch" by making endless phone calls and running around getting what i needed to keep running. the endless dinners and beer was icing on the cake!

Natwel Weld Supply Corp (Steve Mulder) - Steve also stepped up w/ assistance and helped make this this trip possible. in a short amount of time Steve has become what i consider a good friend. he also contributed to the crew shirts we wore and allowed us to at least appear as though we belonged there. Steve too showered us w/ dinner and drinks each day. each eaving the dinners bacame the highlight of the day.

Argent Lab (Robert B) - as always, Robert provided the equipment i needed to help ensure sucess at this event as well as those back home w/ the means to communicate and be informed. i cant stress how important this small detail is to making things run smooth.

PST (AJ Peterson) - thanks for the help w/ the supplies i needed to to keep the car on track. AJ has also been a great help in validating my thoughts and opinions w/ regards to car set-up and prep. (Kevin Glaser) - many thanks to you for helping us w/ trailer repairs and the 2nd night in town, and for bringing the flywheel i needed. we also had numerous members who showed up to help. Kevin, Garrett, Niel, Andrew, and many more (sorry if you were not mentioned). we had more than enough hands available at any time and most stayed to help take the camp down on Sunday.

the car was great w/ some minor handaling issues we just could not seem to resolve. all the while trying to solve a push issue, we had to remove the trans twice - once due to a clutch disc the just about exploded and the 2nd time was to replace the pilot bearing that the unbalanced clutch disc destroyed. the 2nd time, we put a whole new clutch and flywheel in the car thanks the Moonlite, Natwel, and saturday night and sunday morning w/ found our handaling issue. that resolutiuon was good for .5 to 1 second now that the car would rotate. the Sunday race was mine to loose from the pole and all i had to do was run a clean race and it was all mine. since all my sessions up to this point were error free to some dergee, i was due a foul up. that came when the lights went out for the start and i boiled....., no - liquified the tire on the start. the car never moved and i lost 3 spots before it moved. there was no one to blame but myself. i knew i had my work cut out for me when i found myself behind Nick Steel. he is an awsome driver and he ran the fastest recorded lap time of CMC up to that point w/ a 1:40.4xx.
we all no the result. i got past him. before the race the top 4 guys were picked to run the SpeedCast Production in-car cameras. so the whole battle was caught on video from my car and Nicks car. it was w/out a doubt the best battle i have ever had w/ another car. and it lasted longer than any battle i had w/ another driver. Jeff won the race, me and Nick won the crowd. i cannot wait to see the footage once the production is complete.

overall, i'm happy w/ my result. i wanted to win, and i had the car to do it. no falult of my own for not winning. my fight w/ Nick Steel will be a story i tell for many years. it is a highlight of my racing thus far.

once agian, many thanks to all those who helped my out this weekend. i have never seen such a great bunch of people all in one place at the same time. Thank You all!