Ok, so I had this long drawn out post yesterday before the crash of my mistake on track Sunday, and it got wiped...so now i have to do it again...

For those that werent there, we had three drivers get called out during Sunday's qual session for on track infractions. While there was some contributing factors around the flag situation, the bottom line is we as drivers are responsible for doing what the flag man says, each and every time we get to that flagged area. We the drivers are the only ones at fault.

Of the three, mine was by far the worst offense: passing under a waving yellow and a white/red cross. Inexcusable. As a result I got my time DQd, my race result DQd, and I'm on probation, and I killed my team's chances for the year...and I am damn lucky that is all I got!! It could have gotten much much worse.

Please let that serve as a warning. It takes a conscious effort to check each flag station, each time.

I also believe this is just another example of why we need to institutionalize (mandate even!) a safety broadcast. We owe it to ourselves to give ourselves every advantage possible in our race with safety; the right seat, fire retardant clothing, head and neck restraints...someone in your ear telling you and reminding you is nothing less.