I'm always amazed (as I'm sure most of you are) that every time I research/read the rule book, there's always something "new" that comes abundantly clear. Clifton made mention of everyone's rules knowledge during the driver's meeting and what a world it would be if we all knew all the rules, inside & out, backwards & forwards.

I see that our "Rules" section is one of the lesser surfed areas of this forum. As such, I propose that we post a "Rule of the Day" quote from the CCR. (Once per day at a minimum.) This isn't meant to call out anyone who may have broken a rule nor to be abraisive. The intent is more of a "Hey...did you know?" ....or "Wow, I just read this and wanted you all to see it too."

I propose the following format at a minimum:
1) "Rule of the Day" in the subject heading.
2) Cut/paste the actual rule with reference # included.

In the end, I think this will raise the bar for everyone here...

-=- Todd