I know I'm new to this racing junk but why would a driver be DQ'ed for passing under yellow. Since I have been racing there have been several violations (like passing under double yellow) and I can't recall anyone getting DQ'ed (maybe I'm wrong)? Why would we want to take a racers season away? I know the rules are there to protect us but if we alienate the racers with penalties that take them out of the season points race they may leave us for the balance of the season and find out they no longer need CMC in their lives. The flagging was fucked up this weekend and I don't see this being something to take a guys season away for. In R2 we were getting the yellow for a car off in between 1 and 2. At the corner worker station at turn 2 I was getting told to slow down by a guy flailing his arms wildly! I did not slow down at his station.....why would I? Had I gone off I could have hit the car already off track. I think Mitch went off close to where he was. I think this should have been done differently to slow us down through that whole 1, 1A, 2 area but at station two there were no flags. If there was a pass under yellow a price should be paid but a DQ? James is as good a racer as we have in CMC and if it happened to him I'm sure it's only a matter of time before I pull something like this. For one quick moment I even wondered if the yellow at start/finish meant we were under full course yellow like in other forms of racing.

DQ or not everyone knows who's the top dog in CMC2!
There has to be another way. It was just an accident!