OK, guys and gal, I've finally got the R&D done and have a package together. Thanks to all who helped me test and tinker with prototypes. I finally had to stick with high gain noise cancelling mics. Throat mics are probably still in the future but the quality we need is just not in our price point yet. But I'm still working on it. I also redesigned the car harness to add lenth to the PTT. Now it will reach the shifter knob or the steering wheel while allowing the radio to be mounted any place in the car.

Yes, I'm working on adapters for the guys who already have helmet kits and car harnesses of other makes.

I'm offering the demo units to the TX group first. I only have 30. They don't scan but they are good units and I don't need them on the shelf. These would sell for $149 with receive only headset so I'm selling them for $99. Please see my gallery for slicks of the production run products. All will be for purchase when I get a form up.

You will notice that I started a new company, "Argent Lab." This was 2 fold. First, I wanted to keep my service organization seperate from new products. Two, I owed a debt of gratitude to BCI's first 2 employees and I promised them a piece of the first spin-off.

As hoped, I was able to develop this product and offer it at approximately 60% of the retail cost of similar units on the market.(80% outside of this forum) The main factor is that the radios are my brand new line, I don't purchase Kenwoods or Motorolas and try to profit on packaging them up for racing. Everything in my package is built by or for Argent Lab.

Please give me until at least Friday and there will be an order form at www.ArgentLab.com.

Also, look for a contingency program soon. You can count on it!
