I know that there are probably some of you computer savy guys that know it all. I need some advice.

My desktop PC is starting to show it's age and I'm getting all sorts of error messages. The one last night scared me... "CMOS battery low"...

Anyhoo, I'm wanting to upgrade to a laptop and have the printer and DSL on some sort of a wireless hub/router so I can have the computer anywhere in the house and surf the net and print, if needed. I'd like to have the printer in a closet, out of the way.

The computer only needs to support internet/quicken/word/excel. I don't do ANY gaming or fancy video editing, CAD work (that's the work laptop...). So, what kind of memory, processor, wireless card, etc do I need?

I'm not looking to spend a large wad of cash as this really wasn't planned until the post "tax man" time once I get my refund (hopefully )

Also, I ASSume there are wireless printers out there. I though I heard a co-worker talking about them.

I just don't want to go into a store (Best Buy, Frys, etc) and get worked over by a guy trying to up-sell me on stuff I really don't need.
