Lots of fun.
My friend and I took his souped up C5 out there and had a great time. His Corvette put 410hp at the wheels and ran through the mile at 165 mph. Not bad. I ran the car one time and did great until I missed 5th gear. I am retarded. The car doesnt have a reverse lock out and I was in such a hurry to find fifth that I put it into the reverse void twice and then gave up before I broke it and coasted through the traps. DAMMIT! Oh well. I expect it to be announced at the next drivers meeting. I was getting a little too big for my britches I guess.
We ran sat. and sun. and really enjoyed the cars/bikes and people more than the racing. The bonneville critters are very unique and interesting. Some of them were quite awkward and dangerous looking. LOL
NASA put together a good race.
I was sorry to see one of our fastest Busas go down and Care flight coming to the race again. He seemed to be fine and concsious and I hope we get an update soon. I cannot imagine coming off a bike at 200+. He ran through the traps at 204 and then disaster struck. Another reason for us to be careful out there.
My friend with the Vette (Matt) decided to drive back to Dallas instead of going with me back on the trailer to Austin. After I got home I got the phone call.
His caliper bolts fell out and the caliper fell off the rotor. He had no tools, no jack and no hardware. The good news.....none.
He was in Gods country just north of Cameron on HWY 77. Clifton lives in Waco and drives right by there so I called him in hopes of getting relieved from my duty to drive 1.5 hours to go fix the vette. No Luck, Clifton didnt bring his tools either. Long story short. I loaded the tools/hardware and Lisa and Charlie and back on the road again. We were able to find some bolts that worked and Matt found the brake pads on the road and he was back on the road in no time. Clifton showed his true colors and was very willing to help me find Matt and get him on the road asap. Thanks Clifton!
I was a little concerned watching Matt and Clifton drive away with the vette and LS1 Camaro wondering if they might be having more fun than me. All three of us were pulled over that day and only Matt and I recvd tickets.
The real good news is that Matt is now one step closer to road racing. I keep working on him and I hope I can get him in the DE sessions soon.
Again, the people make the event and NASA has great employees and great racers. I look forward to Cresson!

No turnout from AI CMC
For Shame, especially TC, EV, MB and DL. =)

See ya