For those of you that were not at MSRH this weekend I'm sure you will soon start hearing about the situation with weights on saturday. I'll try to explain what happened from my perspective...

The scales were up some time saturday morning. Several guys, including Wirtz, Kellam, and Valentin weighed their cars and adjusted as they saw fit. I heard from a couple of folks that it looked like the scales might be reading a little light.

After the 1st race saturday we had four cars under their weight. All were sent around for another pass and three of them gained weight on the 2nd pass (around 4lbs). One (Wirtz) gained enough to be legal. The others were still under.

Several background things to add to what is going on in my mind:
1) The CCR allows DQs to be dropable, the CMC rules do not. If I DQ these guys their season championship is over
2) The CCR allows a 5lb tolerance on weight in this case, the CMC rules do not. If these were AI cars one would be legal
3) Every single car was under what the driver expected. I myself weighed 3290 and I never come in under 3300.

Glenn and I talked about it, and called two other CMC directors for their thoughts. We decided removing these three cars from the championship hunt over a couple of pounds given that the scales may be somewhat light would not be right.

So, while I know I will be considered spineless by some...Glenn made the suggestion and I accepted:
All three cars (Kellam, Francis, Valentin) were given a "0" for the race, not a DQ. They were also made to start the next invert from the hotpits. They were also informed quite clearly that this is their one and only weight mulligan for the year.

We will continue this going forward: the first time (and only the first time) for the season that you come in under weight you will be given the choice of a DQ as per the rules or a "0" and a start from the hot pits. I'm sure the AI guys will take the DQ as it is dropable, but the CMC guys...well, that'll depend on each driver's desire to stay in the championship.

Hopefully you guys see this as being fair to all. Over the off season we revised the CMC rules to allow DQs for on track violations to be dropable. Maybe we didnt go far enough.

Oh, and if you plan on being at nationals expect that this will not apply there.