For those of you who were aware.
In R4 I complained of my brake going to near floor level and bad fade one lap later... we dismissed it as fluid boiling.
Well as it turns out , while chasing Glenn and pushing on that middle pedal harder than ever. The brake switch jammed up against the steering column brace causing my brakes to stick partially on and essentially fry the pads and rotors on all four corners. ooops. Verdict: improper preflight/pilot error.

I thought Glenn had nitrous. :lol: I guess not. I wonder if I can still get my money back for the protest?
I would love to see some pics of yalls brake switches to see why the hell mine was in a position to get stuck up there. I have never seen that failure mode before. anyone else in a fox seen this?
Glenn I am certainly not taking anything away from your driving in R4 , I am sure the outcome would have been the same. Great racing.