Good Morning: After a 21 hour trip with 417 stops we arrived at Carolina Motorsports Park. One stop was at Travel Country RV in Appling, GA to get the refrigerator repaired. Go figure, crust had fallen from the vent pipe and clogged the jet so it wouldn't light. Special thanks to Travel Country. They are good people with good service at a fair price. We were in, repaired, and on our way in less than an hour for a whopping total of $59. So here's a shameless plug to show our appreciation -

We pulled in around 4:00 yesterday just in time for the ceremonial unlocking of the gate. Tired but hungry we fired up the grill and invested some quality time into yard bird and fermented beverage. Unfortunately we turned in early only to hear someone tuning up a a jalopy at 1:00 am.

Today is practice and the rest of our team is not due in with the car until tonight so it's grilled sausage, boudin, fermented beverage, and Rolaids for the rest of the day.

I'll check back in when something cool and worth reporting happens.

