Keep it simple, keep it stock, keep it (relatively) inexpensive. Merging the 2 classes increases costs, significantly, when it doesn't need to.
This is the spirit of the class in it's simplest terms....I think.

My problem as a person in the middle of building a CMC car is that parts are getting hard to find and expensive. (for third gen, no one wants to keep a 305!!!)

What i would like to get out of this conversation is some intelligent and well thought out plans on the future of this series and how we are going to handle things as the new generations come out (5th gen coming soon ) Eventually no one will want to run a third gen for the same reasons that no one runs a 2nd gen. Parts are hard to find and alot more expensive to make it competitive with the higher generation cars (who have more horsepower, better suspension, better brakes, lighter weight)

I know someone will bring up the spec engine but seriously ya'll even with a spec engine......all Glenn, Al, mitch,morgan, etc. has to do is remove a restrictor and walk all over you (on the straights for sure). I chose to run a third gen because coming into this because i thought it would be more cost effective. Bull$h** As this whole thing progesses I realize i could have picked up a 4th gen really cheap and had alot more flexibility as far as class progression.

I hope this thread becomes a constructive and pertinent discussion.