Quote Originally Posted by AI#97
Quote Originally Posted by mitchntx

The chances of the R888 being the spec tire after all this negative publicity is highly unlikely.
I disagree Mitch....those at the TOP of NASA don't believe there is a problem. Until they are swamped with complaints about the tire or the cost to reconfigure our cars to run it successfully, backed up with REAL data showing them to be truly inferior, they aren't going to take action. I have tried but they think I am a no talent wack job from Texas that just likes to bitch... :roll:

So far, JWL has told me I need to go softer on the springs to make the tire work. Well, how the hell do you do that on an Aero car that would then be slammed into the pavement? I suppose you could raise ride height but now I need badass shocks/struts to control the excessive wheel travel and weight transfer and that would make it worse on what is effectively a street tire.

From what I have seen with my own eyes and been given by the powers that be, They are basing all of their "data" on cars running smaller tires (14" and 15" wheels). And seeing those cars/tires after running them, we are NOT getting the same results on the 17" tires. It's almost as if there are two different carcasses and two different compounds for the respective sizes.

For what it is worth- I have seen the need to soften setups for the R888, I dont think that Bad-Ass shocks are necessary yet, just different valving in what you have. You just have to know a creative shock builder :wink: