I have this switch:
Wiring diagram:

I have it wired as shown. The heavy gauge (factory) pink wire (ignition switch to ignition coil) under the dash is the wire that is "broken" by the Z terminals.

The good: The switch "works". It kills the car completely and instantly. No funny noises or such.

Turn key, flip master switch, fire up car. Car starts fine. Flip master switch to "kill", car dies. Restart the car, car idles incredibly rough and dies on it's own. Second restart, car fires up normally and runs normally, no problems.

Repeat the process. Car running, flip kill switch, car dies. Restart car, horrible idle, car dies on it's own. Second restart, car fires up normal, no problem.

Help? :?

Fuel pump turns on every time. Otherwise no other funny noises or symptoms that I can see/hear?