Quote Originally Posted by GlennCMC70

read the CCR Matt.
the official stance of mine and Al's is what the CCR says.
I guess I am confused as it appeared he was telling you that you were wrong? Am I missing something? I did get a C in Reading Comprehension but that was because I never went to class, not that I couldn't read well...?

Secondly, I would love for someone in tech to check for ANYTHING being powered once the car shut off!!! :lol: We all know good and well it isn't checked and by Al's theory, I guess I would need a separate battery for an electronically actuated fire system. Now THERE is a creative way to add ballast!!! :lol: Not that a lot of guys run electronic fire systems...

And for the record, my Master switch kills everything because it's too much of a pain in the ass to wire in the PCM memory ONLY... it would be nice, but it is easier to just reset the car for each dyno run so the "learned" numbers remain consistant.