I know it's January, which means cars are in winter prep for a fast approaching season.

Wouldn't it be cool to have some pictures of

- Francis trying to change valve springs
- Wirtz opening a new package of Zymol
- Mitch installing that (soon to be illegal) Mo PAH! exhaust

for the 2010 year end video?

I mean, can it really be just about the racing or should we also explore the deep, meaningful relationships between man and machine as they work in tandem to extract the last quintilla of performance in their ballet of precision driving.

I digress; take pictures or have somebody take pictures of you working on the car. Somebody bring a camera to the dyno days. Ask for a camera and mount for Christmaschanakwanza to record your exploits for yourself and the rest of us.

So the year end video is a given. For some yet to be determined reason, I told Al and Glenn (alphabetical, not importance) I would be willing to help with the year end video. I'm hoping Eric will be kind enough to critique if he doesn't have the full burden of production.

** I have no desire to monopolize if you want in this gig too. **

Knowing that the finished product begins with video and photos, it's never too early to be thinking about it.

For 2010 add to your New Year's Resolutions:

- I want to race and have fun, or vice versa
- I want to be in the 2010/Hallett video(s)
- I want to have video of those "other" fools

So, about Hallett. Since for many of us it WILL be the biggest race of the year, is there interest in a Hallett specific video? We can wrangle video/photos from the rest of the AI/CMC bunch, but if we want to do that, let's tell them now. Besides, I want to spoof on the SM and California guys... all in good taste of course.

You in, out or on the fence?