I'm changing the front nose on my AI car from a LX to GT over this offseason. I'm going to take the time to duct the radiator the way I should have done a LONG time ago. Right now, my mocked up boxing comes out to 120 sq in of opening (30" x 4"). The radiator is approx 468 sq in of exposed core (26" x 18"). This equates to a 25% ratio between opening and core.

I didnt' have any cooling issues with the old LX nose, but did have a large section cut away in the front from an overheating issue from years past.

I've read that you should have 40-60% ratio opening to core, but I can't see the OEM GT's having this. The only part of the GT nose I won't use is the lower "bottom feeder" portion, as my splitter will cover that up.

I'm opening the GT nose a little on the front to get the full 4" tall for the ducting.

Any ideas?