Being as tape don't lie ...

At 1:53 a racer checked up because of a visibly blocked track. Two cars pass him going into the smoke.

When CW station was passed there was no yellow as the on-track condition was unfolding. But most everyone was waving hands and checking up which is the reason for the first driver to check up.

Technically OK to pass? What is the expectation?

No tape, but ...

Later in the race, same corner and from my POV, I was following a car which locked up brakes going into T3 as you crest the little bump. The car slid wide in the turn. He never left the racing surface, but did move WAY off-line and in that general direction.

I had already committed to turn in and went past him.

CW station at T3 was displaying standing yellow and debris flags.

After track out, I waved him back around me.

Question is, did I technically have to do that based upon his leaving the racing line and based upon the manner in which did leave the line?

I understand that had he checked up and ran the turn wide on purpose, then definitely no. But this was a lock up and slid straight instead of turning to apex.

Not asking for blame, pointing of fingers or a critique of any one's driving style. Just want to know how that would be judged post race had it been brought up.

To me, the answers are the minutia of detail that we seem to be approaching.