I made a post on the CMC website about a year ago and got a lot of good suggestions to buy a race car rather than build one. I have since moved up to NASA Time Trials but have kept the car both TTC and CMC2 legal. However the car has a full interior, A/C, etc., so it's a heavy pig.

Because of economic reasons, (one way to motivate salespeople is to cut their compensation :roll: ) I won't be doing a lot of track days or Time Trials in 2010.

Sooooo, I'm thinking to take the leap and start preparing (gutting) the car for CMC2. Here are my reasons:

  • It doesn't cost me anything to strip the car
    Reducing weight just makes me more competitive in TT
    I have enough time to research anything that I don't know how to do
    I do want my race car to look like an S197 Mustang
    A cage and seat is cheaper than a used race car (cheap labor above)

I've met a lot of you at TWS - I'm driving the white S197 Mustang - and have probably pestered all of you at least once.

So assuming that the car is free, what am I missing regarding converting my Mustang to a CMC2 legal car? If the only expense is my time stripping the car, a cage, and a seat, shouldn't it be cheaper than buying a $5K minimum race car?