Quick background- gave a local (yahoo inbred mouthbreathing) shop SN95 front control arms (for our 88 Mustang) to press old bushings out and intall new MM Delrin bushings. "no problem", "done it a ton of times" etc etc is the line I get....and this guy has 2 local shops that have been here forever.....how he stays in business I will never know or care at this point. After 1 week the excuses start and the BS meter is getting pegged. I run by today to just get them and they haven't even been touched. I guess a 12 pack of Schlitz, a few hits of meth and boning your cousin are more important. Luckily this backwoods wife beater didn't damage anything and everything was returned.

So.....since I am living in the land of meth addicts and wannabe "fabicators" (and no that is not a misspelling (another story for another day maybe)) I'm looking for a well known shop that can be trusted to do this job of installing bushings, ball joints etc.. I'm willing to drive and/or ship parts.

I will be in the Dallas area July 14th, 15th, 16th and leaving the afternoon of the 17th so a Dallas shop is definitely a possibility if they can do it in a few days.

thanks in advance

Biloxi, MS area