Thanks to everyone for your emails and concerns.

My son seems to be doing well and everything on the home front is peachy-keen, but remains a high priority. We're taking things day by day.

This Texas AI/CMC group truly is a class act (only rivaled by the Texas A&M crowd) with an outpouring of offers to donate blood and such.

Tony Covini is doing well, but continues to have dangerously low blood platelet counts. We've gone thru the normal treatments at Texas Childrens Hospital to no avail and are now just hoping that his body just "figures it out" and stops filtering his platelets in error.

Apparently, this is a condition that can occur to many kids and 80% of them recover without any long term issues. For those of you with kids, here is the link for FAQ's on what we're working with.

In any case, Tony is doing well, driving his Lightning McQueen racecar around the neighborhood (see Photo section). So far, he has not had any immune system issues or comprimised health issues.

I've also taken up "timing & scribing" at my daughter's swim meets and have been amazed at the volunteerism and race event coordination of the typical weekend neighborhood Texas swim meet! Lots of lessons learned and a newfound weekend warrior skills. (Something about shaving seconds off a lap time, whether its me or my daughter, just keeps the Covini engines roaring!!!)

In any case, I won't be making the Hallett event and it's killing me to (again) miss Hallett, as I've never driven there before. I'm putting all my CMC eggs in the National basket now and hope to do well at Mid-Ohio if Family and Work considerations will afford me the week away to do the things that I love to do...race and spend time with like-minded folk!!!

As always, Adam is ready and able to lead the group as your Series Director at Hallett and we are both available at any time if you have any questions or concerns!!!

-=- Todd Covini